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DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

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Awesome news, go BIS and Rocket!

Can't wait to hear if Arma2 or Arma3 engine will be used. I'll be disappointed if Arma2 engine, we want new and better pretty graphics!

Edited by Zorg

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Bwahaha. Are you being completely serious right now?

Bwahaha. Are you being completely serious right now?

I meant to only quote seanofthedead. I wanted to know where he heard that suma was asigned to dayz. Hard to navigate these forums on a phone, let alone post on them Edited by Thecolours

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I hope he sticks to the same map or something similar, that new Arma 3 map hasn't got enough forests and too many dry lands imo...

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Bwahaha. Are you being completely serious right now?

Zed, I commend you for how many times you've even replied. I would have lost it by now.

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Seriously impressed over here. Although ArmaII's damage tables have shown to be useless for this kind of game.

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I meant to only quote seanofthedead. I wanted to know where he heard that suma was asigned to dayz. Hard to navigate these forums on a phone, let alone post on them

I noticed on the tumbler page:

http://dayzdev.tumbl...e-beginning��on the right side it has a list of 4 devs. It makes sense. They probably need some one with as much engine knowledge as possibe to help implement the features.

Edited by SeanOfTheDead

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Also I'm under the impression the arma 3 engine is the arma 2 engine with major upgrades and overhals and not a new engine built from scratch (someone correct me if I'm wrong with a source) If this is the case that would prove that the Arma 2 engine is very versatile, extensible, and most certainly able to be made to work with all the features that he said he wants to add as what other reason would he have to suggest these ideas publicly if the engine hes been working with for so long couldn't be made to handle it.


Thanks to SeanOfTheDead for pointing out that it is the Real Virtuality engine.

That's what I got from this interview with Bohemia (dated June 14th),

regarding the Arma III using an improved Real Virtuality engine that Arma II is currently using.

They also discussed the success of the mod, Dayz.

So much speculation as to what/when/how ?.... so I'll add my thoughts.

My understanding from what I read, is that the current DayZ mod (running on Arma II),

will continue to be enhanced, upgraded, on the existing engine. (as a mod)

This will continue to enhance the player experience in the current mod,

get feedback from the community, as well as hash out any additional

Features, Game Mechanic changes for the end product. (Standalone)

The Dayz Standalone will be developed in parallel.

My guess is, (as many others here have stated), that the development efforts for the DayZ Standalone will be on the Arma III engine.

new and improved Real Virtuality engine, the same engine that Arma III will be using.

It just makes the most sense, businesses wise.

  • Capitalize on proven technology they already have
  • Reusable assets
  • Rapid development opportunity (as the Real Virtuality engine exist today)
  • Branch out to a different market within the simulation genre using an engine
    designed for military simulation that they have been using for years

I watched a few vids on YouTube, for the Arma III , and they look impressive.

I like the fact that a military simulator engine is being used for this.....uhhh Zombie Apocalyptic simulator.

I would rather play a simulator, than a pure FPS shooter.

Been there, done that, got bored……………

But, that’s just my preference.

Edited by Westford
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I'm hoping some sort of discount will be in order if you actually own ARMA II CO or ARMA II and OA. Good to see it happen tough

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little miffed having bought ArmA 2 and will have to buy the standalone as well.

Thats great news but WTF???? I bought Arma 2 Combined Operations just for this, they said they gonna keep updating this btu I am 100 percent sure they are not going to do that! In the best case they will just hire some random kids found on the street to keep updating this mod!


Some of you can't be happy for Rocket it seems?

This is a really big accomplishment for DayZ, and a MAJOR WIN for modders (like myself) and gamers!

So why is it some of you feel so entitled?

Why do some of you complain about the FACT that you purchased two entire games for a mod, but do NOT play the games you paid for?

Some of you are just plain ridiculous! Seriously... <_<

Edited by Ash712
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Concerning a seperate cost for a Standalone DayZ:

I bought Arma II: CO, just as everyone else here,

for the sole purpose of playing the Free Mod, DayZ.

That was a decision that I chose to make.

Just like everyone else here.

Just to play a Free Mod, because I like what I saw, and read.

Just as everyone else here.

I have no problem at all, paying for a Standalone DayZ.

Again, my choice.

Besides, I have Arma II:CO, I have yet to check out.


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This is pretty much offtopic, but meh, I don't really care

Please stop saying that rocket "deserves" all that money he's most likely going to get

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Sorry, but if this DayZ has taught me anything, it's that a standalone DayZ is going to need some griefer protection and admins with powers.

