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Disconnecting to avoid death

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i like this tent idea.

But again, this is only nice cosmetic to keep the immersion when our trouble seem to agree on the time the "timer/pitching your tent/any animation" would last before you effectively disconnect from the server.

guys listen, before they fix that, they should fix those stupid bugs. sometimes i just die when i log in. or i just respawn...but i wasnt dead. u break your leg when u go trough a door...you cant climb up ladders sometimes...you suffer in the wall... ive got killed 3 times by other players, and about 15 times because of those stupid bugs. oh and 3 times because of zombies... guys this game will be playable in about 2 years xD

I don't agree. Alpha is also to fix game mechanics.

Moreover the dangerous ladders, stairs, and any collision issue won't be fix anytime soon in Arma 2 as it is a "core bug" in the engine.

It happens in Arma 2 where yourself or AI can go through walls etc. They didn't fix it all this time cause i think they can't in this engine. I pray Arma 3 won't have these issue (And i hope that a journalist will finally force/ask them to show us some ladder animations, and people fighting indoors or walking up stairs - that would interest me more than underwater operation)

Meanwhile in arma 2, the collision shape of guns can be changed to allow you easier deplacements indoor with a weapon. I think it was a mod call "St_movement" from the Shack team. Thats all i saw in like 4 years.....

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3 minutes is just an example, I think it could be configured by the server admin, so that it can choose leaving bodies in their sleeping bag for 30 seconds, 3 minutes, and so on (btw I never said your sleeping bag idea was bad at all, I totally support it). Even set the timer to forever if he wishes to enforce that kind of hardcore gameplay.

Actually, if it was up to me, I would play on a server with my character bound to it, and no body despawn at all.

That would be cool, as long as the amount of time it would take to log out was posted either in the server name, or somewhere in the description.

I doubt that as a community everyone is going to agree to a set time, so if there was to ever be a set time to log out, will probs be chosen by the devs and have it fixed across all servers. I do however quite like the though of a permanent body on the server. The challenge and realism that it would bring would be extremely cool! Maybe on a few extreme setting servers or something could have this.

As for you saying that you never said the tents was a bad idea, I know. You haven't related any of your posts until now. And I have no problem with people who wana critique and pick holes in my idea, im open to all suggestions that people have. Im a level designer, I receive critique and idea changes on a daily basis :) So it's cool man :) Im here to discuss and develop everyones ideas, as like you all, I want this issue fixed.

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How about just stopping people from d/c when people/Zeds are close by? like in other games. Minecraft for instance, you cannot sleep when Mobs are close.

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Isn't there some sort of ArmA 2 Spotting system? I'm not a programmer but I'd assume maybe there is a piece of code that identifies if a person is spotted by a player or not. If they are, then they cannot disconnect, and if they aren't then they can, maybe with a 30 second timer. Really though this would interfere with who is a friend and who is an enemy. If you log out by all your friends, well, you wouldn't be able to.

Maybe a 1 minute timer that makes you immune to zombies, but able to be killed by players. Or maybe it just reduces your visibility and sound to 0, still making it so chasing zombies attack you, and players can also still attack. Yeah that would be cool.

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I think a mechanic where you character goes to sleep would be more sufficient; similar to minecraft. Every player has a sleeping bag that they keep in their back-pack. It can be used anywhere at any time, and deploying it will start a countdown timer of 10-15 seconds where you character starts to fall asleep. This should be able to be cancelled at any time by the player.

To go alongside this, I don't you should be allowed to log out when bleeding. Once you have bandaged yourself and the blood loss has stopped, you can log out using the sleeping bag. Tents could also be another place where you can sleep to log out. But it has to be your own tent and not someone elses.

Reasons why I purpose this method:

- A stand alone timer doesn't seem right, especially ones that seem like a very lengthy period as you may very well just get caught unlucky. You can find a safe spot, scope it out for 5 mins and then start logging out, just to have some random guy pass by and see you and shoot you.

