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Add sounds for kills M M M MONSTER KILL

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I really like how in COunterstrike source etc there are sounds when you are on a killstreak. They should add that to DayZ.


How awesome would taht be!!!

Also we need a kill indicator like in counter strike like

MrMudd killed Analman with Ak74 - Thats why I always know someone is really dead and not just unconscious.

Edited by MrMudd
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The two great ideas that you have made should go into the suggestion forums as they will get a lot more attention than it would here. ;)

Edit: Subtle joke may be too subtle.

Edited by Sticker704
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however, I do agree we need killed by messages.

That would be pretty handy... Would make it somewhat easier to deal with issues like "X was killed by somedude" then two minutes later across the other side of the map after X has respawned somewhere... "X was killed by somedude-who-happened-to-have-exactly-the-same-gear-as-the-first-guy"

If someone is teleporting around the map killing everyone, then having "was killed by" messages, would give you a pretty good idea if someone's cheating, allowing the server admins to handle it on the spot.

Edited by Dramatic Exit

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