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A Bush killed me

No Respawn button now? /sigh

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All current spawn zones are in the vicinity of some Zs so this change hardly solves any of "server load" issues. Yep, it will take a minute longer than usual to suicide but it's no big deal. If you want to solve suicide respawn problems there should be just one spawn zone. If there are at least two zones people will always try to hop to better one. More spawn zones = more suicides = more server load.

TL;DR: announced change = random click death protection. Wanna help server load? Decrease spawn zones number.

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All current spawn zones are in the vicinity of some Zs so this change hardly solves any of "server load" issues. Yep, it will take a minute longer than usual to suicide but it's no big deal. If you want to solve suicide respawn problems there should be just one spawn zone. If there are at least two zones people will always try to hop to better one. More spawn zones = more suicides = more server load.

TL;DR: announced change = random click death protection. Wanna help server load? Decrease spawn zones number.

If you decrease spawn zones number, they will be easier to camp, creating an additional problem. This will decrease the frequency of respawns, even if just by a little. This is a good thing for us! We want the servers to run well!

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You, sir, win the dumbest post in this thread award.

Waaah! My feet hurt. I had to run a few kilometers!

Only career gamers could possibly be so fucking lazy that they won't even run virtually.

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Waaah! My feet hurt. I had to run a few kilometers!

Only career gamers could possibly be so fucking lazy that they won't even run virtually.

Don't forget, it's for this generation that the 'auto-run' key binding was created... :P "Back in the day" we used to feel cool for creating solutions involving duct tape, heavy objects, and rubber bands...

Edited by TolEressea

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If you decrease spawn zones number, they will be easier to camp, creating an additional problem. This will decrease the frequency of respawns, even if just by a little. This is a good thing for us! We want the servers to run well!

There is no point nor interest in camping noobs. Out of all bandits (and I'm one of 'em) I doubt more than 1-5% are doing that.

I like this random-click protection anyways. After 2 month I managed to kill myself this way once wanting to open video (or sound) options :) . But I really doubt it will help with suicide respawns => server load. Because I already described what I'll do to pick better spawn location after this change goes live.

Edited by Kyorikei

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Waaah! My feet hurt. I had to run a few kilometers!

Only career gamers could possibly be so fucking lazy that they won't even run virtually.

Only people with virtually no life don't care about the potential loss of time doing what you enjoy(actually playing the game with friends) and instead think it's fine to spend approximately half of the time you should be playing trying to catch up with your group.

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You are meant to spawn alone.

You are meant to struggle to survive those first few minutes.

Finding your friends should be a challenge, not given to you for free.

Getting your bearings and they theirs, and agreeing upon a mutual meeting point and navigating there safely is part of the initial survival challenge.

All over this fucking forum all day every fucking day I hear people calling out for more "survival" elements in the game.

This is one of them.

And yet here you are, tears flowing freely, decrying a change that makes early survival a challenge because you can't spawn sitting in your friends' lap sucking on his nipple.

So suck it the fuck up and get out there and fucking survive.

I'm ashamed of each and every one of you. You are an embarrassment to the name "survivor."

Only people with virtually no life don't care about the potential loss of time doing what you enjoy(actually playing the game with friends) and instead think it's fine to spend approximately half of the time you should be playing trying to catch up with your group.

Half the time?

Half the motherfucking time?

15 minutes, tops. That's how long it takes to meet anyone who is anywhere in this game.

Give me a fucking break.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Wow, I can't believe how many times I've seen some whiny kid complain about some change that's announced, and next thing you know people are posting QQ threads about how the [insert current big change] is going to break the game.

Every single time..

It's seriously getting old. Either play the game and like it and report the bugs you find, or come back when it's done..

Removing starting weapons didn't kill the game.

Adding Bear Traps didn't break the game.

Removing the Respawn button will *not* break the game.

Also, please stop demanding that Rocket fix things *right now* I'm so tired of retards making demands and ultimatums like anyone gives a shit what they think. All you do when you demand changes/fixes or threaten to quit playing/uninstall is make me and other "serious" people chuckle.


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All current spawn zones are in the vicinity of some Zs so this change hardly solves any of "server load" issues. Yep, it will take a minute longer than usual to suicide but it's no big deal. If you want to solve suicide respawn problems there should be just one spawn zone. If there are at least two zones people will always try to hop to better one. More spawn zones = more suicides = more server load.

TL;DR: announced change = random click death protection. Wanna help server load? Decrease spawn zones number.

You're seriously saying taking a "minute" longer to respawn won't have an impact on server load?

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You are meant to spawn alone.

You are meant to struggle to survive those first few minutes.

Finding your friends should be a challenge, not given to you for free.

Getting your bearings and they theirs, and agreeing upon a mutual meeting point and navigating there safely is part of the initial survival challenge.

All over this fucking forum all day every fucking day I hear people calling out for more "survival" elements in the game.

This is one of them.

And yet here you are, tears flowing freely, decrying a change that makes early survival a challenge because you can't spawn sitting in your friends' lap sucking on his nipple.

So suck it the fuck up and get out there and fucking survive.

Holy fucking shit this thread is pissing me off right now.

I'm ashamed of each and every one of you. You are an embarrassment to the name "survivor."

That is your opinion and it is wrong. Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad for having it.

Also, i'm not a survivor. My role is to prevent you from being one.