- Leaving the body behind for a set time after spawn is just as bad, for exactly the same reason.

I doubt this would totally resolve DC'ing to avoid death, it would certainly help to give decrease the amount it occurs, and give a greater chance for anyone who's killing another player to get the kill.

Sorry, missed this post, disregard my tent idea then, this is the kind of thing I was heading towards

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I don't know why, but people are assuming that I think this is part of the game.

It's not. I posted in a thread that was talking about that, that META-GAMING is explicitly allowed. I.e. infiltrating teamspeak servers and groups etc...

Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.

It will be patched out, very easily, in a future update. The update is ready to go and will be released when the Beta patch for ArmA2 is out.

Does the release of 1.61 mean he will fix this now ?

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the real question is why cant we have pet zombies? i mean wtf why havent we tried to tame them?

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You only need a 10 second delay. I think most people here don't understand how long one minute is ffs. Maybe make it 1 minute if you have the shock condition but having to normally wait 1 minute is a pain.

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I don't know why, but people are assuming that I think this is part of the game.

It's not. I posted in a thread that was talking about that, that META-GAMING is explicitly allowed. I.e. infiltrating teamspeak servers and groups etc...

Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.

It will be patched out, very easily, in a future update. The update is ready to go and will be released when the Beta patch for ArmA2 is out.

hurry up and do it

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Sorry, missed this post, disregard my tent idea then, this is the kind of thing I was heading towards

Your tent idea isn't completely disregarded, as it would be nice to have them as a way of sleeping in as well. There could also be some risks but also some benefits to using the tent over a sleeping bag. Like sleeping in the tent can keep you warm, so you log in at a normal temperature, but could also have your tent destroyed, and your character killed with it if he's inside. As for not using the tent, you loose body heat in the dark, or when logging in and it's raining, and you log in 2-3 degree's away from catching a cold. So you either have to quickly seek shelter, or start a fire, or crack a heat pack.

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It is, but it requires the admin to catch you red handed, whihc is very rare.

Thanks man. Good to know.

It aint that rare btw. I've lost count of how many have disconnected on me.

So yeah, heads up on DE7 from here on in.

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The worst kind of DC'ers are the ones that shoot at you, miss, then shit themselves and logout.

Please fix the insta DC button its retarded.

Took almost 8years for EVE to fix logging out, hope this doesnt take as long

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I know this is a huge problem in the game for people who pvp, but what about players who just want to enjoy the zombie experience. My gf is by no means an FPS player but she likes the concept of this game and is willing to give it a try.

So far now she has been shot and killed without provocation and with no weapon just trying to enter a barn that's no way near any of the big cities.

The only option she has was to log off if she was being attacked and I know everyone can relate to the feeling of working hard for your stuff only to get shot and killed soon after.

So to cut things short, it would be great and all for people who just want to kill others but can there be a certain threshold you have to pass before this log out implementation be placed in the game. (i.e you have a high powered rifle with a secondary weapon with x amount of kills under your character)

This will be exploited by people who just sit out there and kill noobs at the shore all day and I know that will cause an uproar in the community, so I hope some consideration would be taken to those who don't want to go around killing everyone.

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I propose five simple things to solve the problem with DC:

1) To disconnect from the server player should perform action "Logout" from the game menu. This action starts a 30 seconds (or more) timer. If player moved from his place then action is canceling like other actions in game (bandaging etc.) and should be performed again. When timer ends up a logout screen displayed (like "you are dead" screen) saying that "you can exit now". If player close game from task manager or alt+f4 his character becomes AI, lay on the ground (to have less visibility to zombies) and stays in place for same time like timer. If you do not want to be killed offline - do not use Alt+F4, but logout normally, when you can control situation during logout.

2) When player connecting the server some notification (sound or text) displays for all players around 100m to inform them that area becomes not clear. It avoid spawning and killing other players from their back. Players will have possibility to switch server to go behind you and try to kill you, like now, but they will not do this, because of risk to be killed, because victim will know that you are connecting somewhere near, and because of timer described in p.5.

