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About Baelethal

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  1. Baelethal

    Hero rewards and bandit punishments

    If you take the time to read anything on this forum, you'd quickly learn that this idea just won't happen. One playstyle will NOT be rewarded over another. Play how you want to play--it's a sandbox, afterall.
  2. Baelethal

    A request of Rocket...

    Do we, though. Are we 100% certain it's the dead soldiers? I've tried numerous fixes and I'm still getting those tears when there's not a dead soldier or body in sight....I'm still getting tears from time to time off the wire, building edges, and debris on the roads.
  3. Baelethal


    Thank you for your constructive criticism of this mod and your powerful addition to this forum community.
  4. Baelethal

    Can I refuel a ATV without a toolbox?

    All you need to refuel is a full jerry can. Check to make sure the ATV isn't already full on gas though, otherwise you won't get the option. To check to see if it's full, hop into the driver's seat, and there should be a meter in the top left of the screen. If there's a long vertical bar that's all green, you're full and good to go. If it's not green, try dancing around the vehicle. Sometimes you need to find the sweet spot to refuel. Make sure the full jerrycan is in your active inventory as well, it won't work if it's in your backpack.
  5. Baelethal

    I'm shooting on sight now!

    "I was in Elektro" "I typed" Not everyone is friendly, and a very slim margin of people in Elektro are friendly. Typed chat has a very short radius, and I'll be honest, is very inefficient, and easy to miss when training zombies around. You saw him, why would you take refuge in a building with only one way in and one way out if you didn't expect to be murdered. A sitting target is much easier to hit than one that's running away and weaving between buildings....
  6. Baelethal

    The Difficulty of DayZ

    I think the most fun I've had on this game was when it was stupidly difficult because of broken things-- It was challenging when food and drink weren't spawning correctly. My squad nearly died numerous times from thirst and hunger, and the jubilation of finding an animal on the way to a pond. I've broken down into tears, holed up in a building, mowing down zombies from two sides as they pile into the building three deep and there's no end in sight. I'm getting hit, I'm low on blood and ammunition, and I have to try and make my last stand while my teammates run to my location from various parts of the town in an attempt to aid me before I'm completely overrun. Sure the Zombie spawn was broken, but every once in a while, something like that happening is just so unexpected and so challenging, it adds a whole new dynamic to the game.
  7. Parts of it would be awesome. The radio would be awesome. Passing out in the middle of the woods because I'm trying to run with my gun and a full pack would NOT be fun. Trying to find all the medical supplies would NOT be terribly fun (they take up a lot of space). Having a stretcher would be kinda fun--not that I've ever run out of morphine in a group setting, but medics could possibly use it. I'm really split on the issue. Some aspects would be fun to try, other aspects would make the game pretty unplayable.
  8. Baelethal

    Banned Newcomer? =(

    Ping setting is done by admin server side, and isn't going to get you a global ban, just kicked off the game for too high of a ping. Hope this gets sorted out OP....
  9. Well aren't you just cheeky... Just because you don't like children playing this game, they always will. It doesn't matter if this game is rated for 18+, they will still play it. Parents will buy it for them, it's just the way it goes. Should they be out climbing trees and stuff? Probably, but we're not their parents, and lets face it, children these days have seen far worse than these "harrowing" zombie games. As for third party software: there is no realistic way to disable them. It's not an "unfair advantage" because if you'd like, you can use it as well. It's not cheating, it's meta-gaming, and is allowed according to Rocket.
  10. Baelethal

    Forum being very slow for me.

    It's not just you. I've a couple tabs open in my browser so I can multi-task while waiting on the forum load time.
  11. Baelethal

    Reviving fallen survivors

    I've used the ACE mod for ArmA, and though the medical system takes some time to learn, it's quite immersive, and kinda fun to have to deal with. I wouldn't be opposed to testing a system like the one in ACE, though I'm not convinced it's any different than what's already in place in DayZ. There are still timers, and still windows of opportunity to "revive" a fallen comrade. I must say, however, that once your blood goes negative, there's nothing anyone can truly do for you, and we just need to accept the reality of the situation. Running back to your group is just one of the consequences of the game.
  12. Baelethal

    realistic movement (Harder survival)

    I've played ArmA with the ACE and ACRE mods (which is more or less what you're describing) and given the nature of DayZ, I would get very annoyed very quickly having to walk everywhere because if you run, you get fatigued. The map is small, but it's too large to have to walk everywhere. Walking in cities and towns I can handle, but having to walk 20km cross the map through the woods--I don't have that sort of time, thanks.
  13. Joss, you sir, are amazing. Keep up the wonderful work.
  14. Baelethal

    Wanna know what really burns my ass?

    I thought you were going to say a camp fire....I suppose electric fly swatters could work, but I'm afraid your directions you were given were not clear, as you got your penis caught?