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Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

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whoa some thread. The core problem is that the OP doesn't get that this isn't a game. And was never intended to be a game. It was intended to be a simulator to explore emotional reaction. You can't bring game mentality into a simulator. That his "game"play is ruining anothers simulation just goes to show that there are truly two completely different communities and cultures here clashing at a truly basic level. They don't have the language to relate to each other.

I truly think that on a fundamental level, people involved in this experiment can be broken into two distinct groups. Players and Participants. And here I think the language is extremely important in defining the issue.

A player perceives the environment as a game to be won or lost. This allows for a style of interaction that would only be seen to be psychotic in any real world situation, and attaches or detaches by choice part of his natural persona.

A participant perceives the environment as an area to be shared for good or ill with it's population. This commits one to the environment on a much more emotionally basic level where one can't escape the emotional crossover.

I think the participant group are here searching for a more meaningful virtual existence and have transcended from regular gaming models. That the player group can't relate is a problem. One that's threatening, in my opinion, the goals of the development team.


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JerFeelgood: Thank you for articulating something we couldn't quite get at last night.

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Sometimes, when I kill an unarmed, I think: Oh shit. I just ruined that guy's day. Damn, I shouldn't have done that and let him pass.

Oh well.

Then I move on.

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It's a computer game, yes. But it is real. The feelings are real.

Are you real, William?

We could all be fake...how do you know your real and I am real? What if we end tomorrow?

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Why do people have a problem with killing people on a GAME, I don't understand why players are getting so immersed with DayZ that killing people is actually affecting their personal lives I have read numerous posts were players have said how upset killing someone has made them and how guilty it has made them fell; personally I believe this is extremely sad and they need to stop playing DayZ if it's having the affect on them...it's a computer game, they're not real and you're not really killing people, grow a pair and get a life. These people seriously need to take a break from the game and re-think what they're doing with their lives if they're getting so worked up and upset over it.

I don't think you really get what people who feel guilty are talking about.

(1) They are not crying or getting depressed because of just taking a life, they feel guilty due to feeling some sort of compassion with the person killed. This compassion lies in their experience of getting gear and knowing how annoying and irritating it can sometimes be to get killed by another person in the game.

(2) Most of them never meant to kill the person that they ended up killing. I think it often happens as a reflex or action of panic. This makes them feeling guilty in the way thats stated in (1)

It's easy to go on for a while about how it's not a deeply psychological effect that is being triggered in these people, but just guilt because they can see the situation from the victims perspective.

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Talking about pussies... so today i continued my crawling adventure, still had my bones broken from the hacker, but instead of trying to find some morphine, i put my eye on repairing a chopper instead, thought of flying to the bloody hospital... I ran(crawled) into a couple of guys just magicaclly spawning infront of me, they had no weapons and seemed really edge to put a bullet in my head, could see them drool over the coyote pack i had... one of them was bleeding, so i bandaged him, when doing so the other toke all my bandages in my backpack... i ask them if they got some morphine, they just run away, probablly to the chopper...

anyways i continue my crawling adventure, only needing a fueltank and some jerrys to finnish up the chopper, i find a som fuel, and head back... halfway to the chopper somone starts spamming bullets, they had terrible aim, the person had to reload and i was just crawling in his direction, and then i die...

respawn and start running(yay i can run again) to the chopper... find an axe, actually i found 4 axes in the same place, find some more stuff for the chopper... run into a guy when looking through some loot, i see he got an crossbow, i look at him hes sees me eyeing his weapon, i just turn and start looking through the loot again... bam got a bolt in my back, i turn to the guy and start swinging my axe, he dcs...

I found what i need to fix the chopper, im zig zagging through the zombies left to right... and then some guy on a hill starts shooting at me with an enfield, i pan around to see where he is, and i head right for him... this guy has really bad aim, which makes me wonder if it was the same guy that had to empty 2 clips into me when i was crawling like a dead fish... i head up the hill to his location, hes bailed and run down to start shooting some more, i run down and corner him against the coast, they guy starts to reload his 3rd clip... I get close enough get one good swing off, and he dcs...

one last push for the chopper? but i get kicked or the server died... will see if the chopper is still there tonight...

so you guys ask me why i cant stand people shooting... abd this was just from today...

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I spend my real world time playing it, interacting with other real world people.

Is that not a real experience?

Yes, yes it is.

My brain does not switch off when I am on my PC..

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I only read the first page and i have concluding that WilliamLuvCum is a bleepin idiot.

That doesn't mean that the debate wasn't interesting. I decided the same fairly early on, but the interactions were worth the read.
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the guy is a teen figuring out life and learnign new things everyday.. ya know i still have hope for him, at least he doesnt rage in red font of 48px size :)

i got three kids aged 14 - 18, they're idiots on a regular base - at least from my POV :P

Edited by e47
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It's fun hunting and PVP other players.

At first, I was somewhat like the person, the OP described. But, that changed quickly.

I definitely get a thrill and adrenaline rush when I see another survivor and I decide to creep up on him to kill him.

The end result feels great!

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change the name to 'why players get mad that they loose their stuff' mayby youll get a answer :)

It's about people killing not being killed

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It's about people killing not being killed

It's a part of it, but not what it's about.

Unfortunately for many, it's more and more about killing though.

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I think its because so many players have days worth of stuff and when you lose it, you get pissed. Just go outside for half an hour and be happy, then go start a new character. PvP is fun, especially when you get good loot from it!

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It's about people killing not being killed

its about surviving... kills happen, but that is not what the game is about...

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I love this thread.

This thread should get stickied.

Not only do I not feel bad about "ruining" their "fun." I LOVE it.

Basically, you need us. Without us, you would be playing a SP game. Face it. We are what makes this game exciting.

You are just pissed cause you aren't good enough to be invited to the Bandit Coalition.

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The best is when you kill someone and they make it a mission to come back and get revenge no matter how long it takes, and if they do boy you will hear about it. A couple of times a player came back and killed me and then said some mean things like I'm supposed to get mad or something. There are sick people everywhere, the worst are the people who take this game way too seriously.

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All pussies D/C in a firefight and its pissing me off. Why play a game if youre just gonna cheat your way out of it. ITS A GAME. Sometimes you die sometimes you live, but wheres the fun in being shot at, running around a corner and disconnecting

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Why are there so many dicks on Day Z?

Why do people have to just kill people on a GAME? I don't understand why players are such dicks with DayZ that killing people, they say, is actually the only way to play this game. I have read numerous posts where players have said how awesome it was to blow that noob's face in and how great it made them feel, shooting someone for no good reason. Not even bothering with their gear cause they have everything they need already. Personally, I believe this is extremely sad and they need to stop playing DayZ if it's having the asshole effect on them... it's a computer game where you think "Hey, I'm friendly, so other people may be friendly too right?" grow up and stop being a douchebag. These people seriously need to take a break from the game and re-think what they're doing with their lives , being such dicks online all the time.


Edited by internetTAB
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All pussies D/C in a firefight and its pissing me off. Why play a game if youre just gonna cheat your way out of it. ITS A GAME. Sometimes you die sometimes you live, but wheres the fun in being shot at, running around a corner and disconnecting

I noticed this too last night, me and my buddy found some guy hiding in a bush and shot at him, the next thing he did was run behind a tree and he was gone.

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