Zombie Jesus 723 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) On 8/29/2012 at 2:28 PM, 6raham said: Ammo count was fixed for me since 2.5, my graphics bug is quickly and painlessly gone using the default/very high mem use fix in settings, I play on servers with third person and nametags set to 'off' (I consider these two especially as exploits) and have only seen hacking once when my favourite server (I won't say which but it is reliable and friendly) was down for updates and I had to play on a high pop UK server instead with everything enabled - and even that I survived through stealth and adrenaline.The unsaving loot issue is just another difficulty level. And get used to it peoples, when duping is fixed and hacked gear is stopped, you won't have a horde to fall back on. Hopefully also Rocket will implement gear vanishing on death too. Bring it on :) I like to play every game on the hardest difficulty straight off, I really don't see the point in lowering the bar to win, when all you do is compromise yourself. Treasuring the gear you carry is more of a buzz than knowing you can just sprint back to your stash every time you fail, it makes you try harder. So TRY HARDER.Workaround, people. Everything is doable, and still fun, if you have a modicum of patience and intellect.Ugh, this pretentious nonsense again. No one gives a shit if you think a legitimate in game mechanic is an "exploit," you play the game how you like and stop acting as though it is more pure than other legitimate players. I do not like nameplates so I often do not play on servers that have them, if you do not like third person keep that shit to yourself and play on servers where it is disabled. If you are not purposefully duping (I have accidentally duped gear before, never try to do it) or hacking then you are playing the game legit, end of story. I can see a very short gear timer that made it next to impossible for the person who died to retrieve the gear, but the person who killed you should definitely have a chance to grab that loot.Edit: I know it is incredibly off topic. Edited August 29, 2012 by Zombie Jesus 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mdiraq 15 Posted August 29, 2012 Tents and Vehicle fix.....Bottom LINE :) Nothing else is a priority....Nothing. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Figo (DayZ) 11 Posted August 29, 2012 Next time dont let us hang in the air its no way to treat customers !!! Status : still disapointed 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
6raham 90 Posted August 29, 2012 On 8/29/2012 at 2:52 PM, Cerbo Knight said: P.S. You come across as incredibly elitist, don't know if that was intentional or not.I'm incredibly old, that might make me seem elitist to younger folk. I apologise, it's not intentional. On 8/29/2012 at 5:04 PM, Zombie Jesus said: RantWell that's my opinion, you might not like it but i'm not going to apologise for it. I have read yours many times in the past and said nothing, most of the time because I agree. Most of the time. But fella, telling me to keep my playing preferences to myself because nobody gives a shit in the same sentence as your own playing preference is an oxymoron, and exactly what you seem to be calling pretentious nonsense. I was merely stating in my post that everything being complained about in the last patch can be worked around with a lot less effort than it takes to post complaints, and complaints about complaints, over and over again on this forum.You also seem to have completely missed the point I was making about third person, which is hackers prefer servers with everything enabled. Everything enabled means an advantage, an advantage means more players, as that is the playing style statistically most people prefer. Therefore, welcome to high population haxville. What's pretentious about that? The fact that nametags and third person allow you to see other players around and through objects when they can't see you OBVIOUSLY makes them exploits, this is irrefutable, whether they are part of the game or not, or if you or a million others like to use them in your playing style or not. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted August 29, 2012 On 8/29/2012 at 7:47 PM, 6raham said: I'm incredibly old, that might make me seem elitist to younger folk. I apologise, it's not intentional.Well that's my opinion, you might not like it but i'm not going to apologise for it. I have read yours many times in the past and said nothing, most of the time because I agree. Most of the time. But fella, telling me to keep my playing preferences to myself because nobody gives a shit in the same sentence as your own playing preference is an oxymoron, and exactly what you seem to be calling pretentious nonsense. I was merely stating in my post that everything being complained about in the last patch can be worked around with a lot less effort than it takes to post complaints, and complaints about complaints, over and over again on this forum.You also seem to have completely missed the point I was making about third person, which is hackers prefer servers with everything enabled. Everything enabled means an advantage, an advantage means more players, as that is the playing style statistically most people prefer. Therefore, welcome to high population haxville. What's pretentious about that? The fact that nametags and third person allow you to see other players around and through objects when they can't see you OBVIOUSLY makes them exploits, this is irrefutable, whether they are part of the game or not, or if you or a million others like to use them in your playing style or not.I'm a dick and that is my thing, so I never expected an apology. I was going to add to that rant that nobody should assume their playstyle is somehow more valid (as long as playing legit, like survivor versus bandit, not hacker versus non hacker), but it was already a long winded rant from a raving lunatic so I left it out (once again my style). If you would have said that about third person instead of referring to it as an "exploit" I would have left it alone, it is not an exploit it is an optional in game