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THE Night is TOO DAMN DARK Thread. Others will be deleted etc.

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Night is a completely different gametype, and I like it that way. There's a great sense of security from other players and zombies if you play it carefully. Even without Gamma Vision, you just have to learn that night is completely different than day.

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trust me, no one has trouble realizing night is completly different. thats why servers are empty when they are nighttime

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Did one of these updates make night darker? I remember the first week when I played (when there were < 10 servers), night was dark, but you could still see most of the time without flares, chemlights etc, although they still made it much easier when needed. I actually preferred night. Now it's just absolutely pitch dark on every server. Did something change?

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trust me' date=' no one has trouble realizing night is completly different. thats why servers are empty when they are nighttime


Could have something to do with people being asleep, y'know.

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If the nights would be any lighter (of if you could see just 5-10metres from you), that would make flares and chemlights totally trash. Allrdy now, when it's actually dark at nights, ppl avoid using them (why? so players dont see them? and after relising its too dark to navigate WITHOUT flares or chemlights the whining starts)

I agree, that rain chance at nights should be smaller. And I think every player should start with somekind of bad flashlight, with like 5mins of light and after that 10mins of walking (5mins of running) would reload it. But I like the darkkness of the nights, since it "forces" you to use flares and chemlights, like it should.

ps. To the guy saying flares and chemlights aggro every zombie, you can throw them, you dont need to carry them or put it right by you'r legs :D

edit: And yeah, i totally agree with the guy who said that server's should state the "timezone" the server is running at the server name.

edit2: The fact that some ppl are using gamma tricks ofc is not nice, maybe the gamme should be forced to some lvl? Also the panel that you'r screen has affects alot on the "darkness" of the nights. Thats for sure, that they can never make nights "equally" dark to every1, as long as ppl are using diffrent screen's/graphic cards and drivers.

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Okay. Last night, I wanted to try it all out again.

I want to correct my opinion:

Night should be left as what it is. I never had any scarier experiences than trying to rely on my hearing and small abilities to see something. It was horrifying, but so freaking awesome. I even managed to scare someone that night by creeping behind him and saying "hello" :D

Night should just be left as what it is. No changes to the darkness itself.

Though I'd still support a very limited view where you could see a 1m^2 area around you with a small vision. With a VERY limited vision, you know.

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I'm surprised this thread exists and is stickied.

Go outside when the moon is out.

You can see fairly well.

Go outside when it's a new moon.

You can't see shit. Use flares. Use chemlights. =\

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I agree that it's too dark at night. For me that has 3 effects that I consider bad:

NVGs are the most OP item ever

People fleeing to daytime servers, which causes more strain on the server infrastructure

it's unrealisticly dark

I'd like to see it changed to a less extreme level. Maybe halfway between the current eternal darkness and the background picture of this forum. But since I can hop servers anyway it's not that much of a priority imo.

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I'm surprised this thread exists and is stickied.

Go outside when the moon is out.

You can see fairly well.

Go outside when it's a new moon.

You can't see shit. Use flares. Use chemlights. =\

Try that regularly and stay outside for more than a short time your vision will adjust to compensate a little, however you will also heighten other senses and begin to make judgments based more on inferrence than direct visual queues. Growing up in mid wales and spending years in back of beyond Ireland I can guarantee that it is possibly to run through wooded areas (with out masses of under growth which is impossible during the day time as well) even on over cast winters nights with little moon. On the worst possible case of no moon over cast / rainy night you will have to walk and perhaps stumble a little on low ground objects or bump into non bulky larger objects, but seeing people / trees walls etc. is still possible then.

I play with gamma, brightness and HDR cranked all the way up in game all light sources in my room off and I can barley make out the side of the control tower at an airfield and only then due to a few a very patches that seem to stand out. This lasts the whole night period and has been so since 1.5.7 patch and on every server? this is not a weather issue or an environmental issue.

The only thought I have for this is to make the game have a serious challenge and offer a more intense experience, this would be fine if it was 45 mins out of a 3-4 hour play session. but i get online 7pm - 8pm so that's 4 hours like this that is not even remotely challenging that's just plain unplayable. I just hope every one on US server enjoys shooting at my laggy warping butt.

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I'm surprised this thread exists and is stickied.

Go outside when the moon is out.

You can see fairly well.

Go outside when it's a new moon.

