Rising (DayZ) 99 Posted July 23, 2012 bandits are like the cool kids in school, looking down at the nerds for wanting to do something with their lifes...Implying that we kill out of dislike? Sounds more like you have an issue with bullies. Anything you want to share with us? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay.pis 32 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) I agree and it's not just this game any game with open PvP is the same. It attracts the inbreeds of this world.It's a game that has COMBAT in it just like 99.9% of all games that are out there.I don't understand why people want to change an OPEN WORLD PVP SURVIVAL game and turn it into something else.Can't you guys just play the normal Arma II game or something? those have teams and shit like that. There are other games as well like BF3, COD, MW3, and a shit load of other similar games... Edited July 23, 2012 by jay.pis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nashy08 8 Posted July 23, 2012 True. but a "Good" sandbox game balances different playstyle content so that the majority of the playerbase isn't crowding the same corner of said sandbox.Right now, it's like we're all eating at the Chinese buffet and everyone is crowding the sweet and sour chicken station, because all the other food stations are not stocked or just dangerously undercooked.Great, now I'm hungry...You should read some of the quotes from Rocket on page 2, then you'll realize how stupid you sound. "You need to change to the new environment. EA and blizzard aren't here to balance the fuck out of the game. You're going to have to do that yourselves.Jesus it's like weening someone off herion. " - Rocket Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LumberBack 43 Posted July 23, 2012 Implying that we kill out of dislike? Sounds more like you have an issue with bullies. Anything you want to share with us?pretty much, i would say most people that play this game for the kills, hate the survival expect of the game, they would want regenerating health and ammo instead... lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rising (DayZ) 99 Posted July 23, 2012 EA and blizzard aren't here to balance the fuck out of the game.A fucking men. Those two destroyed some of my favorite games, including Battlefield, Diablo 3, and who knows how they're tweaking the shit out of ME3's multiplayer. I stopped playing to care. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kentk94 194 Posted July 23, 2012 I am so sick of people killing each other. I mean what the **** is your satisfaction? You will kill newly spawns just for the hell of it? It obviously isnt for looting purposes. This is what is wrong with this game. There are WAY too many hostiles. I just freaking logged in to get shot in the head by a sniper. There is nothing you can freaking do about it. ***holes will just camp on buildings waiting to kill people. You don't get to hear them rage or cry, you just see them die. I am sick of this crap, people completely ruin this game. Maybe ill come back to this if something ever changes, Atleast show people that are hostiles. Change their clothes if they murder people so I know to steer clear, that is if i even see them before i get spawn killed.Uh....bye I guess? Not sure what your problem is. I don't have these issues. Wait....Lemme guess, you like to hang out in Cherno and Elektro instead of doing the smart thing and looting and getting the f$%k out of Dodge.In that case, let me use a phrase that I'm not overly fond of, but certainly would seem to apply here. L2Play n00b. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rising (DayZ) 99 Posted July 23, 2012 pretty much, i would say most people that play this game for the kills, hate the survival expect of the game, they would want regenerating health and ammo instead... lolThat reminds me of a story. Your analogy of the bullies beating up nerds because they hate them, that's not true in DayZ, we kill out of survival too. Back in my high school, the bullies were the smart ones. Why study hard for homework when you can just take the answers from the self-proclaimed smart kids? So we pounded them and took what we want. I always felt that was how nature intended it. So one day, this chubby little redhead had the cheek to talk back in his fit of rage. "You can't just take other people's stuff," he cried."You can't do that forever!" I stood there stunned for a moment... then extended my head to help him up. His snarl slowly turned to surprise, as he took my hand and lifted himself up. I pulled him up, then shoulder barged his fat ass right back into the hard concrete ground. "Thats for being a momma's boy," I yelled at him. I knew he was just parroting his mother's wisdom. "Get strong or gtfo!" I knew at the time that his mother may be right, that perhaps I would actually have to work hard to survive in life. Luckily, DayZ proved me right. I kill to survive, just like any of you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rakkasan 23 Posted July 23, 2012 Haha love all the asshat responses. Kids with keyboards are the most dangerous sort. Seriously though, no one is going to miss you, probably because no one knows you or cares. You ARE going to die at some point in time, period. Whether it is some fat kid in his mom's basement, or some high class man in the suburbs, both are going to shoot on sight. It is the safest outcome. If you like killing innocent players, does not mean you are "hardcore" so quit blowing each other off (stroking each others egos). If you are a survivor, same deal. Tons of advice given on how to survive, from bandits and survivors. It is not that hard.Here is how I see it. If you have lived long enough to find an alice pack/czech bag and/or weapon, you are a threat, if you see me, you die. Coyote bag, just keep running and do what you need to do, I dont want to waste my bullets, but more than likely I won't be on the shoreline, Cherno, or Electro so no worries. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P5ykoOHD 63 Posted July 23, 2012 So many beanZ to give !