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About Jester.

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Jester.

    [VIDEO] Hostage Situation gone wrong ! A must see!

    "If we kill them we'll get banned." Shitty server. I hope it's a private hive.
  2. 911, there is a sniper on top of the hospital in Elektro, killing those in need of medical supplies! Hurry! US IL5 Chicago
  3. Jester.

    Zombie aggro adjustments.

    Okay, I should probably get rid of those tags...
  4. When you claim an area( Sitting in it for over twenty minutes [small towns and camps only]), zombie spawns should be disabled for up to 50 meters. There is currently no incentive to stay in a town once you take it over, because zombies will just keep aggroing, and you'll end up wasting all of your ammunition and supplies in minutes. The point of this game is to survive as long as you can, so why are there Left 4 Dead style constant spawns? While we're on the subject, Zombies should not be aggroed by far away sniper shots. There's no way they would know where the gunshot is coming from, even if there's a loud sound. Let's remember, they're walking corpses.
  5. It just seems like this server's admins are either never on, or don't care that there are a dozen hackers on at once.
  6. I'd rather have stuff like better anti-cheat in the game.
  7. Jester.

    50 Jerrycans?

    You'd be lucky to find one in a normal camp.
  8. * Server this happened on: US 89 * Time that it happened including your timezone: This happens 24/7, no matter what time. * What happened during the incident: Well, US 89 doesn't have a lot of admins, so hackers take advantage of that, and spam the server with vehicles and weapons, while constantly teleporting / killing players. I challenge the developers to go on this server and see for their selves.
  9. Could you show a roster of your admins? There are people claiming to be an admin, but I don't think they are.
  10. Jester.

    Banned from US 89 (Steamgamers)

    This was settled on the Steamgamers forums. It was a misunderstanding on the admin's part.
  11. I was just randomly banned from Steamgamers for "scripter". I don't know what that means, but I'll explain what happened, and you tell me why I was banned. I was talking in Side chat to a guy who had a chopper, and I told him where to pick me up. While I was there, this kid had an old bicycle, and he offered it to me. It was broken, but I rode around on it anyway, just really slow. As he was putting a tire on it, a zombie that was chasing me around died. I don't know if it got shot or what, but he died. Then out of nowhere my game started getting big FPS lag, then I crashed. When I rejoined, it said http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/542938759879983503/31AA010364C1B09DEAB6C54365F0B7676AC47687/ I would like to add that all day there were hackers on the server, and I was one of the players they killed.
  12. Jester.

    Night is just TOO dark...

    I support this suggestion. The night is too damned dark.
  13. Those who say it's realistic, what's so realistic about the bandit skin?
  14. Jester.

    Loot tables adjustments

    I'd like to see more important stuff spawn in far away villages, like toolboxes, knives, and matches.
  15. Jester.

    Server Uniqueness

    If you think there's admin abuse and hackers now, just wait until each server controls their own inventories. And I bid thee, a no thank you.