Virfortis 111 Posted July 24, 2012 There's no word for the opposite of a game.But there is an acronym: FFAPvP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E M P 10 Posted July 24, 2012 as i said before, it bills itself (according to the developer) as an authentic antigame experiment that invokes an emotional response from its players, with frustration being high on that list of emotions. other words that have been used by him are brutal, unbalanced, unfair, and cruel. i cannot recall any instance in which rocket has said fun was a primary concern.If that is to be taken literally, then I doubt I'll be around for very long. Someone else is bound to come up with something similar and with more features. He's got the lead time and the market to actually go somewhere right now, but if he genuinely doesn't care about making something most people [i say that because I came to DayZ hoping for much more PvE i.e. 'survival/horror', and most people want fun in their games] will enjoy, then so be it. It's his baby to play with. People are playing now, but I've already gone from frustrated to just bored with the constant KOS. I don't think 'bored' is an emotional reaction that he was looking for, either. Counterstrike is much more frustrating for me, at times, and it's a far superior shooter (imo, but it helps that my comp can run CS with good FPS, too haha) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acix 132 Posted July 24, 2012 I won't be replying to this thread, it's my final post - ive only been here a few weeks and it was fun but wanted to leave my parting views I will keep an eye on DayZ patches and hope that it's worth trying again at some point in future. This is bound to attract all the usual trolling and fan boy posts etc, I couldnt care less, I just want to get an opinion across.The game itself is great, its an amazing concept. The problem is the players themselves have ruined this in the short time Ive played. Nearly every player ive come across is hostile and thats not why some people want to play it. Moving forward this game needs to allow 'private' server play minus hive support, OR allow none PK servers, OR reduce weapon damage a lot. The fainting mechanic is also a pain the @@@ if you've been shot once and cannot recover because theres simply no time to recover - you end up F4'ing and if your blood is low from the hit you likely wont recover - it may as well be a one shot kill game. This will get flamed because I know so many people just play to kill players, and they love it! There in lies the problem, if players like killing players, great, leave them to each other on a server. But when some players like to play solo or in groups, just focussed on zombies, surviving, and the environment, they should be able to do so without being annoyed by other players. The concept of anything goes is quite interesting initially but soon becomes an annoyance, certainly for the people ive spoken to outside of the game. They want to do 'co op' survival elements of this game but after spending dozens of hours surviving and getting resource and weapons etc, to be shot in the back by someone camping an area, knowing you've effectively got to start the whole thing again is fine a few times but then it becomes frustrating because all you are doing is recollecting the same stuff everytime and as a result you then shoot anyone on contact - which is where we are now. If I logged into a public server now, I would be a PK'r as well, because I feel like every person out there is just greedy and wants to kill to avoid having to collect their own loot.Three times now ive got kitted up to the max and played the game 'my way', avoiding all player contact because they are all out to kill players instead of survive against zombies. I realise thats what people seem to like, good luck to them, but I want to avoid playing against them. PvP has always been one of those options in games, you either PvE or PvP but you should always have an option to play on a server where you dont get grief players and people that are simply out to destroy your game. Whilst I was away from players the game was awesome and would have been fun with my friends that ive been trying to convince to get the game, but after my experience and knowing what my friends are like they will get just as ******** off as I have being PK'd every 2 minutes.I am now trying to work out how to run a local server to play away from the hive, it looks like a pain in the **** to setup as it uses mysql etc, surely there must be a proper official way that lan / internet none hive could be supported in future?Anyway, enjoy the game, I look forward to its future but wont be playing on any public servers any more. If this does get read by one of the dev team, please consider what people like myself have said - give us a way to play without the interferance of player killers.Pking is 75% of the game for a reason, PvP is what its about, if you simply want some co-op zombie survival go play L4D or if youre attached to the arma 2 engine go play Chernarus Appoc... anyways we wont be sorry to see you go and take your qqing with you.. see ya Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted July 24, 2012 Every one of these threads I read brings me back to 1997- 1999. U.O. had this same fury for PKs, People who refused to learn to protect themselves complained to the powers that be. What Rocket has done here has made a home for those of us who have been homeless since around '99. This is the anti game, if you don't have an original idea to curb the pk "problem"(i dont see it but whatever) find another game. Those of us who enjoy the danger, accept the possibility of things going poorly, and just want an level of difficulty not found in todays market deserve DayZ. You want easier there are 1000's of games for you, for us there are a handful! Go away knowing this isn''t for you, and enjoy one of the endless possiblities of games out there catered to you.