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didnt rocket say he would never charge for this mod? if they dont fix all these glitches and the hacking they have been ignoring, it wont sell much because we arent going to pay to play this mod again. hopefully they fix this and they dont over price the mod.

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Sorry, but if this DayZ has taught me anything, it's that a standalone DayZ is going to need some griefer protection and admins with powers.

The only 'griefing' in DayZ is the hacking/scripting.

Someone killing you legit is NOT griefing.

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didnt rocket say he would never charge for this mod? if they dont fix all these glitches and the hacking they have been ignoring, it wont sell much because we arent going to pay to play this mod again. hopefully they fix this and they dont over price the mod.

They aren't going to charge for the mod, but for the standalone GAME.

Probably on a totally different engine.

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Unfortunately for DayZ, it seems to be "too little, too late". With The War Z picking up production steam, I dont think DayZ standalone would be worth the effort. WarZ is pretty much a more polished version on a (presumably) much better engine.

Im not interested in the "who came up with the idea first" argument. Im indifferent. DayZ was a grea concept! Sadly, lack of content pretty much nipped it in the butt. To no fault of Rocket and his team. Only so much a small group of modders can accomplish, and they should be damn proud of what they were able to pull off.

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DayZ might be too little, too late.

But WarZ is nothing, right now.

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So much win and so much fail in one thread. I am sure a lot of people here struggled...really fukn struggled to put in any sort of effort at school or give a fuck about themselves and how they come across... it really shows. Really should have shut up at the back of class and taken an interest hey chaps ? Fuk me i bet you there is a lot of teachers pulling out hair in a blind stupor on the weekends wondering why there is so many absolutely dead brained kids dribbling nonsense on the net.

Congrats Rocket and crew on a getting your mod of the ground and heading towards a packaged product. Its awesome to see something come out that is not just the same old on rails shit that the game companies have been spewing out for the masses for years.

Hats off man.

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Unfortunately for DayZ, it seems to be "too little, too late". With The War Z picking up production steam, I dont think DayZ standalone would be worth the effort. WarZ is pretty much a more polished version on a (presumably) much better engine.

Not sure if serious? Remember, all WarZ has so far is a few questionable screenshots. War Inc, with the same engine they're using looks very underwhelming. With the WarZ devs doing so much in relatively little time, I'm not sure why do people assume the game will be much more polished?

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Was thinking about this, and while it's a victory for rocket and the dev team - hat tip to you, good sirs - it's also a victory for us PC gamers.

With the weight of our wallets we've got a development house to turn a mod into a full game. But no ordinary mod - one which rewrites the rules carved in stone by games companies for far too long now.

And end to on-rails, objective-based, hand-holding gaming! In your fucking face, EA!

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Standalone is nice as it separates the two types of gamers ALTHOUGH I kinda did want to play DayZ AND Arma III but in this case I would have to buy both games.

All I know is that I like how games are going these days. Less restriction and more freedom.

If DayZ got standalone and then made it so you could go into EVERY house (im sure they will do this..), allow you to board up doors or add more "Survival" to the game it would be the best zombie game for even more time to come. Even things like wire and sandbags made me get all hyped in this game because I could set up my own little defense but i was sad that the zombies walked right through the wire..

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I'm hoping some sort of discount will be in order if you actually own ARMA II CO or ARMA II and OA. Good to see it happen tough :)

I do not need a discount, much better would be unique skins for anyone owning ARMA2:OA keys prior to standalone release.

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this mod has probably tripled bohemia's income for the last 2 years. of course he's getting the go-ahead.

now let's just hope it all goes according to plan!


I'm pretty sure most of their income comes from fat government contracts for their VBS setup, like tens of millions of dollars. Game income

is peanuts top them.

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I can't wait.

They'll need to change the way they develop the game though. You can get away with rampant hacking, exploiting, power hungry admins (hijacked a chopper tonight and the server restarts 1 min later - funny that), lag and low fps in a free mod - customers will be far less tolerant to those things in a game they had to pay for.

I know I won't tolerate running around at 30 fps (with a high end machine) with barbed wire artefacts all over my screen while getting teleported to the moon by hackers in a game I paid for. Hope they'll sort that out before they start adding a bunch of features.

Minecraft was very playable really early on. This needs to be too if it's to have that level of success. A traditional alpha where features are added often at the expense of stability won't work in a live product people actually have to pay for.

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