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Worst Game Experience ever

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Heres the extent of my wonderfully entertaining times with this awesome mod:

After of course waiting the excrutiatingly long loading times.....

Game 1: wandered around for awhile, found some sort of fort, hit once by a zombie, broken bone, spent 2 hours crawling around searching for anything to heal it. Broken bone never wore off.

gave up playing after wasting all that time.

:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:


Tips: Don't bother working with anyone until you learn the basics of the game. Even if you did find your buddy you'd more than likely accidentally kill him or he'd accidentally aggro an entire towns worth of zombies and bring them straight to you since it sounds like neither of you have learned how to deal with them yet.

The best way to learn how zombies react and how to lose them is to hang around the coastal towns and studying their behavior. You can also search the forums or watch some live streams for good tips.

Hang out and chat via whatever program or system you choose. Learn how to play together but at a safe distance. You can give each other tips each time one of you figures something out. You're still playing with your friends, hopefully telling jokes, but you're learning the ropes at the same time.

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You paid $30 for one of the most amazing games ever made.... fuck DayZ really, ArmA 2 is the only game I've spent 12 years playing because there is so much content in an open world with completely non-linar gameplay.

If you $30 bucks is too much for ArmA 2 you can get fucked back to CoD/BF.

You've been playing a game that dropped in 2010 for twelve years? That's hardcore man.

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I know this may sound like an insult but.... well it kind of is...

You might want to take some time to research more rather than read the first thing about something and decide you want to dish $$ for it... Might learn a thing about the media, too.

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I know this may sound like an insult but.... well it kind of is...

You might want to take some time to research more rather than read the first thing about something and decide you want to dish $$ for it... Might learn a thing about the media, too.

for the record I looked at several youtube videos, read all the kotaku articles, and was referred to by a friend. I figure if everyone else is having a good time, it was a pretty safe bet.

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-I expect the status to wear off instead of crippling the gameplay. (It's suposed to be realistic ya' know.)

-I did google a map -.- take the time to read please, it should still be provided, or at least be able to join with a friend. (You said there is no map...)

-I was being chased..... Didn't have no time to bandage, or are you unable to put two and two together? (Building?)

-I did run into a building. It didn't help. (Didn't you know buildings slow zombies or are you too stupid to realise?)

-I fail to see how the first zombie I encounter breaking my bone was my fault. (Get morphine and there wouldn't be a problem.)

-I bought Minecraft in alpha. It was worth it. (This isn't Minecraft.)

-And yes, the zombie did spawn directly infront of me as I was running. Popped right into my face, so clearly, it wasn't all fixed. (Then you have a glitch. Ever think of reporting it?)

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Honestly? You experienced this on regular? Losing zombies on regular is possibly the easiest thing you can do in the game.

Unfortunately, it seems you don't understand the game enough, or at all rather to appreciate it. It is sad really, as I truly have loved this game since I started.

I'd love to see your forum thread after you die from going prone in a bush :)

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I choose not to take sides, but the DayZ community can be a bitch. When I was a noob and I was asking how to loose zombies (since everyone did it so easily) I was flamed by like, 30 people for saying posts like mine should be closed and this and that, so like.. 80% of the people above me fall in that category.


The features you describe are what make the game a challenge, unique in its own DayZ way, which is why it takes everyone a while to adapt to the rough reality of DayZ.

Also, you said zombies keep attacking you after you run to meet friends and such, NEVER run, unless your life depends on it. Sneaking, crawling or just laying down in a bush can help you lose or avoid zombies, which should solve alot of your problems.

And I do agree, I wish their was a group/party system that aloud you to meet up with friends in a easier manner, instead of roaming the hole island in search of them.

Edited by Xeroph
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-I did run into a building. It didn't help. (Didn't you know buildings slow zombies or are you too stupid to realise?)

Your whole topic is so full of fail so I'll only touch on one ridiculously stupid line. Didn't you know that slowed zombies can then be ditched? You cannot be calling people stupid while not being able to spell some very basic words, come on. You're awful. Everyone else sucked when they started too. We stuck with it, and guess what! We are better players now. I barely ever aggro a zombie, and when I do I can ditch them easily by following the steps mentioned previously. Instead of ignorantly resisting helpful advice, take it. Get better, don't piss and moan for hundreds of people to see and heckle you. Or don't. Stop playing and go buy a new game you like, instead of bitching about a free mod in it's earliest stages of development.

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Teldrius, I am a fairly new player aswell, been playing for around a month now. Don't give up on the game because trust me when you get good there is a lot of fun to have. et me give you some tips.