*Disclaimer* I am not a bandit, and rarely engage 1st. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 117 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) If that is to be taken literally, then I doubt I'll be around for very long. Someone else is bound to come up with something similar and with more features. He's got the lead time and the market to actually go somewhere right now, but if he genuinely doesn't care about making something most people [i say that because I came to DayZ hoping for much more PvE i.e. 'survival/horror', and most people want fun in their games] will enjoy, then so be it. It's his baby to play with. People are playing now, but I've already gone from frustrated to just bored with the constant KOS. I don't think 'bored' is an emotional reaction that he was looking for, either. Counterstrike is much more frustrating for me, at times, and it's a far superior shooter (imo, but it helps that my comp can run CS with good FPS, too haha)another part of what makes this whole thing different is the fact that it's on the players to shape the world. there's plenty of organizations out there (medics and freeside are two that leap to mind) that are shaping the world in a different manner than just KOS. if you're bored, try something different! we're supposed to approach this with a spirit of adventure and experimentation, to not look to the developers to necessarily shove things to do down our throats. that's part of what makes this whole thing great. at some point in the future, i plan on spending a day or week or something hanging around the coast and gathering and handing out supplies. if i get blasted repeatedly, so be it.i'm skeptical that any big name studio will actually be able to pull anything like this off. they're too concerned with money and disconnected from their players to try anything this interesting and different. at best i think it would be watered down, more safe, less evocative. but this is all speculation. Edited July 24, 2012 by p1n34l 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) You amaze me with this sir!Do you really think about your opinion,and it is not about being scary it is about reality right!So are you saying that in a city like cherno there are only 20 zombies, so that means only 20 people used to live in there, if you want to talk about real life I can get a list comparring what DayZ does not have and will never be like real life, you seem to be those idiots that might shot a whole school and just kill yourself after you are done.Have fun with your life, and apparently you can see everything,you know the future and probably you can do much more! -.-lol, that was the worst comeback i have ever seen, how did i compare the actual game to RL by saying in real life you lose stuff, same in dayz, yeah that deffinetly made me say that this game is just like real life and is just as realistic as real life, yeah totally, dude, lay off the god damn flouride, its making your IQ drop alot but i understand with your mentality and maturity why you left this game and wanna play l4d now.Is it so hard for you when people tell you otherwise? dude, im really glad your leaving, stay or leave and im glad lol, i couldnt really care less :)The game has bugs, if you cant live with that, then gaming might not be your choice as your either not old enough to play video games or you just arent not old enough to understand basic logic about a game meant for standalone but built upon another engine which werent good enough anyway, the game will ofc have bugs, and zombies can be a threat if you fuck up, players should always be a threat. tbh, back in the day when i played arma 2 i thought it was impossible to pull something like dayz off on this engine, and it happened, plus its working better than i last question here before you leave the game, can i haz alllll ur stuffz? Edited July 24, 2012 by Zyfer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McKh 2 Posted July 24, 2012 The more I think about it, the more I feel a lot of these issues stem from the hive and being able to jump servers. When people can't jump ship all the time, reputations (good or bad) develop, people develop in game friendships and rivalries, repercussions follow your actions, and cooperating (be it to hunt players down or just work together) don't require meta-gaming. The process of all those above happening is fun and community building. You don't need incentives to group together or penalties for PvPing like people are suggesting, players will do it naturally. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JermEx 2 Posted July 24, 2012 I can understand the concern of the community about the current bandit situation in Chenarus.I've watched a few interviews with rocket about the issue, and I tend to agree with his ideas.There should be no PK penalty in this game. To introduce any kind of negative aspect to PVP would hurt the core concept of this game.This is zombie apocalypse, chances are there will be more unfriendly players than there are friendlies. That being said, Rocket's solution of "more options" Deserves a little faith on our part. I don't think he will rest until this game reaches that balance.Hurting the PVP will only hurt the game.I hate being senselessly shot by a sniper as much as anyone, but that risk is what adds an entire layer of caution and tension to this game.Without it, its just an easy zombie avoidance simulator 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pumbas 1 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) lol, that was the worst comeback i have ever seen, how did i compare the actual game to RL by saying in real life you lose stuff, same in dayz, yeah that deffinetly made me say that this game is just like real life and is just