You can't see shit. Use flares. Use chemlights. =\

I've got property out in the middle of no where. When there is no moon out and its night it is very dark, but your eyes do adjust and you can see things like trees when they are right in front of you lol..

You can also see the ground and for the most part quite a bit within a certain radius of yourself..

everyone just turns their HDR up an gamma and brightness. so it's pretty silly to think this is OK. Just needs to play with the lighting a bit more and come up with something that is a little better.

could also consider putting flashlights in the players bag when they respawn.

it would not be as big of an issue if the day/night cycles are shorter.

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Your eyes can't conpensate enough to utizile star light as a light scource, NVGs can because they can enchance light 30000-50000 times.

If the moon hasn't risen, there's simply no light scources that provides any kind of light, usable to distinguish between the hand infront of your face and the open field behind. Powerplants have stopped working in Chernarus there is no skyglow from a neighboring city kilometers away, behind the horizon. As long as the moon doesn't reflect light from the sun, there is only the total absence of light, unless you use artificial light scources(road flares, chemlights, flashlights and NVGs).

If you've never experienced a total blackout on a moonless night, you don't have an idea of how crazy it feels waving your hand infront of your own face, seeing no motion at all.

In my oppinion maxing out your gamma is like disconnecting when things gets a little too scary.

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I have no problem with playing at night. turn up your gamma and brightness, dont log out in the middle of the woods, follow the coast when you spawn, play in groups and make good use of your flares, etc etc. forget about realism, that's a pointless argument. Forget about asking rocket to make the game eaiser, lol. Clearly he has no interest in doing that no matter how much whining goes on here. Those of you who say it's just a pointless black screen at night, you are exaggerating. you can see objects and people against the night sky just fine, just like in real life. those of you saying you live in the country and have never experienced pitch black are either lying or dont live far enough from the city. It's fine, really. adapt or go play another game.

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Your eyes can't conpensate enough to utizile star light as a light scource

That's just not true' date=' Dallas. I was raised in a very rural area with zero light pollution and I can tell you from personal experience standing in an open field on a moonless night you can see your surroundings quite well.

Objects are muted, details are lost and color is practically non-existent, but the lay of the land and the general shape and position of nearby objects is absolutely clear by starlight alone. The "ink dark" night in DayZ does not exist in reality. If it did, I suspect the human race would not have survived this long.

Now, if you're in a tall stand of trees, a steep valley, among rocks, or I imagine among the abandoned buildings of larger cities (I can't speak personally to the experience of a moonless night in the center of an abandoned major population center unfortunately) then of course this changes. It can definitely be "pitch black" in a forest or steep ravine.

So, I think that's the compromise that makes sense for this game - traveling by night across open land or lightly populated towns in otherwise open areas (like Pavlovo, for example) should absolutely provide better visibility than exists now in the game.

Flares and chemlights come into play in forests, cities, and especially building interiors which is where all the good stuff is anyway, right? If you want to travel indoors to get loot or engage in combat, you're still going to need a light source to do so effectively.

I have no problem with playing at night. turn up your gamma and brightness

Uhh, so then you DO have a problem playing at night?

If you're altering your video settings as a course of game play, that's a pretty bad sign.

those of you saying you live in the country and have never experienced pitch black are either lying or dont live far enough from the city.

I grew up 5km from the nearest small town (no street lights) and 20km from the nearest city. I am also not "lying." Visibility by starlight is orders of magnitude better than the engine currently depicts.

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Using flares and chemlights on the coast, which is where the people who most need them are gonna be, is a death sentence on any populated server, and sticking with a group does little to make you safe. Yall talk about just throwing flares all over like bandits aren't a thing

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I have no problem with playing at night. turn up your gamma and brightness

Hah, this is funny. Obviously if you are altering your settings, you in fact do have a problem with it, and you also think it's too dark. Otherwise, you wouldn't need to tweak your settings.

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I have no problem with playing at night. turn up your gamma and brightness' date=' dont log out in the middle of the woods, follow the coast when you spawn, play in groups and make good use of your flares, etc etc. forget about realism, that's a pointless argument. Forget about asking rocket to make the game eaiser, lol. Clearly he has no interest in doing that no matter how much whining goes on here. Those of you who say it's just a pointless black screen at night, you are exaggerating. you can see objects and people against the night sky just fine, just like in real life. those of you saying you live in the country and have never experienced pitch black are either lying or dont live far enough from the city. It's fine, really. adapt or go play another game.


no dude.. especially when there are stars out.. you can see quite a bit

it's just lazy lighting is all it is.

