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Dok Faust

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About Dok Faust

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  • Interests
    Archaeology, Gaming, History, Music, Politics, Real Ale + much, much more!

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    Curious Orange
  1. Leave then, you are not forced to test this mod. There is a disturbing lack of patience in people these days.
  2. Dok Faust

    Linking GPS with your friends

    GPS is handy, and means you can pass your map to a teamate once you get one. Having it on screen is handy, to shout co-ords quickly to friends for POI's, pick ups, etc.
  3. P.S. BattleEye is straining to cope at the moment, we need players to be vigilant and report hackers. A time and location is handy then we can check server logs.
  4. Report hackers seen on servers to the server admins. All this thread will serve is to offer an unofficial blacklist, potentially from butthurt players with personal vendettas.
  5. Oh cool, good to know hackers are static. Useless thread, sorry.
  6. Commander is better than Six, from my experience. Just seems to run a lot more smoothly.
  7. Enjoy the ride, I mean, you don't commit suicide in life at the first sign of kidnapping? You could be missing out on so much fun!
  8. What's that horseshit supposed to mean? Racist?
  9. Dok Faust

    Can't beat them, join them

    Day Z mirrors real life in a way - you can be a cunt or be nice. I find it more enjoyable to be nice, but then you may die to a cunt. Swings and roundabouts, play how your soul tells you to play.
  10. Why are you bothering to make this thread when you have been responding to the person in their thread?
  11. Dok Faust

    Why this mod is failing

    No bandits = what's the point?
  12. Dok Faust

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    I spend my real world time playing it, interacting with other real world people. Is that not a real experience? Yes, yes it is. My brain does not switch off when I am on my PC..
  13. Dok Faust


    I have had a graphical bug before like this (not due to vehicles) on a different server. I play regularly on UK 116 PTG (part of the clan) and we try and get rid of hackers asap. We found an SUV the other day, which we presume was hacked into the game.
  14. Dok Faust

    A movie some of you may enjoy

    Book (unsurprisingly) is much better than the film. Same goes for 'I Am Legend' - the film version is de-politicised to hell.