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Congratulations Community, You have become scum.

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Why the fuck are you posting multiple times to correct yourself? Use the edit button, christ.

Why are you so butt hurt?

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Never thought I would register here, but hey, I just liek those threads. Last time I got killed by a hacker was when an exploding cow fell from the sky, I laughed and moved on. I can understand that it's frustrating when you get killed for the tenth time in a row, but some of these scripts are just funny. I already had the opportunity to enjoy one of those "Thunderdomes", and I can happily report I was the first that got killed and I also broke every bone because some guy teleported me atop a tall building while I was running.

And for the becoming scum thing: The hackers are less annoying to me than the Alt+F4 crowd or the uber 1337 banditz who shoot unarmed newbies in Elektro with their precious AS50 rifles. To be honest, the game does encourage griefing, and hacking isn't any different. Some people execute their little scripts to kill people on the other side of the map, some people sit down for two hours and pick off all the new players on the coast just for the lolz. And don't get me wrong, I can't really blame the sniper guys, with the DC cowards running around you have to one-shot everyone.

Did you miss the last 10 years of online interaction or did you just forget about the concept of trolling?

Concept was completely forgotten. I felt like this was going to be the first game 99% of people take seriously xD I was very wrong.

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Congratulations on making another thread which consists of stuff that we already know. :rolleyes:

Whining threads are not going to help in the slightest, if you do not like the current situation play a different game for now and come back once the standalone has been released.

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It's funny, because I've never experienced the high-profile hacking situations.

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Concept was completely forgotten. I felt like this was going to be the first game 99% of people take seriously xD I was very wrong.

Seriously? If you cheat in COD or BF3, the victim doesn't have to re-unlock everything, in DayZ the poor guy loses everything. Therefore, griefing in DayZ is much more fun because it inflicts more "emotional damage", as long as the victim really gets so pissed because he/she died. Hell, the game is a total grief fest if you play legit and just shoot everyone on sight in Cherno or Elektro with some uber gear you farmed up north, so it's even more "fun" to hack in this game.

Best thing to do is to stay calm and don't rage over everything. I'd actually like to talk to the guy who killed me with the parachuting cow, that was just hilarious.

Edited by daskleineviech
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So long as any hacks or exploits are possible, people vvill use it. Then people seeing someone use it vvill vvant to use it. Till it reaches this point, and its only going to get vvorse and vvorse. Until you vvont be able to play 10 min on any server vvithout everyone dieing ;/

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It's funny, because I've never experienced the high-profile hacking situations.

Then obviously you are lucky, or don't play the game that much.

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I guess i must be an an exception but I haven't seen a single hacker since i started playing DayZ 3-4 weeks ago. Guess i picked the good server :P

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DayZ alone has increased the sales of ARMAII/CO by 600%, the least they could do is get harsher on the bans

Targeting the whole community as hackers though, no

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The ban hammers are going to come out but the cost to replace the key isn't enough to convince these fuckers to fuck off.


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Well. I thought I would congratulate the community on its progress. Every god damn server now has a hacker. Do you suck that much that you need to create unfair scenarios? Do you hate yourself so much as to waste time writing code for a hack against a mod!? Not even a stand alone game? Hacks have been raging within the past week. Its ridiculous, this mod cannot even be played fairly anymore. Play the god damn game the way its suppose to be played. Those lines of code were not written within the mod itself for a good reason. Because that's far from the way the creator wanted this to be played. Have a little respect for Rocket?!? He gives us an amazing mod, yet you scum of the earth start manipulating his community. Ive heard it from many non hackers that they are either giving up or just going to hack as well now because they cannot play without the interference of hackers. Now the people that actually pay money for these hacks... I have zero respect for you. To make the hacks is one story, which yes it is impressive to see you have manipulated the game into breaking to your will. I don't agree with it, but yes it still has some sort of credit. But those who buy the hacks are the most pathetic people to ever play video games. A true disgrace to the gaming community. Show Rocket some respect as well as the community. Don't turn this into the same conduct of the LoL or the HON community. They have become a true mutiny filled with disrespect. Play the game fairly or don't play at all. Don't spend money on cheating at a game you can succeed at perfectly just by playing fairly and developing skills.


