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[OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

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@all having problems with "stuck at loading"

Join the server you want to play on and stay in the lobby until you see BattlEye notifications in the bottom left corner. Only then click the bottom right button to continue joining the server.


You might want to rework your BE checks. Clients take some time to load BE whereas servers load BE instantly.

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@all having problems with "stuck at loading"

Join the server you want to play on and stay in the lobby until you see BattlEye notifications in the bottom left corner. Only then click the bottom right button to continue joining the server.

Doesn't seem to help. Using and 95417 patch.

Since being silly enough to, yet again, install a "shortly before the weekend, so expect nothing to be improved for two days" patch, i haven't been able to join a single server with 95417. Played yesterday with the previous patch, altho that too gave me long "loading" times.

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I was having this "loading" forever issue oddly what fixed it for me was installing and using dayz commander no idea why this worked....just happy it did! :)

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Same issue last night, fixed it.

If you're not getting the DAYZ splash screens when loading then you're not 100% updated.

I went ahead and reinstalled the beta patch, downloaded the dayz files, and reinstalled battleye. I'm pretty sure it was just a problem with my dayz install but I did everything. Works now.

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While I can play on some current version servers, I cannot get past loading on my regular server. US 255 is where I play and have spent 99% of my gameplay. Running OA build 95417 DayZ BE 166 and have used the newest weapon PBO files. Can someone explain why this issue seems to be server specific?

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I'm not even sure if there is a "rule" why this problems occur. Like, I can run the game now via six launcher, like some guys that I should play with do, but I don't have the server they're playing on on my list. Maybe I have overseen something, is there even a filter for servers on six launcher?

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Is this the black screen with the green Loading in it? Or is this the DayZ logo loading? I'm stuck at the black loading with the green text

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Anyone? - The files mentioned below the right ones?

I updated with Six - broke Dayz...

Tried to do a manual install, tried downloading the weapons zip file thang, tried updating BattlEye... Nothing works :(


Now I am uninstalling everything! Deleting local game content, uninstalling Steam etc, then going to start from scratch...

rjack8 - Could I ask you, what files would you download if starting from scratch (Without six updater! LoL)

Have I missed anything? - Steam will install BattlEye anyway, right? Or?


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I only got stuck at loading when i updated to when i tried joining a server running an older version of the game (tried joining a server and loading screen won't go away), but i shouldn't be able to join a server running an older version, right?

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  • I uninstalled everything (inc. Steam - a bit over the top, but was sick n tired of 'tinkering'!)

  • Re-installed steam, and downloaded overnight (remeber, you CAN check online which steam servers are running fastest downloads, & switch which you download from!)

  • Ran both Arma2 & Arma2 OA

  • Downloaded DayZ & installed

  • Downloaded Beta patch (For steam: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php ) BUT, I grabbed the '95389.zip' file... Run the exe as admin (extract first, right click on the .exe, run as admin).

  • I had to run the beta .exe installer a few times for it to 'take' I think!

  • Copied the 'arma2oa.exe' file from /expensions/beta to the OA folder (I know don't have to do it this way, but its way I like to do), AFTER renaming the 'arma2oa.exe' file that way already there (added '_orig' at the end of the filename).

  • Then I added '-nosplash -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;CA;@DayZ' to the startup options in Steam.

  • Ran the game... MAKING SURE that instead of just believing the server name, I checking the beta version of the server before clicking join (just click on the server name, then look in the bottom right area, to see the Beta version & be sure to get the right one!).

  • It DID hang a 'loading' for about 3mins, then went into the game fine.

Anyway, probably could have gotten away without totally removing & re-installing Steam and all the game files, but I just wanted to do it last night, so it would def. work today!

I suspect that checking the version number (rather than just looking at what it says in the server name!) is important guys, as I think some1 said on here before ;).

Good luck folks!

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I have the same problem, stuck at loading screen and I don't even get a splash screen.

What do I do with those 2 PBO files? I can't even find where to put those files.

I am pretty sure all my stuff is up to date because I've downloaded all of the updates, used Six Updater to update completely. Yet I'm still stuck at loading screen.

Please help, I'm very upset that I can't play this awesome game.

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Ok. Have had this problem for 4 dayz now. Finally got it to work.

i did exactly this step by step:

*I downloaded dayz again from http://se1.dayz.nu/ (the torrent one) and put all files in the @days/addons (replacing all files already there)

*i downloaded beta patch 95389 from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and installed it as an administrator

*i downloaded battleeye from http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in arma 2/battleeye folder (replacing the one already there)

*i copied arma2oa.exe from xxxxx/arma 2 oa/expansions/beta and placed it in xxxx/arma 2 oa directory (replacing the .exe already there)

*i started it with arma 2 launcher (downloadable: http://www.militarygaming.org/files/file/1-arma2-launcher-by-spirited-machine/)

*picked a server and finally able to log in!

note: im running steam version of both games

hope this helps some poor soul out there

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I started having issues last night with the loading screens. Its been working great since release of the patch..

Last night I couldn't get into a single server. Im confident its not my installation of ARMA at this point.

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this issue is server specific and battleye related

us1225 loads fine every time

where us 1462 I will get into gameplay about 10% of the time, get stuck on loading or battleye failed to initialize error.

If you uninstall battleye, delete battleye.dll from appdata folder, delete beta folder and then reinstall everything you will be able to get in the server. Although once you restart your game it breaks again.

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After the change where you can't play SP when Dayz is enabled I can't seem to disable Dayz.I tried so many times but Dayz remains installed.Is anyone else getting this issue?

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I've tried everything listed in this thread and I still get the infinite black loading screen. Anyone got any other ideas? I'm using DayZ and Arma version 95417.

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Updating Battleye fixes it! People, please try it

However, the loading will still be long sometimes! Let's hope 2.5 fixes it

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Well that's my day ruined. I was getting the loading problem, logged off, reinstalled game and patches, logged in - working ok now, except at the coast with no gear. Logged out with full health and a shitload of rare gear. :(

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It is updated now it seems. My issue is losing all of my shit. I don't mind when I get killed, but this is much more frustrating. Anyone kno if it's a bug, or time to start over?

Edited by Dissenter

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