You will die a lot when you first start playing. Whether it be a zombie (glitched or not) or a bandit shooting you in the face, it will happen and a lot.

After playing a while you will start to make some vital discoveries, for example you can get within 5 metres of a zombie without pulling aggro if you are crawling.

When going into towns crawl, I barely crouch walk unless I am in a building or I cannot see or hear zeds. Crawl though town.

If you break a bone and are nowhere near a hospital and don't have friend nearby with morphine start again.

the only time you should be running through town is if shit hits the fan and you need to leg it.

If you are in the forest and you have a zed or two chasing you, run down a steep hill, most of the time the zeds fall too their death.

You can eventually out run zeds but this can be hard.

http://dayzdb.com/map#4.037.101 Use this map, it will show where loot is and what type of loot it is, for example you won't find morphine in some hut. Unless someone died there.

Learn to read contour lines as it will help you navigate a lot better.

if you are wanting to meet up with your friend it is better to get to him slowly then run towards him as you will probably get yourself killed, nd him if you get close enough.

I have a dual screen setup so i keep that map open on my second screen. If you have duals then do that aswell if not then print out the section of the map that you are in or alt tab when you are safe.

There is not a lot else I can help you with, read tutorials and guides. These helped me a lot when I started playing. This game is supposed to be frustratingly difficult. Rocket has said many of times that the greatest thing for him is reading that someone got so pissed off at this game that they deleted and then half an hour later re-installed it and gave it another shot. Once you get used to the game you will get a lot better, hence less deaths. All I can say don't give up. The first 6-7 times I played I barley made it past 20 minutes.

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Well, thanks for sharing.

P.S - Not sure who mislead you, it's never been advertised. You didn't spend any money on this free mod.

It actually has been advertised on a ton of gaming sites. ANd the youtube videos can be very misleading. Here's what most normal gamers expect when trying a new game. Being able to figure out what to do without reading forums for hours to learn the basics. I had the luxury of starting my DayZ experience with the Macarov. I learned how to handle myself around zombies before the starting weapon was taken away. I found myself getting annoyed even with the pistol when I first started, so I can only imagine the frustration of starting with no way of defending myself and being new to the game.

And to comment on another posters thoughts. Alpha is a tired excuse. We know it's alpha, everyone does. Though, clearly, this starting setup is not working for new players. It's been clear since it has been changed. It's time to either give players melee weapons to start with or get working on unarmed combat. Out of every 1 person that can handle the learning curve as a new player, there are 10 who are so frustrated, they'd rather just not play the game.

I love the game, but at least I can take a step back and constructively critique a game that I love.

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so basically your just a new player that doesn't know anything thats it right

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It's funny how scared people get when their handed a game who actually challange you.. This game(ALPHA) is awesome, even with all the bugs and problems. This fucking game gets me more excited than any other game I've played, even BF3 which had dinosaurs in it.

It can really be intense, if you give it a chance. The generation of gamers coming to the marked for the last years have been dumbed down. You can see that when they complain about starting with no weapons, map and so on.. Come on, take the challange for crying out loud! When was the last time a game didn't handle you all the good stuff within the instant you spawn? This mod is supergreat, it gives me hope for future game development. It gets boring with the games coming out today which you can "master" within 3 minutes.

Have a nice day! :)

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It's funny how scared people get when their handed a game who actually challange you.. This game(ALPHA) is awesome, even with all the bugs and problems. This fucking game gets me more excited than any other game I've played, even BF3 which had dinosaurs in it.

It can really be intense, if you give it a chance. The generation of gamers coming to the marked for the last years have been dumbed down. You can see that when they complain about starting with no weapons, map and so on.. Come on, take the challange for crying out loud! When was the last time a game didn't handle you all the good stuff within the instant you spawn? This mod is supergreat, it gives me hope for future game development. It gets boring with the games coming out today which you can "master" within 3 minutes.

Have a nice day! :)

There's a difference between challenging and outright ridiculous. And most people aren't looking to master this game in seconds and get all the 'phat lootz' instantly. That's just sandbox elitist BS right there. I really enjoy this game, but there are flaws, and some of them do exist in the first few minutes of a players game experience. First impressions are everlasting in most cases. A game that doesn't seem to give you a chance from a new players perspective is not a game that they want to continue playing. If you were given a melee weapon to start, would that make veteran players any less able to get started? No. We can get around with no weapons because we know the tricks, and most of them are exploits. So, basically, people with your mindset on this topic are just interested in making new players frustrated and in turn, push them away from the game. It doesn't affect us, it only affects new players. So please, get the elitist head out of the elitist behind and please try to see from another point of view. Take a step back and perhaps, reflect a little? Think perhaps?