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There's too many of these threads, seriously. It's like people make yet ANOTHER thread about hackers or how stupid the game is about every 5 minutes. It's not like it's helping anything. Some of the threads are little kids whining, some are people who understand, others try to be philosophic like this one. Just saying.

But then again, yes there are many hackers, and no there's fairly little you can do with it. Just live with it, or wait it out. Threads like this FEED the hackers, literally, they love to see these threads and they will only continue. "Don't feed the troll." you know?

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I gave you beans just for the picture.. did you say anything interesting? :o

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There's too many of these threads, seriously. It's like people make yet ANOTHER thread about hackers or how stupid the game is about every 5 minutes. It's not like it's helping anything. Some of the threads are little kids whining, some are people who understand, others try to be philosophic like this one. Just saying.

But then again, yes there are many hackers, and no there's fairly little you can do with it. Just live with it, or wait it out. Threads like this FEED the hackers, literally, they love to see these threads and they will only continue. "Don't feed the troll." you know?

I don't care if it feeds the hackers. I really don't. They are pathetic and have shit lives, knowing mine is better is solace enough, The point is, Red Rocket and the dev team are IGNORING this problem, failing to even acknowledge the gravity of the situation. Until they do, I say we spam this issue as much as humanly possible...because you know what? It's all we CAN do.

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All games that can be hacked, will be hacked.

What it boils down to in the end is how well the anti-cheat system works (not at all) and how much information an admin is given to find, ban and report cheaters (none).

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I don't care if it feeds the hackers. I really don't. They are pathetic and have shit lives, knowing mine is better is solace enough, The point is, Red Rocket and the dev team are IGNORING this problem, failing to even acknowledge the gravity of the situation. Until they do, I say we spam this issue as much as humanly possible...because you know what? It's all we CAN do.

Just because they hack does not mean they have shitty lives or whatever. You can't judge a person from behind your comfortable chair and fancy desk, for your information. They might be rich people, they might be some fat guy, they might be a really nice person, or it's just a little kid. You simply do not know. Please remember that.

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So long as any hacks or exploits are possible, people vvill use it. Then people seeing someone use it vvill vvant to use it. Till it reaches this point, and its only going to get vvorse and vvorse. Until you vvont be able to play 10 min on any server vvithout everyone dieing ;/

Double V's everywhere. You can have my beans just because what the fuck man?

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Do i mind hackers who code the hacks, nope.

do i mind hackers who code the hacks and test them out, kinda yes.

but still hats off for finding holes or beeing able to bypass security.(even though it's wrong)

do i mind hackers who sell their hacks to script kiddies, yes yes i do.

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Just because they hack does not mean they have shitty lives or whatever. You can't judge a person from behind your comfortable chair and fancy desk, for your information. They might be rich people, they might be some fat guy, they might be a really nice person, or it's just a little kid. You simply do not know. Please remember that.

Just based off of the fact that they need to hack, troll, and be a virtual sadist tells me that they are insecure douchebags whom enjoy causing other people emotional pain.

Yes, I can proudly say my life is better than ALL of theirs.

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Seeing as I'm an individual in this community, i would like to say that i am offended. I don't like being called scum. Next time please take note that there is a difference between the general community and the hackers.

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i logged into 3 servers in a row with fire in the sky.

it sucks but i'm trying to be patient

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So Op, gotta any friends telling ya some stories?

IT sux, wtf you want dude? Stop playing for a while, go outside, have a smoke..

Leave, who fucking cares..

Edited by opeth

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i logged into 3 servers in a row with fire in the sky.

it sucks but i'm trying to be patient

That doesn't mean it's hacked. That just means a helicopter crashed around the fire. It just causes an enormous animation lol. I had that when we crashed, when we spawned we could easily guide our way back to cherno where we died lol

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Do i mind hackers who code the hacks, nope.

do i mind hackers who code the hacks and test them out, kinda yes.

but still hats off for finding holes or beeing able to bypass security.(even though it's wrong)

do i mind hackers who sell their hacks to script kiddies, yes yes i do.

LoL you do realize there aren't "holes" for hackers to find in this game but OPEN FLOOD GATES.

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That doesn't mean it's hacked. That just means a helicopter crashed around the fire. It just causes an enormous animation lol. I had that when we crashed, when we spawned we could easily guide our way back to cherno where we died lol

Funny, I thought this was a sure sign of hacking.

Now I know it's a possible sign of chopper.


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