as realistic as real life, yeah totally, dude, lay off the god damn flouride, its making your IQ drop alot but i understand with your mentality and maturity why you left this game and wanna play l4d now.Is it so hard for you when people tell you otherwise? dude, im really glad your leaving, stay or leave and im glad lol, i couldnt really care less :)The game has bugs, if you cant live with that, then gaming might not be your choice as your either not old enough to play video games or you just arent not old enough to understand basic logic about a game meant for standalone but built upon another engine which werent good enough anyway, the game will ofc have bugs, and zombies can be a threat if you fuck up, players should always be a threat. tbh, back in the day when i played arma 2 i thought it was impossible to pull something like dayz off on this engine, and it happened, plus its working better than i last question here before you leave the game, can i haz alllll ur stuffz?Sorry do not have time for this like you just refreshed the page just to see how people were flaming here, actually the worst come back is yours ( stopped reading at that ), if you really would like to talk more you send me a pm or whatever because this is pointless so your choice i know your kind, lets just say who is WINNING!PS.For normal people that are reading this do not worry I do not post like this WINNING shit, just did it because I know this fat kind.So big boy, feel free to pm me this ends here.I do not even know if it started because pointless comments = to... Edited July 24, 2012 by Pumbas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay.pis 32 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Lol at the comments about smart businesses only sticking to one thing. A lot of the most successful business, Walmart, Target, etc. are successful because a customer can come to their store, and do all of their shopping in one stop.Those are stores that provide many different products but they don't carry EVERYTHING. Also these stores are called low cost Superstores which is why you only see certain products for example their electronics department, they mostly carry the low cost items and the majority of which are not well known brands. WalMart strives to be the lowest price that's why they dominate, if your product does not meet their price point then they will not carry it, simple as that.What about Best Buy or Fry's Electronics? They're big businesses as well that carry low and high cost consumer/pro products. Can you buy items such motherboards, CPU's, or any of the other products from both these stores in Target? what about WalMart?What about other businesses such as car audio or auto parts stores? why don't they carry groceries or video games or books?Please, lets think before we speak, or in this case, type. Edited July 24, 2012 by jay.pis 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Sorry do not have time for this like you just refreshed the page just to see how people were flaming here, actually the worst come back is yours ( stopped reading at that ), if you really would like to talk more you send me a pm or whatever because this is pointless so your choice i know your kind, lets just say who is WINNING!PS.For normal people that are reading this do not worry I do not post like this WINNING shit, just did it because I know this fat kind.So big boy, feel free to pm me this ends here.I do not even know if it started because pointless comments =, the age. i have no need to PM you, why would i lol? Your the one who went mental saying i was probably a psychopath, so i dont know where you wanna go with such childish posts? wanna look big? and i wouldnt call flouride infected people like you normal(yeah, personal)You know my kind? lol, grow up. Have fun in l4d, byeeeeeee, oh and dont let the door hit you on your way out :D want some beans for your trip? <- maturity Edited July 24, 2012 by Zyfer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BNZ Solid Snake 9 Posted July 24, 2012 You should play Left4Dead. I like that game too, but clearly Dayz wasn't meant for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McKh 2 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Those are stores that provide many different products but they don't carry EVERYTHING. Also these stores are called low cost Superstores which is why you only see certain products for example their electronics department, they mostly carry the low cost items and the majority of which are not well known brands. WalMart strives to be the lowest price that's why they dominate, if your product does not meet their price point then they will not carry it, simple as that.What about Best Buy or Fry's Electronics? They're big businesses as well that carry low and high cost consumer/pro products. Can you buy items such motherboards, CPU's, or any of the other products from both these stores in Target? what about WalMart?What about other businesses such as car audio or auto parts stores? why don't they carry groceries or video games or books?Please, lets think before we speak, or in this case, type.My post was in response to an earlier poster insinuating that any other business model, asides one producing one product or catering to one market, was foolish.Your explanation seems to agree with my response. So, I'm not sure how that's me not thinking (or typing, whatever). If anything, I'm guilty of not quoting (and there look to be a lot of edits back here). Edited July 24, 2012 by McKh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) Lol at the comments about smart businesses only sticking to one thing. A lot of the most successful business, Walmart, Target, etc. are successful because a customer can come to their store, and do all of their shopping in one stop.You are attempting to use a straw man or you are simply trolling. Quote the person that made the claim if you want people to think otherwise. Edited July 24, 2012 by DEADS0NG 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xducktales 2 Posted July 24, 2012 i lol'd at dying to pk every 2 minutes. it takes me 5 minutes just to spawn in and then another 10-20 minutes if im lucky enough to find another survivor. more like dying to pk every other hour Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pumbas 1 Posted July 25, 2012 i lol'd at dying to pk every 2 minutes. it takes me 5 minutes just to spawn in and then another 10-20 minutes if im lucky enough to find another survivor. more like dying to pk every other hourThis guy says everything! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
