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Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

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I like the feel of number one. It is always a good feeling to be on board with a community relatively early.

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ill buy all of them! please tell us when these are available! especially the alpha one, we gotta represent, bitches!

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WTB some variation of a BEANZ shirt, maybe with the logo scene across the bottom.

I like subtle approach as an adult, not so much of a closet gamer but I avoid any conversations that may branch off into WoW etc. "Oh someone I play WoW with plays DayZ, sounds cool, do you play WoW?" is a much shittier conversation than someone recognizing Beanz + logo. "Dude, the other night we were rollin 6 deep and my buddy limp wrists an in-door nade and blows up 3 of us, had to push 1 out the door in a shopping cart w/ his legs blown off" is a bit more social than listening to someone rant about deeps meters.

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I voted for option one' date=' but a "Waiting for [b']wearer response" T-shirt would be cool too.

Hmm. I don't understand what you mean (edit: now I get it, wating for someone to say: you play dayz too? heh). I thought you said server not wearer when I quoted you (might as well keep it now lol). Lack of sleep, I guess. Hehe. Anyway...

That on the front (same font from in game) and on the back where the tag is inside the shirt, but on the outside just under the collar reads DayZ (same font as the header) and maybe in small red print almost striking through it (but more towards the bottom) should say Alpha. Nice and subtle.

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Third option is good ehough. No reference to dayZ, but whatever.

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I think it would be much better if it just said "I Survived DayZ Alpha" instead of "the dayz alpha." I also think the guy standing between I and Survived is a bit much for a shirt.

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How about a T-shirt with the red broken chain symbol, or "waiting for server response" written across the front?

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I would like to see a version of number one with the survivor laying his rifle over his shoulder on the side somewhere. That would land my purchase.

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