mechanic. Notice how I said I do not like nameplates so I avoid those servers, I never said it was cheap, an exploit, or acted as though I am too good for nameplates I just do not like them. I avoid high population servers like the plague and get nervous when more than 15 players are in a server due to hackers. I usually do not die to hackers because of my constant paranoia allowing me to see them teleport in as a hatchet wielding zombie, but we all have to deal with that nonsense (sucks because I enjoy occasional PVP). You still are using the word exploit though, an exploit would be server hoping to grab high level gear at the NWAF because you are using an in game feature to gain an unfair advantage (the feature is hive connection saving your place for other purposes and you use it to gear up). Using a feature on a server that is available to everyone else in the same fashion IS NOT AN EXPLOIT. Just leave it at not your cup of tea and stop using the word exploit as a descriptor and we are cool (or don't, but just know you are using the word wrong we could always disagree if you said it was cheap but I tend not to tolerate people making up definitions). Other than that you can have my beans for calling me out for being a dick. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MurQ 33 Posted August 29, 2012 PLEASE FIX THE ARTIFACTS FROM SOILDER CORPSES - 7 weeks now this shit has been going on Tents either need to be removed or fixed properly as they are currently duping factories that will not die, I would also suggest a tent wipe as some servers are covered in them. I'm willing to bet that there are more tents now then active players and on some servers there are more zombie tents than zombiesIf vehicle saving is fixed removing tents will make vehicles more valuable which is good also to fix a vehicle you should need a toolboxEither remove or fix barbedwire/tanktraps/sandbags as they are useless and just a tool for griefing and also cause artifacts, until they have a real role just remove the fuckin things 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
myskaal 50 Posted August 29, 2012 Glad to finally see some word here. Thanks for that.It's very difficult to track down every random interview/article/livestream/video/social media post to try to keep up with what's going on. These are the official forums and the majority of players looking for info on what's happening are going to either come here or check the main dayzmod site. It would be a really good idea to have someone keeping us up to date - or heck even the dayzgame.com website, so that we don't have to try to track down every random interview/article.livestream/video/social media post in order to find out what is going on.Gotta tighten up, guys. Reddit and 4Chan are not tops on many people's lists for "go to for game info". 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) For the patch. Artifacts -> Tents -> Vehicles. The trifecta of what is utterly broken right now.As for other comments, gear expiring is an awful idea. I was killed three times yesterday (artifacts+zombies, twice bandits), twice i got back to the body and nothing was looted. I consider collecting loot from when own dead body fair (forgiving how strange that sounds) when a ghille m4sd player sneaks up on the car i'm fixing and doesn't take a single item from my corpse. The other time my clan picked up my gear because I was playing a specifc role with a specifc item. Someone gave me a toolbox (yeah can't find more than one it seems) to infiltrate the area and clear the wire. IRL if someone goes down with vital gear you'd grab it off the corpse. If someone passes your gear over and you make it back to it good for you. A body that dissapears (without hiding it) makes no sense.And to MurQ, wire, bags, tank traps stay. Get a toolbox. If someone goes the lengths to make a fortress let them. Snip it down in 30 seconds. Edited August 30, 2012 by Trizzo 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirtyDuckling 13 Posted August 30, 2012 Appreciate the input. I don't feel we had to wait too long :) (not being sarcastic) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
di187072@gmail.com 3 Posted August 30, 2012 Hooray for the future update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antiskub2.0 17 Posted August 30, 2012 I ,personally, have been digging into the back catalogue of amazing arma 2 community made content, as well is trying to wrap my head around scripting in the 2D editor. wanna make a mission based on the movie "Battle Royale" on the island of utes. :) thanks for the update. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grylsyjaeger 171 Posted August 30, 2012 On 8/30/2012 at 12:43 AM, antiskub2.0 said: I ,personally, have been digging into the back catalogue of amazing arma 2 community made content, as well is trying to wrap my head around scripting in the 2D editor.wanna make a mission based on the movie "Battle Royale" on the island of utes. :)thanks for the update.BR > Hunger Games.XD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk 7 Posted August 30, 2012 On 8/30/2012 at 12:43 AM, antiskub2.0 said: I ,personally, have been digging into the back catalogue of amazing arma 2 community made content, as well is trying to wrap my head around scripting in the 2D editor.wanna make a mission based on the movie "Battle Royale" on the island of utes. :)thanks for the update.That would be awesome.Do not want to be the guy who gets the frying pan though!