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trajado 22 Posted July 23, 2012 I get the PvP. I like it. But like so many stated before, the problem isnt the bandits, but the genre of bandits.There is your general bandit, hardcore dude, that kills everyone he sees to check if there is anything worth loot.Then there is your "check me, i reached puberty" bandit, that sits on a hill and snipes Elektro and Cherno!Seriously... What's the challenge on killing noobs 500m away? Where do you get the feeling of acomplishment and happiness?Don't get it... Why not be a man since you are all that confident about your first pubic hair, get into a nice server with +30 players and go snipe Stary or NW Airfield?If i saw more videos like that, shit! Have my beans! But 90% the vids people post its just kids too scared to face another survivor and posting here to feel good about themselfs. And worst its the amount of people with an even worst self estime that come and give them the thumbs up.I understand a lot of noobs are just careless and reckless and deserve the shot in the back of the head, and i even admit that too the ones that get killed, understand why, adapt and overcome, all you poor souls are actualy doing a favor.But again... Why do you feel good about it? Are you all that poor of spirit that sniping noobs is rewarding enough to get you trough the day?It's sad... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bad Science 23 Posted July 23, 2012 You should read some of the quotes from Rocket on page 2, then you'll realize how stupid you sound."You need to change to the new environment. EA and blizzard aren't here to balance the fuck out of the game. You're going to have to do that yourselves.Jesus it's like weening someone off herion. " - RocketHe does not sound stupid at all, the understocked buffet analogy is exactly dead on. The rest of the game IS underveloped, as any casual observer can see. You are the one who sounds stupid here. I am not going to do it, but someone should jump in right here and tell you "Its alpha dude". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 10 Posted July 23, 2012 I think that you misunderstand what a crisis will do to a person, when it gets rough, but faced with possible death or relative safety you would take their life too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay.pis 32 Posted July 23, 2012 I think that you misunderstand what a crisis will do to a person, when it gets rough, but faced with possible death or relative safety you would take their life tooPlus add to that, that this is a game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 23, 2012 True. but a "Good" sandbox game balances different playstyle content so that the majority of the playerbase isn't crowding the same corner of said sandbox.16% of the deaths from PvP.Always fun to see interesting definitions of "majority" crop up in these whining, asinine threads. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aitloian 11 Posted July 23, 2012 lumberback, your such a negative nancy would you go play the Diablo 3 Pony Level that would be MUCH more suited to your tastes of what a game should be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 23, 2012 lumberback, your such a negative nancy would you go play the Diablo 3 Pony Level that would be MUCH more suited to your tastes of what a game should be.Browse his history. It's literally the same post 403 times in various threads. He could be replaced by a bot that just chooses a random thread in General Discussion and posts "too bad the game is just a pvp fest" and then goes to sleep for 10 minutes before repeating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aitloian 11 Posted July 23, 2012 I've seen his several quitting threads, pvp is lame and anti bandit threads and I've seen his 5 or 6 of his other posts being a whiner in this thread alone.I would be ashamed if my history looked like his. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Grimmer 11 Posted July 23, 2012 I was laying prone, and some survivor darted past me. I debated for a second, then shot him in the back because, why not? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xwhitemousex 67 Posted July 23, 2012 Rocket likes to compare DayZ to EVE when it comes to defending why there is open PvP and why it is needed to create a player-driven environment within DayZ.Sadly, DayZ doesn't have anything that relates to EVE, besides open PvP... and even there EVE, despite being one of, if not the most, hardcore MMO's on market, has made compromises to safeguard new players.EVE has a completely player driven economy, but EVE didn't go into alpha, then beta then got launched with a player driven economy. EVE has matured into what it is now over years... several years. In fact, when EVE was fairly new most items were seeded into the game and not made by players at all. Now EVE is successful, as far as it's niche playstyle goes, because it has had those many years to constantly evolve into the game it is today. EVE wouldn't have been where it is today if you had thrown every newbie directly into nullsec when they started, getting constantly farmed by more experienced players in better ships everytime they undocked from a space station.EVE player start out in the relative safety of highsec, then as they become more experienced and more proficient with the game, they start to join player corporations and slowly migrate to nullsec or even wormholes.But DayZ doesn't have no mission system, or mining, or building, or trading or in fact, anything that can be related to EVE in such a manner. Trading in DayZ rarely works out since you just show up and then eat a snipershot to the head, and someone else simply loots all your stuff.In EVE you have large nullsec corporations because there is a necessity for players to cooperate in order to remain in control. There is no such necessity in DayZ. In order to survive in the open PvP world of nullsec you require huge amounts of either resources or ISK in