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I agree that recent changes have made this game extremely difficult to play, and more importantly, to ENJOY.

Things that need to be fixed are:

The weapon nerf

More morphine needs to be placed on the map

Less zeds

The loading shit

The requirement to reinstall the updates everything you shut down the game

This game was fun a week or so ago but it has quickly gone downhill.

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I'm a noob myself. Played it for a couple of days.. No problems for me, I managed just fine without weapons in the beginning. I died quickly the first times, but on my 5 try I went on a 2 days journey with alot of fun :)

No need to be an asshole just because it's the Internet. I did think my post through before posting, and i think OP is to narrow minded just because it's a game with a little steap learning curve.

The whole point of this game is to make it a little more interesting, and it is. Don't give it regenerating health and an option to start with to much, it will ruin the experience.

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Woah, this guy having one of the hottest threads in this forums is not necessary... I mean yea he didn't like the game but you need to show some respect towards his opinion.

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No need to be like that DraWx.. The biggest problem with all communities are people like you being anything but nice.

Why don't you grow some hair and contribute rather than behaving like a 12 year old kid.

And to previous post. I agree. People should be more respectful, not throw bad language all the time. I do think that this post is popular because it discusses on of the core elements of this game :)

Edited by Hyd
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Honestly? You experienced this on regular? Losing zombies on regular is possibly the easiest thing you can do in the game.

Unfortunately, it seems you don't understand the game enough, or at all rather to appreciate it. It is sad really, as I truly have loved this game since I started.

I'd love to see your forum thread after you die from going prone in a bush :)

Uhm that happened to me.... But I haven't the faintest idea how I died, stupid me left my computer for 20 min and was dead when I came back....

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Uhm that happened to me.... But I haven't the faintest idea how I died, stupid me left my computer for 20 min and was dead when I came back....

Were you laying under power lines?

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May I clarify?

THIS GAME(Mod at the moment) IS F*C*ING EPIC!!!


Edited by Venzire

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I'm a noob myself. Played it for a couple of days.. No problems for me, I managed just fine without weapons in the beginning. I died quickly the first times, but on my 5 try I went on a 2 days journey with alot of fun :)

No need to be an asshole just because it's the Internet. I did think my post through before posting, and i think OP is to narrow minded just because it's a game with a little steap learning curve.

The whole point of this game is to make it a little more interesting, and it is. Don't give it regenerating health and an option to start with to much, it will ruin the experience.

perhaps, but it doesn't really have a learning curve, its just a cliff. You either know how to do, or you don't.

In other news, went prone inside a building today. It broke my leg.

Edited by Teldrius

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Do you guys know whats the funniest part in this thread?

All these flaws,bugs,glitches and high level of challanges who needs ,,fixing,, cuz it turned this game into ,,shit,, and ,,this wasnt what i was expecting when i was seeing all those epic videos on the youtube,, and ,, i bought ArmA II for this mod,, (that last one is just hilarious to me...mod is free,wasting your money on ArmA is for diff topic)

But back to the funniest part,all this things you complained about in this thread...well...thats the thing that sucked me into this game in first place.

It can't compare with anything i had played so far,totaly brand new experiance.

Its a post-realistic,hardcore,horror survival game.

The entire game is against you,it wants you dead,plain and simple,testing your mental and psyhic patience (for breaking keyboards especialy)

If you are a COD type of gamer who RAGE after first time being killed and have apsoluetly no patience whatsoever...then walk away,dont even bother testing this game out.

I saw alot of ridicilous and apsolutely useless complainings in here.

You keep telling these trolls and nutsacks that this game is STILL in alpha. (wich btw they know and still bitch about how is not even good enought for an alpha)

All these bugs and annoying minor stuff that we encounter everyday are fixable with few upcoming patches in the future.

This game is hardcore and you need to have a preety big balls of steel to keep playing it everyday...intime you get rewarded and get highly addicted.


Cant wait for standalone pack of it.

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Its ok... this game has peaked. the only people who are going to be playing this game after awhile are the gullible fanboys. Also, to those fanboys.... i have this great idea that will make us all millions. i just need some start up money so a few thousand from everyone will be fine. ill pay you back after it gets going. i promise! /wink

If it doesnt work out dont worry... its in alpha.

Edited by Vylent

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