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About nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

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  1. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Military helmet, gas mask, one punch to the head, dead.

    Wearing a bicycle helmet will prevent you from being knocked out! It is the only helmet in the game that has Shock resistance, the ballistic helmet can block up to 1 bullet when pristine though.
  2. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Is it worth to walk far away ?

    Balota is more of a high risk-high reward situation, either you'll die a painful death or you'll get fully geared in 10 minutes. Going up North means having to find food and drinks to survive until you get there, then running for at least 30 minutes, get geared (without the risk of being killed, though, I agree) and then run back to the coast if you're a PvP player (30 mores minutes of running and you'll get killed just as fast as anybody else once you're back south) or stay there alone if you're a friendly player. Basically unless you don't enjoy PvP you're wasting A LOT of time.
  3. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Is it worth to walk far away ?

    I went up North a few times, never met anybody. Not one single person. The loots are also the same there as they are on the coast. IMO the only 2 reasons you would have to go there would be to survive longer by not having to deal with bandits and explore the map. Considering the current state of the game, going North is pretty much the same as playing "Running Through The Woods Simulator 2013" until you die from a bug or break a leg and die from thirst/hunger.
  4. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    The game went French on me and I can't see any other server.

    Go to: My Documents>DayZ open DayZ.cfg with your Notepad Change the first line to: language="English";
  5. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Where are the 1200000 players?

    1,200,000 is the number of people who played DayZ at least once, it doesn't mean that they're still active. The number of players in the last 24 hours is something like 90 000 on average currently. The number of concurrent players at a given hour is what you are looking for, I know that near the mod's popularity peak it was around 30 K people. The active population is less than half what it used to be so I'd say if you look at the server browser at the best time of the day then there'd be 15 K people spread on 4 K servers. I think that's more or less accurate...
  6. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Anyone high literally every time you playDayZ?

    Oh man, I hate stoners. :(
  7. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    I'll never quit

    You're so right! I'll fight by your side brother, we won't let them win! Seriously, though, they can have the DayZ mod if they want to, I don't care enough about it to let them ruin hours/days of my time just for the sake of "not letting them win".
  8. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Becoming the very thing I hated

    The mod doesn't give you any objectives, so you have to make up some for yourself. It's only natural to try and control the whole server, "beat the game", and for that you have to beat all the other groups. That means finding their camps and stealing their vehicles and making them yours. Everyone is or would be a hoarder if they had a group. Except for the odd bicycle riding lone wolf.
  9. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    GDC Online Awards

    I won't vote for DayZ. Clearly there HAS TO be more deserving games/mods and I don't want them to be robbed. I'm not going to vote for the potential awesomeness of a concept over an actual achievement. I believe winning an award shouldn't be as easy as releasing a really early product before it's done and making promises you might not even keep.
  10. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Are all the 20 minute players gone?

    Chances are all these people who said they were ragequitting actually did ragequit. Players in the last 24 hours have been steadily going down and are already less than half what they used to be.
  11. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    US 2313: Roy admin abuse kicks player off

    Oh man, this guy is gonna be in a lot of trouble! I've never seen a case of admin abuse stay unpunished. Actually, wait...
  12. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    can anyone recomend a gmt-6ish server? uk pref?

    SK 1 Private hive. Best server I've played on so far.
  13. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Server population really dropping off

    A month ago, when it was at its highest, the number of players online in the last 24 hours was actually around 200 000 (I've seen 207 000) on a weekend day. People say it's because of school. Because yeah, people that go to school simply don't play the game anymore at all, not even on weekend days. Also it's been going down at the same speed for a month, so yeah, nah.
  14. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    Any Signs Of Rocket!?

    He's been back for like a week already.
  15. nucleqrwinter@gmail.com

    How is this possible? (no dump, no Alt+F4, + timer)

    At some point, when every obvious choice has been made, you have to make decisions that will affect the game both positively and negatively. The only thing you want is for the positive effect to be more important than the negative effect. Simple as that. Then it all comes down to opinions.