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Selago (DayZ)

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About Selago (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Selago (DayZ)

    Helicopter Endgame!

    I enjoyed your story and the color, Very nice for the eyes. Trade? What do want to trade for?
  2. Selago (DayZ)

    I Ducking hate the Weapon nerf

    Just to be clear, this nerf has "nothing" to do with Day Z but it's a ARMA II patch that nerfed the weapons, right? And since Day Z is based on ARMA II....
  3. Selago (DayZ)

    Worst Game Experience ever

    No I was no way near any kind of "civilization" but I was in a field under a bush, now when I think about it, I was probably killed off by another player.... Will never know :)
  4. Selago (DayZ)

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Uhm that happened to me.... But I haven't the faintest idea how I died, stupid me left my computer for 20 min and was dead when I came back....
  5. Selago (DayZ)

    Worst Game Experience ever

    I've been reading about the mod on this forum and others for a couple of weeks and 3 days ago I bought Arma II and the expansion pack on Steam, download and installing went really smooth. Hear is my story of my worst gaming experience. I've been playing FPS games for years, mostly the Battlefield franchise, and it's like I read some where you really need to reprogram your brain before and during that you play Day Z. First life and death. Spawned somewhere along the coast, it was pitch black and pouring down. As I had read about the game I started crawling to the building I first saw, heard some Zombies but didn't see them, got my flashlight out but it "press L" didn't work, long story short I aggroed some Zombies --> dead. The same thing happened the first six lives until I finally got my hand on a hatchet, turn around and *Bang* HS I'm dead from the nice fellow next to me. Oh well, since I read about the game I knew this could and would happen, no worries. 2nd day: 4 more lives wasted until I got may hand on a Makarov although I had plenty of ammo, none was for the Makarov... I was at a small airstrip when I at last found an AK and matching ammo, but I had only 3k blood at the time and after 4 Zombies attacked me and broke my bones that fun was over. 3rd day: First spawn in the middle of nowhere, I ran for 20 min IRL time and didn't see anything except open land, I got bored and re spawn. Here is when I really starting to get lucky and have some fun. I spawn out in the water and after swimming to shore I find my self close to the largest city I've come across so far, might be Churno? (spelling) I sneak in to a church and find me my first beans and a clip for a makarov, rather then staying there I move on to another building and lo and behold here is the mother-lode! :) I get a Revolver, A Bow, more food and drinks, sadly no MT Dew, and after running around I find my self in a Supermarket (at least I think it is one) and replace the bow for a Shotgun and the Revolver for a Makarov. Now everything is set I feel, best run so far in the mod/game! After leaving the Supermarket things get tricky, and instead of sneaking out or as my GF suggested disconnect and fight another day, I go out running and "capping" Zombies left and right, felt like I was invincible, like my luck had finally turned! As I finished of the last Zombie and had just bandaged myself and was 2 seconds from logging out. I hear *Bang* *Bang* Next screen: YOU ARE DEAD!! Nooooooooooooooooooo :( :beans: So, so far I've learned that you got to be silent and cautious even when feeling like a million bucks... 4th day: Still coming... ;) Edit. I'm fully aware of this being an Alpha (first one I'd played, only done Betas before) But thought I'd share a fun snippet, I had played for a day or two, had a MP5 the quiet one, a tent, Alice pack and so on. Log on and meets of the message Creating character, and I was like wt??? And I spawned close to a small town, aggroed all Zombies and died, on intention, next spawn close to electro, get a Alice pack and a 1911, log off when it's dinner time, when I log back on. Surprise I'm back with my first character... Any one else had that experience?