denkart 198 Posted July 25, 2012 I don't understand these people. It's like they only think of themselves. "Oh, I don't like player killing so this game will fail if the player killing isn't stopped" Every stop to think that maybe some people like the PK aspect of the game? That's the whole reason I was interested in this game. I had been waiting for a hardcore pvp mmo with permadeath and corpse looting. No MMO delivered, but day z has taken that place for me. If you don't like PKing, play a different game that doesn't allow it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkdeadeye 8 Posted July 25, 2012 I hate getting sniped. I really fucking hate it. But, if I didn't have that apprehension knowing..AW FUCK, why am I on this tower..someone is gonna pop me in the face, I know it.If I didn't have to take 20 minutes to scout around before raiding medical tents, or the hospital..If knowing that the biggest danger in cherno was that random newb who found an enfield..This game would be boring.I still get pissed off when some asshole snipes me out of some random ass deer stand in the middle of the woods.But I'd be bored as fuck killing zombies all day without the fear of some jerkoff waiting a mile away watching me through his scope. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Julia_Shafer 18 Posted July 25, 2012 its as simple as networking people to fix the PVP problem. Get enough people in a safe zone enough times and advertising it would work in the long distance. Would need a lot of people to do it on diff servers, and chances are people are going to kill you... alot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted July 25, 2012 because the initial design goal for this experiment was to avoid balance, fairness, and judgment/punishment. to be ruthless and frustrating. all the things that the modern gaming industry has added to every game they put out turning things into this stagnant boring mess. to have players be the primary threat to survival. for rocket to be an architect, and then to have us determine whether the game turned into nothing but rampant player killing or not. not for people to bitch about getting killed by players and demand that some sort of hard coded rules were put into the game to make everyone safe. essentially people say this because the experience the complainers are looking for is in so many other games out there already. this was designed to do something different, not fall into the same crap every major dev company puts out these days. if you dislike the pvp, do something about it, don't look to the developers for your solutions.Nice waffle you went on there. I didnt say anything about pvp. I said why do people have to say "go back to wow" and such at the end of the post. Its incredibly childish and to be fair, a tad out of order. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnggernaut 5 Posted July 25, 2012 Seems the OP is complaining because they don't understand what this game is about.The zombies are a second to the player interactions. Interactions being shooting each other in the face. A single player or co-op only version of the game would be very boring. Without the risk, the game would fail. The fact that the OP is saying 'this is why some people don't want to play' shows they do not know that it's the reason Arma 2 is the top seller on Steam right now and through a fair amount of the summer sale. It continually remained in the top 20 sales throughout.This game just isn't for everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted July 25, 2012 You need to understand that there are gaming mechanics that have to circumvent the "realism" standard or the game fundamentally wouldn't work.I understand it perfectly, that's why i say: when you adopt a compromise (it is a videogame after all), you need to adopt counter measure to balance the game on the other side (affected by the previous compromise).For our specific case: we cannot have a permanent death (where permanent means forever.. like in real life), the death (being scared of dying) is one of the main reason that stop us to do (much) stupid things (risking your life); in a videogame you're not scared to die (of course), neither you're penalized much of risking your (virtual) life, so you are more aimed to to "stupid" things (risking much) .. like engaging PvP for your entiere playing time.Until you "fix" this (being scared of dying) you will never have a "real" ppl behaviour... it's all about running, gunning, trolling, respawning.. like any other shooter. There's nothing real doing this.... what's the point of having the ultrarealistic ballistic when i can troll around with an hatchet singing trollolo!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gator (DayZ) 22 Posted July 25, 2012 with respect to OP, indubitably. The problem is, there is no, and never has been, any plan to make this a long term playable "game." The only plan was to make a zombie mod on arma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ispecter 55 Posted July 25, 2012 They just need to get ride of the hackers, 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites