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THE Night is TOO DAMN DARK Thread. Others will be deleted etc.

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no but seriously the night is full retard.

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I used to think the night was pointless. It was so dark that the scariest part of zombie survival was getting avoided. With it being so unapproachable, people avoid the night by moving to day servers with higher ping. Shame...

However, night is ok if you are willing to team up and able to find someone who won't shoot you in the back. A tough one for someone with some decent gear.

In an ideal world there would be a moon cycle. Full moon and clear night means decent view (black silhouttes in fields shuffling around). If it starts to rain, it goes pitch black. Woods inpentrable etc.

If anyone has seen the new arma 3 lighting system on youtube, they have really improved on this side of night time, so the future looks bright.

So if you are having problems at night, get in a group asap (I know it is hard to find anyone). The rewards of nightime play are utterly amazing though, it is truly terrifying. Perhaps give it a go when you have died and have little to lose. You won't regret it.

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For the people against the night all I have to say is QQ. Night is by far one of the best times to play DayZ mod due to how the mechanics and overall enviorment swallows you in danger. If you want to make it easier on yourself in game turn up both Brightness and Gamma, and under advanced turn HDR up to high. These settings will make it much brighter in wide open areas or in the cities.

Also regarding the moon cycle... I believe ARMA does follow a realistic moon cycle so im not sure if that was a terrible attempt to troll or what...

Also Chemlight light range seems to have been increased with the lastest 1.5.8.X patches... maybe not but it seems that way so using them as mini flares is a good way to get around. Also if you have the balls throw a flare into the distance in front or around you and judge based off shadowing. If you die well... o well kinda the point to the game.

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Why do people still think the night is not realistic in this game? I have never been to Afghanistan ... but why do people not believe someone who has been there? I read a post earlier in this thread somewhere about some guy who fought in Afghanistan, he said it was pitch-black in the night!

So it is realistic. In Afghanistan there is no light pollution I suppose, there is none in Chernarus as well. Why should the night be brighter for realism's sake?

Think a second ... Clouds block probably all light coming from the outer space. So IF you see fine in real life at a cloudy night, it's because of light pollution! Don't say you are in the countryside etc. There is light pollution as well. Why do you think the big cities on this planet can be seen from outer space? A lot of light will be visible from afar and so will it be reflected by the clouds and light up the countryside as well that is far away from the big city.

edit: I mean look at this:


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On some servers, its not too bad because the moon is out. Possibly the Dev's could alter it to where the darkness is the same for all servers and balance it out. That way players don't need to spend thirty minutes finding servers where it's day time, or the moon is out, or what ever. I'm sure it's possible for one of the developers to change it to where the moon is always out? Or it's the same brightness regardless etc. I'm sure that if this game goes stand alone or is no longer based on the ArmaII engine, that night time won't be this dark, so I have a feeling they're going to eventually fix it.

However, because I find night time so unappealing in DayZ/ArmaII, I actually get some sleep before I have to go to work the next morning... Otherwise I would probably be up all nigt playing DayZ. lol

Although, I'm sure its not realistic, I bet the community would welcome the change for gameplay sake.

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No there is no issue. A lot of people just don't seem to like that this mod is realistic and unforgiving.

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No there is no issue. A lot of people just don't seem to like that this mod is realistic and unforgiving.

so you like playing in front of a screen COMPLETELY black especially if ran out of flares? you like to not play a game you paid for (arma2) when you have some free time cause you don't see shit?

a black screen is not realistic.

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Why do people still think the night is not realistic in this game? I have never been to Afghanistan ... but why do people not believe someone who has been there? I read a post earlier in this thread somewhere about some guy who fought in Afghanistan' date=' he said it was pitch-black in the night!

So it is realistic. In Afghanistan there is no light pollution I suppose, there is none in Chernarus as well. Why should the night be brighter for realism's sake?

Think a second ... Clouds block probably all light coming from the outer space. So IF you see fine in real life at a cloudy night, it's because of light pollution! Don't say you are in the countryside etc. There is light pollution as well. Why do you think the big cities on this planet can be seen from outer space? A lot of light will be visible from afar and so will it be reflected by the clouds and light up the countryside as well that is far away from the big city.

edit: I mean look at this:


Except were not in Afganistan.

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change video settings just a bit?

I have totally no problem with night time :'D cus I have nvg's

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No there is no issue. A lot of people just don't seem to like that this mod is realistic and unforgiving.

dude you keep on and on about "realism" it's a fucking zombie game..


you play video games to escape reality.. All he's gota do is A) shorten the day/night cycle B) make the bright ass text go away from connecting/disconnecting that blinds the fuck out of you and C) tweak the light just a little bit so you can at least see enough to see a tree that is right in front of you face..

also back onto realism.. if you were really in pitch black like this and zombies were about the smart thing to do is find a safe place and hunker down for the night..

that'd be one boring fucking game tho....

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Except were not in Afganistan.

No we're in Chernarus and the guys suppose to be running the powerplants are running around for brains instead. Total powerout in Chernarus, no streetlights to get reflected off the overcast nightsky, so we have to wait for the moon to rise to see anything or use flares and chemlights. The lunar calendar ingame has a new moon rising in these days, which means that the moon's surface, that should be reflecting sunlight back on to the Earth's dark side, is partially covered by Earht's own shadow.

You'll simply have to endure the moon cycle, just like you have to endure the day/night cycle. Reserve some room in your backpack for extra flares and pick up extra everytime you come across some on the ground. They are easy to find, so you can throw them away at day, just stock up on them an hour before sunset.

