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Pending Update: Build

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[...] ... if rocket feels like they need to test what kind of impact removing the respawn button will have on the game then he is well within in his right to do it, because alphas are for testing mechanics that have an impact on gameplay. He's not a stubborn guy, if it turns out to hurt the game he'll put it back in.

Yes, besides I am a bit relieved because he explicitly pointed out that the respawn in an incorrect location is really fixed/ addressd now with this patch. So I will have a look at the patch anyways and hope that those (really annoying) situations when you are found in DebugHills have gone forever now. For this reason I am ok with the respawn button beeing gone (although I would have prefered to leave it there and have a timer of 15mins on it or sth. like that).

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pistols are useles in a pvp fight. 2 guys 15 feet from me took me by surprise and unloaded their pistols on me. i was crouching, got up and ran passing by a friend behind a wall, and when they came close he mowed them down with an akm. i had something like 3000 blood left.

went trought a lot of fights in a row, i just simply gave up using pistols, theyre so ridiculous now.

cant believe this change in gameplay, feels like playing a slowpaced version of counterstrike on a biggermap. (with annoying zombies that show no threat whatsoever, unless they desync and i got hit or they wont die)

Edited by white

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pistols are useles in a pvp fight. 2 guys 15 feet from me took me by surprise and unloaded their pistols on me. i was crouching, got up and ran passing by a friend behind a wall, and when they came close he mowed them down with an akm. i had something like 3000 blood left.

went trought a lot of fights in a row, i just simply gave up using pistols, theyre so ridiculous now.

cant believe this change in gameplay, feels like playing a slowpaced version of counterstrike on a biggermap. (with annoying zombies that show no threat whatsoever, unless they desync and i got hit or they wont die)

thats because of the patch the arma 2 guys did, and has nothing to do with the dayZ team, get yourfacts right before rambling

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Small bug report that might fit the patch:

L85A2 AWS is probably not beeing saved on player's data correctly.

The Following happened to me and a friend:

> We each found a L85A2 AWS.

> We both had for quite some time.

> I joined a Server and my L85A2 AWS disappeared.

> My friend joined another Server and his L85A2 AWS also disappeared.

I do not believe this is a L85 bug, I have had an 870 shotgun and an AKS-74U KOBRA dissapear from my main inventory slot as well, after having them for a while.

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If the damage values get changed back to where they were, sure.

The player isn't moving in those five seconds, he is just sitting there. If you can't headshot that target you probably shouldn't be playing shooters.

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The player isn't moving in those five seconds, he is just sitting there. If you can't headshot that target you probably shouldn't be playing shooters.

there ARE no five seconds

and its not in the patch notes either

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1. its an alpha

2. why punish people for things that they maby forced to respawn alt f4 etc

3. what about the vehicles hoarders????

4. can u implement a non pvp server or maby get the pvp systemj from- dead frontier( f2p zombie mmo)not everyone wanna pvp its a survivor game not pvp if i want pvp action i return to bf3 cos thats much better withoput lags

5. zombiez see me even when im crawling or crouching in the middel of the night over a km sometimes

6. u cant be serius abot the respawn buttom cos if i come back from work and wanna team up with my friends i dont wanna walk from kamenka to gorka dude ur mod is not even complete and wanna punish peole for unknown reasons if i get assaulted by 10 guys ater walking 2 hours to find a pistol u think im gona waste that time again????? i love ur mod i even stoped bf 3 for day z but pls do something with the vehicle spawn and dont remove the respawn buttom cos i dont wanna walk 30 min to find a zombie that kills me finaly another thing is U BREAK U LEGS ETC BY JUST PASSING UR FRIEND IN CORRIDORS MATE IF U WANNA REALISTIC GET THIS SHIT FIXED FIRST BEFOR U START PUNISH PEOPLE AND PLS GET RID OF THE VEHICLE HOARDERS COS FOR 1 WEEK IM LOOKING FOR A CAR NOW ON SO MANY SERVER I I DONT FIND SHIT COS SOME SELFFISH BASTARD HOARDS THEM OU OF BOUNDARIES WTF ( srry didnent see caps) its alrdy hard enough that u start with nothing and when i try to loot cherni and ther eis nothing or its to dark to see something u wanna record my behavior and wanna warn me /ban without asking me whtf happen dde dont become a diktator pls ur mod is awsome we all waited for this dont mess this up pls

Edited by no0b

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Firstly, we will do what DayZ always does... we will collect data.

At the same time, initially, login cooldown will be applied (and grow) where you transfer to another server, and cooldown will be applied significantly if you try and reconnect to the same server (with an alive character). Once we have enough data, we will use that to determine algorithms that detect a players behavior over a period of time. This will allow us to then start applying warnings > punishments > database bans; to those players who continue the behavior.

Sometimes, when I play, I go to a safe plase, logout, eat some dinner or going to the toilet. I dont beeing in combat with other players or is in any danger from infected - Q - will I recive punishments for doing that?

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1. its an alpha

2. why punish people for things that they maby forced to respawn alt f4 etc

3. what about the vehicles hoarders????