3) Disable Respawn button in mission config file. It will avoid players to select respawn place by continous respawn. If some one stucks he can try to relogin to unstuck or kill himself or die from hunger.

4) Server can not start the game if there is less then 20 players on it. If there is less then 20 players you should select another server with more than 20 players on it. It prevent players to use empty servers to move to long distances and fill safe.

5) Make time out between disconnecting and connecting to another server (e.g. 10 min) by logging connection and disconnection time and server ID, but allow to connect to the same server without delay (in case you lost connection or game crushed). I hope it will make less players play unfair.

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Getting shot should give you a 30-60 second abort wait time.

I just fixed the issue; yay.

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4) Server can not start the game if there is less then 20 players on it. If there is less then 20 players you should select another server with more than 20 players on it. It prevent players to use empty servers to move to long distances and fill safe.

Why would this be benficial to people who don't want players dcing on them?

Players who don't have guns are still at even greater risk at this point and laying on the ground with no gun being shot at the coast line for 30 seconds is more than enough time to get killed by someone with a high powered rifle.

Joining servers with a low player count at this time is the only counter productive way to not get yourself shot at while being spawned and starting off. Also there is still a possibility of someone still killing you with only 4 players in the game.

My point is to eliminate the likelihood from being spawned camped by people who just want to see others die, none of these solutions here stop that from happening it only gives an alert ....

Edited by Saiyad

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I really hope some thought will be taken into there being a threshold before someone can have these pvp oriented restrictions on them. Since most players like to pvp I find that ok but there are a number of people who just want to play the game and imposing these restrictions on them is ridiculous. If you have a high powered weapon and a secondary weapon with over 10 kills on your player then you should be considered a pvp player and then have the restrictions placed on them. That means the player is capable of playing the game with pvp in mind and also they have the intention of playing with pvp since they have made an active decision to kill people.

While I know at a certain point of time people can get 10 kills by just defending themselves but this can all be revised and hopefully better implemented into the game. I know there are other mmo's where you need to meet certain requirements before you can pvp. So why not this game?

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It's getting ridiculous now, pretty much everyone I shoot up north disconnects as soon as I hit them or even when I fire on them. One of our team members was killed, so we went to retireve his gear and they covered me. I took a shot (they missed my head) and only lost 4k blood, but we managed to spot their position, then light them up with two flanking. All 3 disconnect as soon as we return fire. We watched one guy aborting in and out to avoid zombies too, all night. If I FRAPS these people do they get a ban?

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It's getting ridiculous now, pretty much everyone I shoot up north disconnects as soon as I hit them or even when I fire on them. One of our team members was killed, so we went to retireve his gear and they covered me. I took a shot (they missed my head) and only lost 4k blood, but we managed to spot their position, then light them up with two flanking. All 3 disconnect as soon as we return fire. We watched one guy aborting in and out to avoid zombies too, all night. If I FRAPS these people do they get a ban?

Quite possibly, only on local servers. I think global locking of CD-keys should be reserved for hackers, not exploiters.

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The only option she has was to log off if she was being attacked

No, she has the option of dying. It's a full-PvP permadeath game, if you get killed, you lose everything, and everybody wants to kill you because you're a possible threat to their survival. That's the basic fundation of the game, If she doesn't like it then she should probably move to another game. Rocket said mutliple times it's an abuse to disconnect to avoid death.

Edited by Kiro

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No, she has the option of dying. It's a full-PvP permadeath game, if you get killed, you lose everything, and everybody wants to kill you because you're a possible threat to their survival. That's the basic fundation of the game, If she doesn't like it then she should probably move to another game. Rocket said mutliple times it's an abuse to disconnect to avoid death.

So you would rather have a system where you need to wait 30 seconds to log out, even if you have just started off at the coastline while being shot at???

Edited by Saiyad

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