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About zanfu

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  1. zanfu

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    1st Person Sucsess with firefights in Arma2/dayZ in general is very much based on you'r situation awareness (being aware of you'r surroundings and whats happening), 1st person forces you to keep looking around alot more to maintain a high level of situation awareness, while 3rd person gives much of this for free (especially looking behind corners/over walls and when prone) 1st person brings a whole new side to the game imo, It's just to bad there is no/very few good servers running with 3rd: OFF (with good i mean more then 30 players)
  2. I have noticed two things that seams to be broken. DayZ : and Beta: 94876 1. Backpack When I looted a dead body I took the persons weapon as my main weapon, and put my current one in my backpack ( Note that I did not spaw backpacks) when logging off about 15-20 mins later and logging back in several houers later, I find that Im still using the weapon as I took as my mainhand, and everyting in my inventory is still there, but the items in the backpack was not saved as everything I had in it before looting the player was there. If this was due to lag from hive when saving or something, shouldn't the stuff in my inventory also not have saved ? 2. Zombies Some Zeds just stand around like they are froozen and don't aggro me at all, seen this both in towns and after killing a player that had zombie aggro . maybe after killing the person that the Zeds are tied to they simply freez up ? (As I understand Zombies spawns for the first person to get within 200 m off the spawn point?)
  3. Me and 2 other m8's are all getting very long loading times, up to 3-5 mins to enter the server. We all run and 94876 we joined 3-4 different servers and all of them had this problem.
  4. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php I used that one, assuming that is the beta patch ?
  5. Does anyone know if its possible to roll back from patch 94945 to 94876 ( both are 1.61 ?)
  6. zanfu

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Does the release of 1.61 mean he will fix this now ?
  7. Just found a L85 on crashsite also, same problem as above stated, also when i tried to pick it up I got some error message Used the torrent file with 1.7.2 so im sure I got all the files and latest beta patch
  8. zanfu

    A85 with INFRED

    I just found a L85 on a heli crashsite, there were no "image" of the gun in the gear window tho, and when i tried to pick it up I got a message saying something like, you can't alter the mission file.. etc. So might have been taken out of the game ? or just bugged
  9. zanfu

    dual accounts advice

    I use 2 steam accounts on the same Windows user. (only have 1) But I have heard of peoples running it on two different Windows users, and it seasm to also work (just alot more work, patching two times etc) I think it is inportant that you choose to install to just the one Windows user for every install of the game if you do it this way (Think it is a option when you install, to install to all users etc ?), not sure how the cd-keys are stored in the Windows registry when you have multiple Windows users accounts but I have not tried this myself so I can not confirm if it works :( EDIT: I don't think it matters if you use a normal retail arma2 combined ops, or steam version. Safest bet would be to install on the same windows user account and just swap steam accounts, or if you know how to change the windows regisry that would be the best way
  10. zanfu

    dual accounts advice

    I just did this myslef. it works with steam/non steam. All you have to do get the cd key from the Windows registry for Arma2 OA (Arma2 can be the same, only need the one cd key) So if you want multiple accounts, just buy more Arma2 OP.. Then you can just change between the 2 cd keys in the registry, you'r profile will still be the same ingame (this only inclues you'r name and skin) Here is a link to a thread that tells you how to do it. Look at post #7 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12556 What you could do is to install arma2 OP arrowhead on you'r m8's laptop, just to get the cd key from his registry.. and he can use that to swap to his acount on you'r computer. hope that helped edit: I think you might just be able to use 2 steam accounts, and when you want to swap accounts, you just start opperation arrowhead on that steam account and it will change the CD-key for you in the registry. (not 100% sure if this works) Edit: i just tried this. and it works. So if you don't want to mess around in the registry, just do this ! Good luck :)
  11. zanfu

    AS50 turned into a DMR

    This very thing happend to a friend of mine 4-5 days ago, but instead it was turned into a M4 SD.. He was also using the large coyote backpack (24 slot)
  12. zanfu

    Has The Ghillie Suit been Fixed?

    Works for me. I think you must have the latest DayZ update and also beta patch for OA, and the server must also be using the latest patch I think. Also i read you should play for 30 mins after putting it on before you logg off.. (I played for 2 houers after i put mine on) Also now with the latest beta patch you wont drop stuff if you spawn in the ocean ? (not sure tho)
  13. Yes, can't seem to find any server that is not crashing/lagging like crazy atm
  14. zanfu

    FN FAL

    hehe ok, well guess it's good for night time. we found 2 of them. and 12 mags in total lol, seams the crash site heli was bugged or something. never seen that much loot in one place hehe