You mouthbreathers don't even seem to follow how this change does NOTHING to prevent what you OR Rocket wants.

People will still suicide. They will still spawn where they want to eventually. They'll just suicide by zombie. Use some common sense, you nitwit.

Edited by Valec
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Also, i'm not a survivor. My role is to prevent you from being one.

Yes. You are truly a Chernarus bad ass.

Who is apparently afraid to be alone for 10 minutes.


Pure gold.

People will still suicide. They will still spawn where they want to eventually. They'll just suicide by zombie. Use some common sense, you nitwit.

Lazy assholes will suicide. I never have, nor anyone I've ever played with.

So tell me, if this changes nothing for you, why are you even in this thread? Surely this change is completely irrelevant to you?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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We really need to rip on these guys crying ITT more.

No different than asking for no PVP servers IMO, and we all know how those turn out.

Also how often do you and your friends die and need to meet up anyway? Could this maybe be the "bandit" death match crowd who never leaves the coast complaing now? Oh the irony.

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Yes. You are truly a Chernarus bad ass.

Who is apparently afraid to be alone for 10 minutes.


Pure gold.

Bitch better recognize. I go to chernogorsk with my NV and thermal vision. It's where I hang out, like, all damn day!

Seriously, the moment you try to impede people playing this game with their friends is the moment you actually have to admit you're an idiot who wants the game to fail.

Lazy assholes will suicide. I never have, nor anyone I've ever played with.

So tell me, if this changes nothing for you, why are you even in this thread? Surely this change is completely irrelevant to you?

I call bullshit on this, but hey, i'll entertain the thought anyway. He's making the change to reduce server load, since apparently creating characters is the most intensive thing that is actually done. This doesn't address that. What it does do is makes it so now i've got to run like an idiot until I find some zombies because i'm not running from Solichiny down the Kamenka because my friend spawned there. That's not a 16 minute venture. That's an all night venture.

I know you may have infinite time on your hands, but not everybody does.

Edited by Valec

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Seriously, the moment you try to impede people playing this game with their friends is the moment you actually have to admit you're an idiot who wants the game to fail.

If you die so often that a 10 minute walk after spawning is "impeding" your play, then you need to stop dying so often.

I haven't had to spawn in 28 days.

28 days ago I had to walk 10 minutes to meet my friends.

So impeded.

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I guess you're not supposed to use the respawn button to chose your spawn but seriously, you will spawn at kamenka all the damn time, chances are that im not going to find a vehicle of any kind so i'm gonna have to walk everywhere, every day, every hour, step step step step step.

I'm going to Cherno or Elektro anyways, i got an endless amount of km's ahead of me, i will respawn a few times so i can atleast start somewhere decent before i leave for my endless journey on foot.

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That is your opinion and it is wrong. Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad for having it.

Also, i'm not a survivor. My role is to prevent you from being one.

You mouthbreathers don't even seem to follow how this change does NOTHING to prevent what you OR Rocket wants.

People will still suicide. They will still spawn where they want to eventually. They'll just suicide by zombie. Use some common sense, you nitwit.

So people will spend 5 minutes killing their self 10 times instead of spending 15 minutes running to their desired location?

Do you people even think before you type or does this go right past your brain filter and out your ass.

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im actually quite happy with this it stops the instant revenge after you kill a guy in electro hes going to keep killing himself till he gets to electro and try and recover his stuff

Wtf so you wont even let him get his stuff back? Take what you can carry, then leave the corpse alone.

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If you die so often that a 10 minute walk after spawning is "impeding" your play, then you need to stop dying so often.

I haven't had to spawn in 28 days.

28 days ago I had to walk 10 minutes to meet my friends.

So impeded.

Seriously bro, if you spawn on one side of Elektro, and your friend on the other side? THAT is a ten minute walk. ASSUMING neither of you get killed along the way since that's pretty much KOS territory.

Stop making up fictional numbers to make your opinion seem plausible. It's not.

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Wtf so you wont even let him get his stuff back? Take what you can carry, then leave the corpse alone.

Don't hide the corpse? xD

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Endless bitching about immersion when still no one has addressed what you do when you encounter some bug that prevents or significantly impedes your character from progressing.

If load is really that big of an issue:

Server notes when you press the "respawn" button, prevents you from using it again until X minutes have passed.

Things this requires: A flag and timestamp

Things this prevents: Server load issues while maintaining players' ability to continue their game if they encounter a progress impeding bug.

Edited by deathTouch

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Whaaa.... spam respawn to pas through Elektro?

If you want to kill yourself in DayZ.

You're gonna have a bad time. :lol:

Edited by Dallas

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Just use your virtual legs and run!

It can't possibly be so tiring to press "w"..

lol jk

Please add public transport to all the cities!

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Don't hide the corpse? xD

I only hide corpses of people with high end military gear. Whatever I leave behind, I don't want anyone else getting. Especially them.

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Endless bitching about immersion when still no one has addressed what you do when you encounter some bug that prevents or significantly impedes your character from progressing.

If load is really that big of an issue:

Server notes when you press the "respawn" button, prevents you from using it again until 5 minutes have passed.

Things this requires: A flag and timestamp

Things this prevents: Server load issues while salvaging players' ability to continue their game if they encounter a progress impeding bug.

You click the suicide button on your weapon.

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