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Well actually, what is everyone's brightness/gamma settings? Mine is just at 1.0, imagine quite a few others have the same.

A balance NEEDS to be struck. yes realistic, but we actually want to PLAY the game. In real life we tend to need to open cans with can openers, do we have that on this game? No, because it would actually be annoying and too intrusive. There's an obvious limit on the realism before it becomes too much. Right now, night could do with turning up in regards to darkness, because it's obviously intrusive or there wouldn't be so many people searching for daylight servers at night. Just wish Rocket would finally comment on this issue before introducing new ones, like temperature systems >_>

Chemlights suck too, horrible source of light.

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yeah, i put up my gamma settings cause the option is there to do so. Are there actually people hadicapping themselves then coming here to complain it's too dark? that's a pretty big lol. I dunno, guys. I've lived in the boonies for most of my childhood and I don't think most of you know what real darkness is. Maybe this mod is too dark, but without cloud and a decent moon you CAN see better, just like real life. Im not sure where these comparisons are coming from.

As far as complaints that the game is 'unplayable' at night: why are the nighttime servers thriving with activity if everything is just an 'unplayable black screen'? Clearly this isn't true as thousands of us are doing just fine spawning on the beach and following the coast in total darkness. as far as the flares, i never said you should run along the coast carrying a flare. That doesn't mean you will die as soon as you throw one though. use them sparingly and as a reference, and if you throw one be smart and put some distance between it and you. It's common sense. Besides, if you spawn and get shot on the beach all you lose is starting gear. Big deal.

Again, rocket and his team are probably laughing at these complaints. Im sure it's on their to do list right up there with 'get rid of the rain' 'make zombies less agressive' and 'remove pvp'. There's going to be no mass exodous because some poor saps think it's not realistic or playable. It's working as intended.

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most people on nighttime servers have probably jacked up their gamma, like you. The game looks ugly as shit when you jack up the gamma, and if it's going to stay as an option they might as well just make it so you can actually see worth a damn in the night rather than abusing graphics options.

Edit: explain logically why jacking up your gamma is "better" than just being able to see at night in the first place.

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you want me to explain how raising gamma settings makes the game brighter? lol. I can do just fine at the default setting, by the way. All these complaints of 'a black screen' are bullocks. There are stars, there are landmarks visible against the night sky, there is visible water reflecting light from said stars. Enough to follow the coast all the way to a city.

So what? you want the default setting brighter and then what......people jack up their gamma and hdr enough so that nobody ever needs flashlights or flares at all??? get real people.

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It's near unplayable at night, and really, not much fun.

Also, the Flair corona and smoke REALLY needs to be adjusted. How you hold it as well.

All the current night features seem to want to tell you to just log off. I work during the day, so once i am done with home life, and have time to play DayZ, its already night on any local server. The lack of populations should be a really good indicator, this isn't working.

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As far as complaints that the game is 'unplayable' at night: why are the nighttime servers thriving with activity if everything is just an 'unplayable black screen'?

Too many bored server admins spawning NVGs for themselves and all their friends' date=' then going to night servers to pray on new players.

Besides, "thriving with activity" is a bit of a stretch. Most night servers are between 10/50 and 25/50 while the daytime servers are virtually always packed to the point of needing to spam refresh in order to get into the game. That's telling.

Again, rocket and his team are probably laughing at these complaints.

I'm guessing they're reading them and considering them carefully. That's the whole point to an Alpha.

It's working as intended.

I don't think the darkness level has been altered from the original ARMA engine - a game in which players are usually traveling in vehicles or have no scarcity of NVGs. It's entirely possible they are open to this discussion. Assuming they are sitting there "laughing at us" is presumptious.

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seeing as recent patch notes included the amendum "you're all fucked, hahahahaha" I'd say it's a fairly good assumption that Rocket gets a good laugh here and there when people complain his hardcore mod is too hardcore.

Look, I'll concede that the darkness is probably too dark. Maybe even a tad unrealistic. I didn't even bother playing at night when I first started 3 days ago. But that's all it took for me to get used to it. 3 days. I can hop onto a server with my friends and be just fine in total darkness. we head to cherno or elektra and there is a hotbed of activity, gunfire, flashlights, flares. people looting and shooting, making friends and enemies, everybody absolutely TERRIFIED of the dark. It's hardly unplayable. Just not very hostpitable.

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