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Pending Update: Build

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Please give us the option to drink the bean juice from the cans and have it replenish our thirst. :P

or pull a bear grylls and drink our urine!!!!!!!! lulz

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I actually have to say that i support ALL of the recent changes and many fixes. However there is one thing that makes me anxious about the ammo/pistol damage nerf... Zig zagging sprinting zombies. Unless you shoot before they start moving or get into a building and use the fact that they cant run indoors there is no way in hell you are pulling off consistent head shots. So, fix the zombie pathing, please! More zombies, awesome, smarter zombies, nice, ammo actually depleting, wicked, but.... fix the pathing.

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or pull a bear grylls and drink our urine!!!!!!!! lulz

Survival at its best!

[NEW] Drinking too much urine makes a constant fly buzzing sound around you and alerts other players.

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so (i don't know which is why i ask) everytime a server is restarted all tents loose their contents?would i be correct in saying that it wouldn't matter if all tents were deleted/reset?

based on the fact the problem with tents is due to their being over a million, the tents with a code of 1 million + are now the 1s causing errors and therefor any tent added from then on will be glitchy.

seems the obvious action is to reset the lot no?

Honestly I have no idea how to go about fixing it, since I don't know exactly how the server stores the information I can tell and since tents are server side are they even sent to the Hive database or are they stored locally on the server itself? Since tents are server based it would make more sense to me honestly to let the servers themselves handle the tent and vehicle inventory/locations rather than the hive database. Without knowing how exactly everything is saved I can't really give a solution. I mean databases can easily handle millions of items per table but how they have the database setup etc. plays a key role in it. I still have 2 or 3 tents that work properly saving wise, the rest don't save and I guess were after the 1 million mark.

I mean I've worked with databases for jobs and programming etc. so I know having 1 thing setup wrong can cause everything to go wonky, but it shouldn't be hard to fix the database but like I said, I don't know how it's setup so I can't really say and I doubt rocket would let some random guy from the forum try and help fix the problem :P I would if I could and even do it for free but *shrugs* I've gotta leave up to rocket and his team.

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Rocket please bring back the respawn feature

People are getting stuck in the debug forest, And the middle of the ocean!

They can't get out!!

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Please give us the option to drink the bean juice from the cans and have it replenish our thirst. :P

at least being able to drink directly from wells & other water sources such as ponds, lakes & when it rains that too should be classed as a drink, ie as if we had collected enough in our hands :)

certain sources could be an additional source of a fever when that is finally re-added working.

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at least being able to drink directly from wells & other water sources such as ponds, lakes & when it rains that too should be classed as a drink, ie as if we had collected enough in our hands :)

certain sources could be a random additional source of a fever when that is finally re-added working.

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Apparently you can dupe using backpacks anyway. I run into people in full gear and ghillie suits all the time and I just realize I have to accept it's a part of DayZ.

It's almost like a ghillie suit combined with a high powered sniper rifle is a dead giveaway for a duper.

That's not true. I found all my weapons, gear, and ammo legit. Ghillie, DMR, GPS, etc etc... Never duped a thing.

Actually just got taken out last week.. Back to square one, Pucker and run! :thumbsup:

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I actually have to say that i support ALL of the recent changes and many fixes. However there is one thing that makes me anxious about the ammo/pistol damage nerf... Zig zagging sprinting zombies. Unless you shoot before they start moving or get into a building and use the fact that they cant run indoors there is no way in hell you are pulling off consistent head shots. So, fix the zombie pathing, please! More zombies, awesome, smarter zombies, nice, ammo actually depleting, wicked, but.... fix the pathing.

That won't be fixed anytime soon, I'm afraid. See post by rocket.

[...]Since tents are server based it would make more sense to me honestly to let the servers themselves handle the tent and vehicle inventory/locations rather than the hive database. [...]

Do we entrust the server admins with that information locally though? Shut down server, open sqlite (or whatever is used) and fill up some tents with goodies. On another note, the team also seem to love statistics.

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I'm still able to kill with 1 shot when using the m1911 & Revolver.

no not headshots, bodyshots.

yes I HAVE BETA update installed and i was using patch.

and no i don't realy want a fix :D

Edited by playZ

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Rocket, what's the deal with the weapon damage issue? I know you know about it. I saw you respond to it on reddit.

Is it an issue you can't fix, or aren't willing to?

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Zombie aggro seems completely random to me.

I'm crawling behind a raised train track on the outskirts of Elektro, there's a crouching zed on the other side moving parallel to me, he is not aggro'd. Suddenly I hear the distinct sound that indicates I've been spotted. The zed I mentioned earlier remains in his docile state. In the distance, on the other side of the track to me, I see a zed sprint from behind a building and run at me. I stood up, the zed on the other side of the track sees me, I shoot both of them down with my M4A1 CCO SD.

Upon this, a number of zed, a good... 15 I'd say? Become aggro'd from seemingly random directions, some being aggro'd from further away than ones that are looking at me and not reacting. (To reiterate that, zed which would be much more likely to see me, them being closer and looking at me, did not react, whereas those futher away not looking in my direction, did react). I down all the zed and log out.

I'm not having a problem defending myself, but jesus christ, I can't imagine what would have happened had I not have had my silenced M4A1... Well I guess i probably can, and it involves zed feasting on my corpse.

Individually, the weapon nerf and the zed aggro area increase wouldn't make... too much difference (although, for goodness sake, make it work properly), but together, I'd say it's too difficult.

Not saying I'm a fan of the aggro area increase, I hate it to be honest, seems 'worse' than when you implemented the 1.7.1 updates that created zed with hearing and sight similar to Superman, but you know, some shit you just have to deal with.

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nice stuff, fast patches!

But please fix tents, they are unbalancing the game and making it pointless to look for loot. Between them not placing/storing items properly or just outright duping items every restart and not being able to perm flatten them they are a HUGE problem imo and were not fixed in last patch as specified.

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Do we entrust the server admins with that information locally though? Shut down server, open sqlite (or whatever is used) and fill up some tents with goodies. On another note, the team also seem to love statistics.

True, but it still stands that the database end of the issue can be fixed, it's just a matter of how they have it setup/do they know how to run the correct DB commands to update it without affecting anyone and all that jazz. Just wish rocket could get a little more support and help with his project because I can see this going places but without some more hands on help especially having to handle ALL this data with just such a small team, it seems it's bound to end up in errors, even if they do a wipe, they said it was fixed in the last patch but it wasn't so what good would a wipe now do except cause the issue to happen again and probably a lot quicker than before?

EDIT: What I'm saying is this isn't so much a code problem with the dayz server code (unless there is a bug in it too) as much as a database issue that can be resolved without having to issue a patch I do believe, but I honestly can't say like I said I have no idea how their database is setup or their code so I'm just going off guess work here.

Edited by kicktd

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1.62 b4 you reply. (.93593 should have been .95893 but that dosent effect the nerf as it 1.62 update) (typo on 1714)

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So recently:

- Zombie aggro was made alot more sensitive

- Weapons were nerfed (pistols and assault rifles especially)

Consequently players require lots more ammo, far more than would have been necessary a few patches ago

I appreciate you're cracking down on the ammo bugs but genuinely, without them most weapons besides common makarovs and enfields aren't worth the space to carry them.

Not to mention you're also cracking down things like d/c to avoid death / deaggro zeds

Just hoping that you also factor in some novel ways of relieving the ammo shortages because all this is going to do is encourage more camping and less adventuring and reduce the incentive to risk visiting military areas further... don't see how thats desirable for overall gameplay :-/

there won't be an ammo shortage, just people who get too attached to their gear and will refuse to downgrade their weapon when the ammo runs out for their high end snipers and silenced m4s. AKMs and shotguns will still be pretty easy to find.

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Please give us the option to drink the bean juice from the cans and have it replenish our thirst. :P

Actually it would be nice to be able to drink water of water pounds without having a water bottle.

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Zombie aggro seems completely random to me.

I'm crawling behind a raised train track on the outskirts of Elektro, there's a crouching zed on the other side moving parallel to me, he is not aggro'd. Suddenly I hear the distinct sound that indicates I've been spotted. The zed I mentioned earlier remains in his docile state. In the distance, on the other side of the track to me, I see a zed sprint from behind a building and run at me. I stood up, the zed on the other side of the track sees me, I shoot both of them down with my M4A1 CCO SD.

Upon this, a number of zed, a good... 15 I'd say? Become aggro'd from seemingly random directions, some being aggro'd from further away than ones that are looking at me and not reacting. (To reiterate that, zed which would be much more likely to see me, them being closer and looking at me, did not react, whereas those futher away not looking in my direction, did react). I down all the zed and log out.

I'm not having a problem defending myself, but jesus christ, I can't imagine what would have happened had I not have had my silenced M4A1... Well I guess i probably can, and it involves zed feasting on my corpse.

Individually, the weapon nerf and the zed aggro area increase wouldn't make... too much difference (although, for goodness sake, make it work properly), but together, I'd say it's too difficult.

Not saying I'm a fan of the aggro area increase, I hate it to be honest, seems 'worse' than when you implemented the 1.7.1 updates that created zed with hearing and sight similar to Superman, but you know, some shit you just have to deal with.

What makes the eagle eyed zombies spotting you from a huge distance away unrealistic is that many times I find it hard to tell if its a zombie or a survivor myself that is running toward me across the field, so how the hell does a zombie with supposedly deteriated senses know the difference?

Surely impaired vision, diminished judgement and "altered" hearing in line with brain damage are traits of a zombie infection?

Before the eagle eye zombie patch the zombie aggro mechanic seemed believable (yet needed minor tweaks) , similar to when an animal attacks.

As an animal would not just attack on sight rather it would upon being aggrovated by either getting too close to it, startled by noise or by being attacked / threatened.

With the current set up surely we should see zombies running to attack each other from across fields?

Edited by Turk

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great barbed wire thing was a pain.

Now can I have my respawn button back please. If i respawn in kamenka again im going to kill myself. Oh wait I cant!

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If possible, please make tents save as "gone" when packing them, or add a "destroy" option or something. At least we can remove tents that are used for duping, then.

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I know some people will claim these confirmed changes like the ammo fix will somehow make this update "bad" because they can no longer get infinite ammo (if they admit that or not) but it's definitely for the greater good and will enhance the game experience for all once nobody can re-attain used ammo clips, etc.

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