True Zombies are drawn to them, but they are not rushing towards them like smoke grenades and other noise in general. Pop two or three when you enter a populated area, lighting the general AO and use the light reflected off objects and buildings to navigate in the shadows. Obviously you're announching your entrance to other players, but if you stay in the shadows and use a little cover, you'll be about as "safe" as in daylight.

These pitch black nights are within the realm of realism, but the emotional experience, which it primarily that DayZ is trying to achieve, are extremely powerful and scary.

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Would like to add, the fact that now ALL VA servers are inverted time zones, just again adds to the wishlist NIGHT needs to be re-visited. No longer -5 and +4 servers, they all daylight now at dark IRL. If that doesn't say something, then IDK what would stand out.

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It says something about the players too.

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Another thing to consider is, we're not outside where we are surrounded by darkness and our eyes adapt [even in pitchblack no light pollution nights eyes eventually adjust to show things more clearly than Day Z night], we're sitting in front of glowing computer screens, with bright white spam in the lower left, in my case a 2nd monitor glowing and usually a light or 2 somewhere behind me turned on [i don't generally turn off every single light on the first floor to play a video game]. Even overseas the only time I really ever used night vision was while driving blacked out or while entering buildings with no lights [if you ever had to use 7b's instead of 14s you know the pain]

Like I said before, currently dayz nights is like going to a horror movie and having them turn off all the lights and just play scary sounds over the speakers - it's not scary, it's more boring and pointless.

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Another thing to consider is' date=' we're not outside where we are surrounded by darkness and our eyes adapt [even in pitchblack no light pollution nights eyes eventually adjust to show things more clearly than Day Z night'], we're sitting in front of glowing computer screens, with bright white spam in the lower left, in my case a 2nd monitor glowing and usually a light or 2 somewhere behind me turned on [i don't generally turn off every single light on the first floor to play a video game]. Even overseas the only time I really ever used night vision was while driving blacked out or while entering buildings with no lights [if you ever had to use 7b's instead of 14s you know the pain]

Thats a good point, I also have a 2nd monitor glowing and a light at my desk always on when playing. (its NEVER GOOD to play at dark and stare at a screen with no ambient lights on in room) and DayZ just makes u turn everything off, and STILL SQUINT at night and have a hard time. To be honest, its not even the challenge of night, its more of, it makes me sick nd gives me a headache. I'm not gonna sit there and squint at my monitor in pitch black just to see a tad better, while also getting a headache.

Sorry but Nope.AVI, when its easier to back out, find a UK server or something, and enjoy Day Time with no headache.

@Dallas, Ya it says they hate it, and dont wanna waste their time gaming, playing in darkness, frustrated and pissed off.

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New player here. Really love the game, but wish there was some tweaking to make night play more enjoyable. Flashlights standard, not as dark.... something.

Just my two cents.

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yup, its sad that a small group in the community would rather encourage everyone to exploit gamma instead of just fixing a problem. they don't mind the darkness cause they already have nvg ingame, and like the advantage they have.

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I have almost everything that you spawn with in DayZ sitting around my house [and my pistols and packs are much better]... except for morphine and flares - but do you know what I have like 30 of? those crappy little AA flashlights that are always cheaper to buy new ones that come with batteries than to buy new batteries - just saying.

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Too dark. Just brighten it a liiiittle bit so you can tell the difference between a house, a tree, and a zombie.

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They should make a special flashlight inventory slot, then a lot more people will whine less about it.

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if a zombie is an inch from my face attacking me, i should be able to make the thing out from the trees on the horizon. just sayin

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It would be nice at this point if someone from the Dayz team or Rockect himself would make a statment on this so we can at least get some sort of idea here. Its pretty obvious alot of people have issues with the dark. Just the thread alone should say somthing its grown pretty large.

Could we get somthing from you guys maybe like' date=' "there is nothing we can do to fix the issues because of the engine of the game". maybe, " we could change it but at this point we like it how it is" or even " we are thinking of ways to change this" how about "We have no plans for this issue yet and have not even disscused it " or " we have plans to change this and would like more feedback " i will even take this " it stays the way it is stop talking about it we dont need any feed back on night time anymore".

Simple reason for a word from the team is to see at this point if its even worth debating about. If it cant be fixed due to the game itself then we may as well move on. or even if they say its staying the way it is and no feedback is needed then we can move on. But if they say they want feed back and for us to keep talking then by all means keep the debate going. just give us some sort of clue what we need to do with this topic and if there is at least a point in even talking about it.


I have the feeling alot of people here bought the game thought it was a full retail game with no alpha bugs hehe.

Buying game on some forum info is not always wise all you folks should have WATCHED some videos before buying game thats to difficult for you after all.

Hope you have learned a lesson here stay in your cosy friendly safezone always daylight games ok:)

These casual carebears now trying to get the dev dumb the game down to a lvl i obvious dont want thats why i bought the game in first place FINALLY A HARDCORE PVP GAME not intended for pussy's:P

Whole discussion is rediculous at best there are PLENTY of ways make it bareble to play flares/gemlights/flashlight/fires or adjust gamma/brightness if your affraid of dark.

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These casual carebears now trying to get the dev dumb the game down to a lvl i obvious dont want thats why i bought the game in first place FINALLY A HARDCORE PVP GAME not intended for pussy's:P

Not trying to dumb down or make it carebear. Only trying to make it more realistic. Thats what this game is going for right? Realism?

Making it so eyes would have to adjust to dark over time would be pretty cool.

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