order to keep people supplied with ships and ammo. You need logistics networks to move around, teamwork to move large fleets, cooperation to keep systems safe. Because there is a need to have people with various skills in order to achieve all those things, you find people working together in corporations. You have freighter pilots, capital ship pilots, market traders, researchers, explorers, ship builders, combat pilots so on and so forth.DayZ has no such mechanics at all.You don't need someone who can drive cars or fly helicopters... everyone can do it.You don't need someone who can fix broken legs or stop bleeding... everyone can do it.You don't need someone who has the skill and training to use sophisticated sniper rifles and military equipment... everyone can do it.And there is no goals in DayZ. Sure, it's about surviving. But in the real world, once you have food and water you can actually start doing something else... such as building shelter, or even start building a house. You have so many options and things you can proceed to do once you have the basics in real life, but in DayZ there is nothing whatsoever you can really go for once you have the basics... except one thing... go hunt other people. The mechanics/features that provide players with more options than blowing eachothers brains out are simply not implemented (at least not yet).So do people have just cause to be upset about constantly being killed? Well... not really. The game in it's current state means it's a grab food/drink (ingame, not IRL) then go play deathmatch. There is no secret to this and it's well known and admitted by Rocket in different interviews. It's a current flaw, but something to be worked at over time. Which simply means, if you don't want to hunt other players or PvP, then Chernarus Apocalypse is probably a much better option at this stage.There is great potential with DayZ and it can, given the right support and development, become something truly unique in much the same way that EVE is completely unique in the playstyle and atmosphere you find there. But that is a long, LONG road to walk still. DayZ is currently where EVE was about 10 years ago.I'm hoping and believing DayZ can offer more than just a sniper-manhunt experience further down the road, and that they actually let the game evolve in the direction of a survival sim and not a sniper sim.I'm worried though that with the game in the state it is now, it will attract alot more of the pure PvP community and keep turning away the more survival focused community, which means the game will probably keep making a turn towards a heavier focus on pure PvP from the community feedback.EVE wouldn't survive without both the PvP and the PvE elements in place. People do PvE stuff like mining, researching, building and trading, in order to supply the people who make ships go bang with even more ships... which then go bang and creates a demand for more ships... Despite the EVE community sitting in different forts as well, with the PvE and PvP crowds having at eachother, there is a synergy between PvE and PvP in that game. If you push out the PvE... who is going to mine out resources to build more ships? The PvP'ers? I think they'd get real bored, real fast, from shooting stationary rocks all day. So ship prices go up due to lack of supplied resources and eventually people can't afford to make ships go bang anymore.So without a player driven economy... can DayZ accomodate both sides of the community, both PvE and PvP? Or even more interestingly... can there be a synergy between PvE and PvP within DayZ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 4 Posted July 23, 2012 Unfortunately, such is the way of things in DayZ currently. I dont think you should give up though. Remember, the game is still in Alpha, the very early stages of development. There might be a host of different reasons that a (seemingly) large percentage of the population spend their time griefing other players. Some of those reasons can not be dealt with. However, one of the main reasons, IMHO, is simply that there is literally nothing else to do in the game. There is zero content. Which is acceptable! It's still being developed.Once Rocket and his team deploy future mechanics in the game to add any semblance of depth, I think we're likely to see the kill-on-sight mentality, and the griefing, start to recede a bit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AG-D.Wright 56 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) play on empty servers. or low populated ones. when i go to raid cherno/elektro i go to a server with ~5 people, get what i want, then join 35+ servers afterwards. i don't do empty, because it seems unfair, but feel free to do it if you want.Thats a pretty boring way to play the game. I have the most fun when I'm trying to sneak into a high value building, and can get shot at any moment. Thats the best part of the game, IMO. The competitive aspects such as disputes over supplies/loot makes more immersion. What a boring way to play for you. Edited July 23, 2012 by Slazors92 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 23, 2012 EVE's economy wasn't always completely balanced, but it was always player-driven. I played shortly after launch and distinctly remember cornering the market on a particular trade good that was needed just after implants were added to the game.I became a multi-billionaire overnight and owned one of the first battleships ever in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted July 23, 2012 I must be living in a parallel universe or something because i do not see mass PvP deathmatches. In all my recent Respawns i have found it quite easy to get geared up.Now, i am not saying i am the Chuck Norris of Day Z but c'mon, is the game that hard at the moment?Bandits are a necessity in this game - Dayz without bandits is like men without BALLS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joaby 25 Posted July 23, 2012 shhh no tears only dreams now 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites