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The PvP Discussion Thread

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I bet you're a lovely person IRL based on your in game behaviour.

I'd like to see this kind of comment disappear entirely. Perhaps we can patch that! Seriously, folks. I don't know about you, but in real life, I'm a motherfucking peach. I give money to the poor, go to church on Sundays, help out at the local soup kitchen and try my hardest to lead a good life.

Nah, I don't really do any of those things. But, I'm not a scumbag either. It would serve everybody well if they didn't immediately jump to any connection between in-game and real life personas.


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I love the system itself. It is the most 'real' you can get, which is where I think it was going. I would say however that there should be a reward for killing bandits who have murdered so many, though that reward is currently in gear. Why not an announcement server-wide about how so and so is terribly wanted?

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I love the system itself. It is the most 'real' you can get' date=' which is where I think it was going. I would say however that there should be a reward for killing bandits who have murdered so many, though that reward is currently in gear. Why not an announcement server-wide about how so and so is terribly wanted?


The challenge is in the fact that people are killing bandits because of the skin they see, when it's wholly possible that they got that way by killing bandits because of the skin they see. (Cyclic redundancy, ftw!)

Also, I'd be interested in hearing how the reality of the server-wide wanted message could be transmitted... We're already out of reality in the fact that someone can chat and have everybody on the map read what they're saying.


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I bet you're a lovely person IRL based on your in game behaviour.

I'd like to see this kind of comment disappear entirely. Perhaps we can patch that! Seriously' date=' folks. I don't know about you, but in real life, I'm a motherfucking peach. I give money to the poor, go to church on Sundays, help out at the local soup kitchen and try my hardest to lead a good life.

Nah, I don't really do any of those things. But, I'm not a scumbag either. It would serve everybody well if they didn't immediately jump to any connection between in-game and real life personas.



I know that sarcasm on the internet is not the most obvious, but there was never a more obvious example of internet sarcasm than my comment that you quoted. Apparently we are -all- capable of jumping to conclusions.

That biggest mystery is why people who think the mod is awful don't leave. It is intended to be like this, not by some accident. People may ask for zombie behaviour to change, fine. To whine incessantly about how people kill eachother on sight is fruitless and naive. The game is about survival. Do it.

"GRAWR THE MOD WILL TURN ALL ITS PLAYERS AWAY!!! The REAL zombie fans who have seen countless movies in which the only human interaction was loving and caring and all they did all day was snipe zombies whilst high-fiving eachother will LEAVE when they realise humans are too intelligent to trust me implicitly. THEN THE GRIEFERS ALSO WILL LEAVE."

The big mistake these people make is they put people into two groups.

PvE carebears and PvP psycopaths. In reality, it's more like;

PvP psycos, PvE carebears, and the vast majority - NORMAL PEOPLE.

People who whine and have a concept of griefing are in the same extreme as the people who kill for lulz. Both players are fine, playing either way is fine. Whining like a bitch with a broken leg about how other people play is NOT fine. You have 100% chosen to fall victim to players if you try to trust them. People might say they are emulating how they would REALLY behave as accuately is possble in this situation.

That's fine, so long as you accept that if you did behave like that, you wouldn't last very long.

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I know that sarcasm on the internet is not the most obvious' date=' but there was never a more obvious example of internet sarcasm than my comment that you quoted. Apparently we are -all- capable of jumping to conclusions.[/quote']

You sir, are absolutely right. Especially given that 87% of all internet statistics are completely made up.


(That's for you calling me out on 'obvious', and trying to say it's the 'most obvious'.)

Anyhow, I was really just taking your point out of context to show that people who post the correlation between RL and in-game as fact. I did like your comment about how people who hate the mod "don't leave". That made me lol.



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My name is MasterCaution and I am a recovering Carebear.

I didn't like the idea of shooting people because they might be a threat but 40+ hours has changed my mind considerably.

I won't shoot you if that action may compromise me in any way but other than that, if I see you in my AO you are dead.

I probably won't loot you because that might compromise my safety but even 1 can of beans is enough reason to kill you if I think I might need them in the future.

Server-hopping or trans-dimensional combat as I like to call, is part of the game but the TS betrayals seem over the top for me and I do question the real life morality of anyone that would do that.

It sucks for players new to ARMA and who have no friends playing with them but natural selection will force people to make new friends and group up and given that fact, I wll probably have to give up my ethical objections to TS betrayals because that seems like a logical growth of the game.

In real life, I too would murder anyone I saw and I thought perhaps I could role-play a white knight ( much better image than a carebear ) but it seems that chivalry is truly dead if it could be said to have actually ever existed in the first place.

I do have to laugh at the concept that ANYTHING will stop this mod from growing like a weed because yesterday was a clusterfuck with the servers and people I know spent at least several hours trying to connect before giving up.

I don't know many games that engender that level of loyalty and the fact that it is a game you got for FREE makes it all the more amazing.

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MasterCaution' pid='30081' dateline='1337263487']

My name is MasterCaution and I am a recovering Carebear.

Group: Hi' date=' MasterCaution![/i']



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Shooting everyone works for me very well. I would do it in real life in this situation. I tend to play on daylight servers' date='


U talk about RL situations, then play on daylight servers??????

Is there no nighttime in ur RL, or would it make ur camping alot harder......;)

I've no problem wit pvp but when u get the upper-hand campers just disconect, were in RL can u just disappear...........

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I like the idea of server announcement regarding player designations. I'd love to see the server say "rumor has it, so and so is now a bandit" when a player moves from survivor to bandit, and "so and so has improved his/her reputation!" when a player moves from bandit to survivor. No tracking or anything like that, just kind of a reputation system.

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I like the idea of server announcement regarding player designations. I'd love to see the server say "rumor has it' date=' so and so is now a bandit" when a player moves from survivor to bandit, and "so and so has improved his/her reputation!" when a player moves from bandit to survivor. No tracking or anything like that, just kind of a reputation system.[/quote']

I'll see your 'server announcement' and raise you a 'Beware of Kophka!!!' scrawled in blood across the side of a barn... You can easily work this into immersion, because you come across the message anonymously. It's as though someone saw you murder another player, and wanted to warn other potential victims in the area.


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I like the idea of server announcement regarding player designations. I'd love to see the server say "rumor has it' date=' so and so is now a bandit" when a player moves from survivor to bandit, and "so and so has improved his/her reputation!" when a player moves from bandit to survivor. No tracking or anything like that, just kind of a reputation system.[/quote']

I'll see your 'server announcement' and raise you a 'Beware of Kophka!!!' scrawled in blood across the side of a barn... You can easily work this into immersion, because you come across the message anonymously. It's as though someone saw you murder another player, and wanted to warn other potential victims in the area.


Hell yes KJ, you totally get it. How epic, amirite? :D

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Hell yes KJ' date=' you totally get it. How epic, amirite? :D[/quote']

See, THIS I can get behind. Not everybody could/would see it, but maybe just in the vicinity of the murder itself. Of course, given current chat mechanics, everybody would go all giddy and yell out, "OMG LOOK WHAT'S WRITTEN ON THIS BARN!!" and everybody would then know, but I'm sure that's on the fixing block.

Make the idea fair and immersive, and you've got yourself a solution!


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Shooting everyone works for me very well. I would do it in real life in this situation. I tend to play on daylight servers' date='


U talk about RL situations, then play on daylight servers??????

Is there no nighttime in ur RL, or would it make ur camping alot harder......;)

I've no problem wit pvp but when u get the upper-hand campers just disconect, were in RL can u just disappear...........

I am saying that I would have the policy of shooting others on sight. The fact I play on daylight does not detract from that.

I usually play on US servers to play with my friends when I am in an EU timezone, thus as I start playing around 2PM it tends to never become night before I stop playing.


You're second from bottom on the pyramid. I'm second from top. That's why I'm a wolf, and you're a sheep.

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Now that we have identified Kophka as a playerkiller, how do we distinguished Kophka from anyother non-Kophka players? Paint a detailed portrait of his custom face on the barn and how soon before all barns are painted solidt red from all the announcements?

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pvp is a nice idear but there are too much ppl who just kill ppl and noobs for fun


spawning near the beach is funny u finally loot some stuff and

bang u are dead ^^

a coop only version would be cool

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Now that we have identified Kophka as a playerkiller' date=' how do we distinguished Kophka from anyother non-Kophka players? Paint a detailed portrait of his custom face on the barn and how soon before all barns are painted solidt red from all the announcements?[/quote']

I guess I was a bit vague in specifics, however, I never thought that it would be a mass of "this guy is bad" posts on a barn. Moreover, I would consider a large message, covering a good side of the barn - you know, so it's visible from 10' out and not used as a lure - and only pertaining to a single person, for a short time.

IN NO WAY, would I ever consider it to be permanently drawn, as it's not meant to be a billboard advertising on-line players' guilt. I don't think it should even be used for past kills. I think it's a thing that would be awesome to warn players in the immediate vicinity that they need to be cautious. KOPHKA CAN SEE YOU!!!



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I am a bandit, but my first experience of PvP was my first life in the game. I was in a building and I heard someone sneaking up the stairs so as soon as he peeped round the doorway I took his head off because I didn't know any better. It was just aswell as he had a bandit skin on, not that I knew what that was at the time.

Several deaths and betrayals later I decided that I would study each of my deaths to avoid it repeating itself.

I view each and EVERY one of my deaths as a fault with MY play and never put it down to random shootings as I KNOW being shot randomly can be completely avoided no matter the situation.

So what has happened now? 35 hours of straight up bandit survival with approximately 30 murders to my name.

You hear that forum? Every single death of mine I put down to MYSELF and bad decision making, not random shooters running around.

Random guys running around killing are pathetically easy to evade or kill in droves. Most of the time they aren't even worth a crossbow bolt to the head for their painkillers.

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I always play PvP in all my games, but this game gives me a reason and a choice to make with every kill. i love options!

To look through that rifle scope and know you can either piss someone off ALOT or just let them go on about thier business.

Love the choices!

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The problem I have with PvP is not getting killed by mistakes I made, it's that in a game that is supposedly all about freedom and letting you "write your own story in a post apocalyptic world", your freedom and story writing ability is SEVERELY curtailed by snipers who strike from behind a tree on a ridge 400 yards away.

To me this game is about playing smart and trying to dodge a relentlessly pursuing enemy that will surely kill you if you activate them, and the tough choices of whether or not to trust a total stranger. But when you can't even carefully move through a city without getting your head taken off by a guy you never saw and will never even come down to raid your pack is stupid and not the kind of game that most people want. If I wanted to get constantly sniped by spawn campers I would go play Counter Strike.

My last FIVE deaths have come from long distance snipers that I never saw, 3 of those were within 5 minutes of spawning. This is an awesome mod, no doubt, and it's more fun with the PvP element for sure, but people aren't going to keep coming back just to be sniper fodder. It's too frustrating and you never even get to do what you came to the game to do in the first place.

My 2 cents

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