4. can u implement a non pvp server or maby get the pvp systemj from dead frontier( f2p zombie mmo)

5. zombiez see me even when im crawling or crouching in the middel of the night

6. u cant be serius abot the respawn buttom cos if i come back from work and wanna team up with my friends i dont wanna walk from kamenka to gorka dude ur mod is not even complete and wanna punish peole for unknown reasons if i get assaulted by 10 guys ater walking 2 hours to find a pistol u think im gona waste that time again????? i love ur mod i even stoped bf 3 for day z but pls do something with the vehicle spawn and dont remove the respawn buttom cos i dont wanna walk 30 min to find a zombie that kills me finaly another thing is U BREAK U LEGS ETC BY JUST PASSING UR FRIEND IN CORRIDORS MATE IF U WANNA REALISTIC GET THIS SHIT FIXED FIRST BEFOR U START PUNISH PEOPLE AND PLS GET RID OF THE VEHICLE HOARDERS COS FOR 1 WEEK IM LOOKING FOR A CAR NOW ON SO MANY SERVER I I DONT FIND SHIT COS SOME SELFFISH BASTARD HOARDS THEM OU OF BOUNDARIES WTF ( srry didnent see caps) its alrdy hard enough that u start with nothing and when i try to loot chern and ther eis nothing or its to dark to see something u wanna record my behavior and wanna warn me /ban without asking me whtf happen dde dont become a diktator pls ur mod is awsome we all waited for this dont fuck this up pls

there is no way you have a job; you seem barely literate.

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there is no way you have a job; you seem barely literate.

you got my beans for the right use of a semicolon and making fun of an illiterate person at the same time

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there is no way you have a job; you seem barely literate.

what ever u say

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by the did they nerv the revolver or m1911 ????? cos it takes sometimes a whole clip do get a zed down before it was only 1 shot

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you got my beans for the right use of a semicolon and making fun of an illiterate person at the same time

i can't wait for his 20-line retort. it will all be one huge sentence, naturally.

edit: ah nevermind.

Edited by Blakorr

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Hey Rocket, First off I'd like to thank you for a potentially Kick-ass mod that I've been thoroughly enjoying playing. That being said, yesterday I had a crash that seemed to corrupt my Hive data. I've tried everything I can client-side to resolve this, including (but not limited to) re-installing arma 2 and OA. I'm up to date on BE and OA patches but just hang on the loading screen. From what I've read others are encountering the same issues and its rendered the game completely unplayable for me. Any chance this will get fixed in Also would someone be able to reset my hive data and give me a fresh spawn? any information would be appreciated. Like many other I purchased Arma II purely for dayz....I'd love to start logging some more play time.

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there is no way you have a job; you seem barely literate.

dude enghlish is not my mother langauge u fucking troll and by the way u judge to fast what shows us ur barely mind status u fucking ideot

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People who get killed by people who spawn in are 9/10 times hoppers themselves.

got anything to back that up?

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there is no way you have a job; you seem barely literate.

HAHA - you're forgetting about the "equal opportunity" companies? :D

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Any possibility that the 1911 and Revolver damage be fixed? Now it takes 4 shots to kill a zed instead of 1.

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by the did they nerv the revolver or m1911 ????? cos it takes sometimes a whole clip do get a zed down before it was only 1 shot

the arma 2 guys patched the weapons damage, check dayZ db for more info

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09:00 - Refresh browser - no patch

09:05 - Refresh browser - no patch

09:10 - Refresh browser - no patch (God Damn it !!!)





The pattern continues

12:45 - Refresh browser - no patch

12:50 - Refresh browser - no patch

12:55 - Refresh browser - no patch (Jesus f**king christ, where is this god damn patch)

13:00 - Go watch Red arrows fly over Belfast (That was a waste of time, i could have missed the patch, run back to office)




The pattern continues

13:45 - Refresh browser - no patch

13:50 - Refresh browser - no patch

13:55 - Refresh browser - no patch

14:00 - Refresh browser - no patch (Typing this pointless post, then going to make coffee)

I am bored, away to make coffee

Love this MOD guys. Waiting for patch if you don't realize that already

you think its cool to waste my time? you just like hearing your own voice i suppose.

941 pointless

942 pointless

943 still pointless

i guess i discovered a pattern!!!

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dude enghlish is not my mother langauge u fucking troll and by the way u judge to fast what shows us ur barely mind status u fucking ideot

well it seems you've got the curse words down. time to learn the rest of the language.

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dude enghlish is not my mother langauge u fucking troll and by the way u judge to fast what shows us ur barely mind status u fucking ideot

That's no excuse, english is not my native language either. You would do a lot better if you could be bothered to spell out your words. 'U' and 'UR' is just annoying.

By the way, people can't hoard vehicles off the map anymore, it was fixed a good while ago.

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dude enghlish is not my mother langauge u fucking troll and by the way u judge to fast what shows us ur barely mind status u fucking ideot

theres so much wrong with that...

raging person not able to take 5 minutes to write things with concentration talking about low intelligence using the words "ur barely mind status" ?

btw my mother language isn't english either, but at least you could refrain from becoming insulting just because someone criticizes your writings

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