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MurQ 33 Posted August 30, 2012 On 8/29/2012 at 11:32 PM, Trizzo said: And to MurQ, wire, bags, tank traps stay. Get a toolbox. If someone goes the lengths to make a fortress let them. Snip it down in 30 seconds.Wire causes artifacts for me and many others not as bad as the soilder corpses but it makes areas unplayable and I have no problem with wire IF it wasn't zombie wire that comes back after every fuckin reset even though it was removed. I have removed the same wire/traps/sandbags countless times but it keeps coming back, I played on a server nearly 2 months ago and entrenched a cow(they didn't move then), I played on the same server a few days ago and the sandbags are still there.Tanktraps can be used to block spawnpoints ie I was in the south barracks and instead of loot in the spawn places all the spawnpoints had tank traps on them, I removed them all and hung around waiting for loot to spawn which it eventually did. I was on the same server a few days later and guess what?THEY'RE BACK endless fuckin griefin tools that require minimal effort to set up but grief for weeks/months Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MurQ 33 Posted August 30, 2012 I'm making a seperate post for this comment on the wireThink about the amount of server resources that been wasted on this crap that does not work properly or as intendedBarbed wire, its only meant to slow you down not block off areas because you are a fresh spawn and your brain is unable to find a way past some wire without a toolbox, in real life all you would have to do is throw something like a zombie corpse/door/plank on top of it and walk over itWire can also be placed in certain locations where it can not be removed even with the mighty toolbox due to the sweetspot been in a wallMaybe a compromise is called for and instead of completely removing barbed wire we can have a weekly hive wipe of this crap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aHzdaNny 49 Posted August 30, 2012 On 8/28/2012 at 11:11 PM, Matt Lightfoot said: Right due to the amount of PMs I am getting, the patch will not be released till after the 6th September. When Rocket returns from PAX. Funnily enough that is also my birthday I accept presents....The amount of gifts showered upon me will not impact the date of the release of the update and Dean is still working on the update while he is away in the US. I apologise for the wait but patience is a virtue. As we are developing the mod and the game at the same time, updates for the mod are likely to be less often due to the increased development tempo on DayZ standalone.As I say, you can't always have your Tiramisu and eat it.THANK. YOU. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted August 30, 2012 hope that is true matt but .....last two patches were supposed to fix the game and they actually didnt do anything much . they didnt fix artifacting which said fixed but wasnt. all i hope for now is artifacting is indeed fixed as that is what stops majority playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 30, 2012 Thanks to all devs, and others involved with this amazing game.I anxiously await every iteration of DayZ, and look forward to testing as much MMO Survival Horror as you guys will let me get my hands on.Keith Moon wanted to see Anne Margaret bathed in beans and chocolate, so this scene in the movie Tommy was born.For you all bean kings, I give you your Queen. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ajvkorn 72 Posted August 30, 2012 I think this is what everybody wanted..Just a simple official statement from a Dev to explain everything. Most of us already knew why the updates have been " delayed". It is obvious the standalone is more important, but hopefully you make people happier now! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leeu 38 Posted August 30, 2012 You'd think for a "mod" with 1.2 million players... maaaaybe they could HIRE some fucking coders (other than ONE MAN -> rocket the flopet) to maaaaybe get DayZ out of the toilet long enough until the stand-alone is released. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk 506 Posted August 30, 2012 On 8/30/2012 at 11:43 PM, Leeu said: rocket the flopetHe does seem to have trouble 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rjack85 55 Posted August 31, 2012 Well, at 1.2 million copies sold just for Dayz that's about $30,000,000 in sales. Thirty million buys a lot of beans but no staff apparently. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andris.orinskis@gmail.com 26 Posted August 31, 2012 (edited) On 8/31/2012 at 12:02 AM, rjack85 said: Well, at 1.2 million copies sold just for DayzAs far as I remember, DayZ had over 1KK unique players. Not "over 1KK of Arma2 CO purchases after DayZ mod release". I mean A LOT of DayZ players are ArmA2 fans long before DayZ itself.Does anyone know actual sales figures for ArmA OA and ArmA CO for:3 month sales before DayZ release;3 month sales after DayZ release;2nd 3 month sales after DayZ release.If DayZ indeed brought BI at-least extra $5000000, then I'd expect some 10 developers, 3 testers, 2 support staff in DayZ team. Just because it's obvious that at-least all who bought ArmA OA or CO just for DayZ mod, will gladly spend same money on DayZ standalone IF IT COMES FIRST. Or do they think that "WarZ" is the only one who jumped into rushed zombie-survival-MMO? Edited August 31, 2012 by Infineon 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dangermouseirl 5 Posted August 31, 2012 Seriously .. stop whining ,, be grateful you are allowed to be part of this wonderful alpha. Most other games you have to apply to be eligible to be part of the beta. Sure the mod has issues but the standalone is going be a whole different ballgame. Its not going to be a mod and the dev team can sort out all the issues like the graphical glitching and lock down the code so hackers can not exploit it like they can now. Be proud of the fact that because of you the game we all want is going ahead and instead of of whining at rocket and the dev team , give them your beans for a job well done ;) 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wh1tey 1 Posted August 31, 2012 (edited) On 8/31/2012 at 12:02 AM, rjack85 said: Well, at 1.2 million copies sold just for Dayz that's about $30,000,000 in sales. Thirty million buys a lot of beans but no staff apparently.u should know that rocket dont get this money for the sales of arma2 combined operations, because he is a member of bohemia interactive since 1. august 2012.he will earn money now only for the standalone game. so stop talking about rocket put ur money in his pocket, pls. Edited August 31, 2012 by wh1tey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites