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Jeff (DayZ)

Food and water being used offline

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lol at the guy not playing the game anymore because of this... are you serious? Just play it as it is, you quit for a day, log back next day, have food and water on you, drink, eat it. All fixed within 3 secs. I find it exaggerated that some quit cuz of this. It is not game breaking.

I logged in, water was flashing, I had enuff time to run to this town that was like a few mins walk, fight zombies and loot a shop fast, finding water.

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Seconding the OP. This is one of the only design problems I have with the game. Either freeze people's hydration and hunger while logged off or at least slow it considerably. At the moment it really hurts players who only play for a few days a week.

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I really don't have a problem with it since you cannot die when offline, you merely become thirsty and more hungry. Just make sure you have food and water on you, this is no different from when you actually play.

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I logged in last night and water was flashing. I forgot to log off with water. I had tons and tons of time to find water before I died. I lost some blood, but overall I don't find this to be an issue.

I think a lot of people are reacting to this without experiencing it first hand.

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I play once every two days or so for only about a hour (one or two 'stints' of eating+drinking) and this is something that happens to me every time I play.

Just make sure you log off WITH food and water. Think of it was you are just sleeping or holding out for a while. The only thing that bugs me is eating/drinking, then getting disconnected, only to come and be starving/thirsty and the food/water I just consumed is gone.

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I'm pretty sure they fixed this. When you relog, your food / water is fine.

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I'm pretty sure they fixed this. When you relog' date=' your food / water is fine.


Nope you still loose it. Logged out yesterday with full water and food. Today they were both flashing. It's especially annoying it sometimes can be hard to login due to how many people are playing atm.

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Or just make it more realistic. A person can survive without food for weeks. A person can survive with no water for at least a week.

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Wasn't aware of this.. But I agree, it is unfair to many users..

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Or just make it more realistic. A person can survive without food for weeks. A person can survive with no water for at least a week.

Lol. Yeah you just go ahead and try drinking no fluids for a week good luck :rolleyes:

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A human body can survive 8-14 days without water depending on the person and how fast sweat, urine, and tears are leaving the body and up to 4 weeks without food depending on conditions like weight, temperature and exertion.

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Weeks without food or water? What?

@ an average of 15 degrees C, an average male human will last 3 days without water.

Depending on physical exertion, you may need to eat as much as 2000 Calories per day, or at the least 1200.

Leave the game as is. If you want this to be casual, go play Cod, then just leave. Its fine as is.

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Running through the forest for hours on end won't really go well with a lack of water for 14 days

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I most heartily agree with this!

Food + drink being consumed offline/starvation isn't about being a 'casual' player or not- it's about how much free time you have, it's about not wanting to have to stock up on supplies for an extra 20 minutes just so that you can safely log out.

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Running through the forest for hours on end won't really go well with a lack of water for 14 days

Luckily we're talking about food/water while logged out. Which means your character isn't moving at all. With no exertion, a person can survive at least a week with no water, and weeks without food.

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Personally i think the food/drink gauges should go down during offline time, but never beyond blinking red, so at worst, next time you log on you have to have a meal/drink.

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Keep it as it is. It's not hard to keep 1 extra water and food source with you. And what comes to day cycles keep it like it is.

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If it is for realism it should go down slower. You can go without water for 3 days. Without food much longer.

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I think it hould be kept but the food and water level should not tick down lower than flashing red. It should also tick down slower than ingame, so you know if you need to leave for any reasonable amount of time, that you need at least 1 food and 1 water on you for when you log back on.

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