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[OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

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I used Dayz commander to update and play on servers. And so did all my clan. We have been playing for 4 hours now...

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Current Versions


*only noticed the slow loading after which may be caused by any beta version released around that time as well.

Start-up Method:


Source of Files:


File Sizes:


**I want to make it clear that I am not STUCK at a loading screen and can enter the game, but I do get 3-5 minute load times.

Edited by Cdrive

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What the fuck are you talking about? I presume you're not using Six Launcher, because this is what I see:

and there is no huge green dropdown arrow, nor anything else you're mentioning.

Ah, I guess a lot of people are using the six launcher instead of the six updater. The updater allows for a whole lot more flexability and options than the launcher does while performing all of the same tasks. They usually come packaged together from the download.

What I (and everyone I know who plays) do is start the Six Updater first. Then, I check to see if either DayZ or the beta patch need updating. If they do, I check the forums for feedback and then update. Once the update is done, I launch the game using the updater with the DayZ preset I created (there are tutorials for creating presets all over the place) active. Now, I manually find a server through the in-game browser, but you can also use the one provided in the updater itself.

I just assumed everyone did it this way, because using the launcher itself would just be such a hassle with the automatic updates and having to wait for the server list.

Also, to help Vipeax:

Current Versions:


Arma II: 1.62.95389

Start-up Method:

Launch via SixUpdater, servers selected manually through the in-game browser.

Source of files:


File sizes of the PBOs in the @DayZ folder:

After a half dozen failed attempts at adding a screenshot, I'm just going to compare mine to the ones Vipeax linked.

All of my PBO files are the exact same size as those in your screenshot Vipeax, except for dayz_weapons.PBO, which is 36,500 KB

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Current Version:

ARMA2: 1.62.95417


Although I had problems with loading screen since and beta 95208.

Start-up Method:

Main :

Arma 2 launcher

"-mod=D:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;pmc;baf;@dayz" -nosplash -winxp -noPause -world=Chernarus -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=4 -skipIntro -exThreads=8

I also tried by Steam -> Arma 2 CO with @dayz - nosplash line commands

Source of files:

US mirror (http://us2.dayz.nu/)

Files :


Edited by Goztec

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Could you see if you manage to get 1.62.95389 working, instead of 95248?

Kinda what I'm thinking at this point.

yup, current version is: 1.62.95389.

This is the instructions I used to install it manually: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ#ARMA2_Beta_patch

Just found my first bicycle :P

Edited by katlord_kromdar

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Current Versions:

ARMA2: 1.62.95389 and ARMA2: 1.62.95417


Start-up Method:

Started the game through steam and Dayzcommander.

All the command lines I used for steam and installation can be found here: http://kodabar.blogs...rma-2-free.html

Source of files:

Torrent (http://dayzmod.com/D...

Downloaded the torrent and installed it manually

File sizes of the PBOs in the @DayZ folder:


Edited by BrazzleD

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Can you play fine Askar?

I've been trying to play between posts for about the past 3 hours. I've managed to successfully connect to two servers and load properly. I played on one for about 15 minutes before I got a message in the lower left saying something akin to "Battleye client attempting to update / Battleye client unable to contact master server BE(2) / Battleye client unable to update". I got disconnected by Battleye about 5 minutes later, and then within two minutes of loading into another server.

I haven't managed to load into any server since then.

Of the two I did get into, one loaded within 10 seconds and the other took almost 5 minutes. So give it a little time before you conclude it's not making any progress.

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I wanna know where I can get the latest beta patch, 95417. The beta patch site is down, six updater is garbage and dayz commander can't connect to the beta patch download site.

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I launched 6 Updater so I could check my version.

I says under the DayZ graphic.

Then under that it says "UPDATE".

I did not click UPDATE.

I launched DayZ Commander to join a server I was on last night -

Stuck at Loading...

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@Askar, could you try 1.62.95389 with http://www.dayzmod.c...2.4-Weapons.zip ?

Tested on 5 servers, 3 of which I know I failed to load previously.

All 5 loaded, most within 10-20 seconds.

I'll keep testing a few more, but it seems to have worked.

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ARMA2: 1.62.95389


Managed to get into a server through dayz commander with normal load time. I was in for about 10 secs and saw a message that said "battleye client attempting to update." About 20 seconds later somebody with a sniper rifle spawned directly on top of me I panicked thinking it was hacker and hit alt-f4 (lol don't judge it could have been). I was able to get into another servers a few mins later so I guess things seem to be working now.

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Current Versions:

ARMA2: Both 1.62.95389 and 1.62.95417


Start-up Method:

arma2oa.exe shortcut with the following target parameters: -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz -nosplash

Possible other options:

I have also tried to do everything via SixUpdater after all else failed, to no avail.

Source of files:

DayZ Torrent (http://cdn.armafiles.../latest.torrent) manual installation

Betapatch 95389: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php (grabbed it yesterday before it was down)

Betapatch 95417: http://www.fileplay.net/f/15738/

File sizes of the PBOs in the @DayZ folder:


Edited by Teach

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Tested a few more.

All worked fine, except for one which hung at the loading screen. I let it sit for about two minutes and force-closed it. It could have just been loading quite slowly though.

Update: Three so far that still hang up at the loading screen. I'm leaving one of them running for a bit now to see if it's just taking awhile.

After adding in the weapons PBO you gave me I'm able to join many more servers than before, including some that were hanging. There still appear to be several that don't work though.

Update the second: The one I left hanging managed to load in, albeit it took a little while. Your file seems to have worked Vipeax, thanks! If anyone else wants to I'd recommend testing the file he put up, it seems to have fixed my issues.

Edited by Askar
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Could more people test & report feedback regarding this, thank you.

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somehow the problem is six launcher, i tried everything for past 3-4 hours and then i installed dayz comander, repatch dayz with him, and it works fine even at old patched servers !

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More reports please, looking good so far at least (phew) :).

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ARMA2: 1.62.95389 from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

DayZ: from http://us2.dayz.nu/latest/

Start-up Method: steam

-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@DayZ -DayZbeta.cmd -cpuCount=8 -exThreads=7 -world=Chernarus

no launcher/updater


dayz.pbo 20718

anim 13296

code 970

equip 26175

sfx 34313

vehicles 6403

weapons 36500

i dont get stuck in loading every time, seems to be on specific servers. but without a way for me to track my servers, i have not been writing them down, i cant say which ones they are.

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Replace yours as well sivart, the one from that link is smaller than the one the other people had their issues fixed with.

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@Askar, could you try 1.62.95389 with http://www.dayzmod.c...2.4-Weapons.zip ?

Thanks, your update at least got my game to join a server. Unfortunately it fails to update BE and kicks me, tried on 3 different servers now. I run around for like 3 minutes, and then get kicked for the BE failing to update.

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How do I update to the new arma 2 patch? Arma 2 website is down

Use Beta patch 95389 or above

Download from http://www.dayzmod.c...Build_95389.zip if having trouble with BI site due to demand (thanks Vipeax!)

As requested, tried a couple of servers and all loaded just fine. I also updated the dayz_weapons_1.3.2 before trying.

Edit: oh nevermind, the linked file it was a different one from http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/. But still I didn't had stuck on loading screen problems.

Edited by Numi

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