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DayZ Standalone Confirmed

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/\ Not shit sherlock.

Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. Reading even a little bit of this thread would tell you there is no solid release date at this point.

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Do we know the exact Date of the release? Like December 1st or what? Please reply or msg me the awnserr \;3

Sorry sir but we don't have any exact date yet. If the game is still not released on December, something went terribly wrong but I'm sure Rocket have it under control. Sorry if you're disappointed by the lack of information but the game is worth the wait.

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Does anybody know of any single player feature?

No sir and there won't probably be any. One of DayZ's main element is the players itself, without us, you wouldn't have to worry about your gear being snatched or you being killed for whilst you can just hide in a bush if being chased by zombies.

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Yeah, Day Z wouldn't be as awesome if it was just a single player experience imo,

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Somewhere in between December 1st and 31th.

1st is the first day of December and 31th is the last day of December so with this we can guess that it will come out in December :rolleyes: B) B) B)

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Insane requirements?

I have like 4 years old pc and still meet those requirements(quad core etc etc), some people must have budget "budget" PCs..

But its said that If you can run arma2 you can run Dayz... maybe even better when its optimized.

4 years ago quad cores were like 220$..and no game even utilized them so i bought dual core for much cheaper, i can get a phenom x4 965 black edition now for 100$..and a 1GB video card for like 120$-150$ which i guess isn't bad..ill prob end up coppin a quad core this comin up month i just hope my GPU is strong enough to bring atleast 40FPS in the standalone because if its based on Arma 3's engine, the minimum for Arma 3 is like 896MB of VRAM and my 4830 is only 512mb, if i could splooge on myself at will I would, but I got kids and chirstmas is killing me on money..

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The devs are doing things properly. Spending time getting a solid "foundtion" correct before focusing on the sexy stuff.

Edited by Fraggle
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"Most settings will be forced server-side, such as gameplay and graphical settings (view distance, shadow distance, etc…). The exact nature of this and specific settings is very much subject to change, but this will be a significant departure from how it is currently with the mod."


So does this mean the graphics quality may be limited and there could be a varying quality going from server to server? I hope the settings are equal to Dayz mod on the highest settings if not better with the added optimization.

Edited by vandal GAB

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No sir and there won't probably be any. One of DayZ's main element is the players itself, without us, you wouldn't have to worry about your gear being snatched or you being killed for whilst you can just hide in a bush if being chased by zombies.

I was actually discussing the idea of a single-player mode (I'm avoiding the term "campaign" here) in a different thread, I think it was ruarz' suggestions thread. Personally I think it would be great to have the option to host a single-player game on your local machine, just like in Minecraft, where you can play alone on a localhost server. This would give newbies some time to familiarize themselves with the controls and game mechanics in a closed environment, and it might just be fun to hunt some zeds from time to time without fear of other players. Of course, the real action would always happen on MP servers, but as long as your SP character cannot be ported to a MP game (to prevent people from gearing up in SP and then kicking ass in MP), I see absolutely no reason why we can't have a SP localhost option.

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Incase you missed it, a new devblog update: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/

Great news!! God I enjoyed reading this. Pretty excited about the fact that they're working with Steam. Also, "the controls have been completely rethought" ... so many good changes coming!!

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"Let me make this very clear, our foundation release (targeted for this year), is simply the beginning. We are committed to a period of development of at least 12 months beyond that."

When the stand alone is release you say you are committed for at least a year. What do you mean exactly by this?

- http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/36771692833/dev-report-november-2012

Edited by Shakis

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YES! December! That's tomorrow haha!!!

None of this 'Bought ArmA' bullshit. Everyone who wants to complain needs to understand that it was a mod, and they chose to buy the game for the mod.

But yeah! You guys should defiantly release it on the 21st! That sets the whole story up of this 'End of the World' thing, but instead of the world blowing up or whatever some of the theories may be, it could be a zombie apocalypse!

Just my input, but I know that even myself, can't wait until then!

Good job guys! DayZ is going to hit the market and blow up!

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Maybe they should release it a bit earlier. Just in case the world does end I'd like to play the stand alone at least for one day... :)

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When the stand alone is release you say you are committed for at least a year. What do you mean exactly by this?

It mean's development from pre-alpha -> final product will take atleast 1 year, what you dont understand?


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I bought ArmA II OA just to be able to play DayZ... and I damn sure will get the stand-alone version, too. No matter what the price will be. And after reading the DEV report I am really, really glad that I stumbled across the mod (watching sidestrafe videos is good for you ;) ) AND that Rocket and his crew get that wonderful opportunity to make his/their visions come true and not being bound like it sure was the case with the mod.

All the best to you guys, you rock big time!


(yeah yeah, I guess I'm a fangirl now *lol*)

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I'm just gonna keep bustin' their balls about adding things to the mod until the SA drops. Then i'm gonna hand out beans like i'm a deranged cook on an old west cattle drive.

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I just bet my friend $50.00 on the grounds that DayZ is released on 12/21/12. It would make since/ be ironic, and it would give the devs enough time to finish the foundation/core features of the game.

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I heard in the standalone there are scootechs, and kids trikes, even pogo sticks, and you can play card games and brew liqour in toilets. Someone said there was tinned spam and chickens give eggs, and you can perform surgery on wounded people. They mentioned how you can make different generators and electronics and you can make a white flag to surrender with, One guy said he'd played a leaked copy from russia and all the road signs were in english for them, although he only managed 5mins before his brain seized up with the excitement of finding an M16 with a built-in bean dispenser and xbox720 preloaded with GTA6 beta on it. I saw a working copy myself, ride past in a courier van at high speed. It looked really important and was probably really amazing and authentic but i cant be any vaguer than that right now.

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