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I totally forgot about the Gamespay issues as I'm at work. Sorry bro, thanks for the update and even more awesome to know you really do monitor the important threads. I am in no rush to get the update so continue with your helping Gamespy thats much more important!

You do know there is quite easy workaround to that problem with gamespy right?

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Have you considered the reason why they press respawn? Have they been given a reasonable choice? Is it so hard to understand that not everyone wants to run 20 minutes gearless at the coastline.

did i get a choice where i was born? fuck no. i sure wouldnt have chosen that place. is it so hard to understand i didnt want to have to wait 18 years to become and adult and 21 years to legally get drunk? you know what? its called life. Edited by sivart
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I have a child as well. What do I do? I don't play computer games while she is awake. Kids go to bed early, plenty of time to play dayz.

If something really requires my attention, it is probably more important than the health of my internet pixel man.

Oh well if that's what you do, it must be right for the other 11 billion people in the world.

Please give us more examples of how you live your life so that we may follow your shining example. <_<

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maybe you are a little dude. there is a right way.

there is a technique for motorcycles

that being said, a flipped ATV would be a lot more awkward

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You do know there is quite easy workaround to that problem with gamespy right?

Yes... where did I say I couldn't play lol. Thanks anyways!

Edited by witalit

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Rocket is the patch coming out today?. Do we have any news about it? :D

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Oh well if that's what you do, it must be right for the other 11 billion people in the world.

Please give us more examples of how you live your life so that we may follow your shining example. <_<

His point was that people are bitching about a problem that kinda should not exist.

There are a million choices of what to do in the world.

The designer of this game is designing it how he wants to at the moment. People are complaining that it's not going to cater to their situation... Something they can control. So the choice is there... But don't expect the mod to change so people can hit the "Daddy Time" button and flit in and out. Plenty of games do something similar. That was not chosen here, up to this point.

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No. The developers simply need to make it so there is a count down before you can log off. For example, if you close your client down, your character stays on the server for 1 minute.

Well, the problem is that the one minute logoff on the server may penalize people who simply want to logoff cause of phone calls , or other stuff to do. In some cases you don't have time to reach a safe zone, but it should stop the alt f4ers permanently.

Edited by Maxander338

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2 "get lost" statements in one post, and for what ? A guy saying he doesnt fancy a broken leg ? Some of you think you own the game. Your a fool,

I told no one to get lost. There are several thousands of players playing this mod that have absolutely zero clue as to what it actually is. Wanting things to be easier and more convenient? Wrong place, friend. Sorry. War Z, however, has made a list of promises to meet those wants. So... better luck there.

Edited by EliJRn

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His point was that people are bitching about a problem that kinda should not exist.

There are a million choices of what to do in the world.

The designer of this game is designing it how he wants to at the moment. People are complaining that it's not going to cater to their situation... Something they can control. So the choice is there... But don't expect the mod to change so people can hit the "Daddy Time" button and flit in and out. Plenty of games do something similar. That was not chosen here, up to this point.

Okay, i can understand that point of view but i think we just need to look at what's important here. Is server hoping that big of an issue to risk losing a fraction of the player base by penalizing them for not wanting to put up with the games quirks?

I guess people are thinking of this game like an MMO. They want it to cater to their play styles otherwise they simply won't play. On the other hand, Rocket can't be too accommodating the the wishes of the player because we could loose the spark that makes this game special... It's a tough balancing act.

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Patch is not coming out this week per Rockets interview ......bout the 11 min mark ....11:30 been a busy week we hope after testing to have it out next week.


Wasn't that interview from last week?

Edit: Nevermind, just noticed the date on the vid

Edited by RudestBuddhist

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Okay, i can understand that point of view but i think we just need to look at what's important here. Is server hoping that big of an issue to risk losing a fraction of the player base by penalizing them for not wanting to put up with the games quirks?

I guess people are thinking of this game like an MMO. They want it to cater to their play styles otherwise they simply won't play. On the other hand, Rocket can't be too accommodating the the wishes of the player because we could loose the spark that makes this game special... It's a tough balancing act.

Very true. All that some of are saying is we dont need to jump too extremely in any direction until the actual implementation of the idea. Then the feedback will be useful. Everyone is just speculating based on predilection.

Edited by Disgraced
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I also wrote this on your facebook page rocket. I am a little concerned about this abort log/reputation(alt+f4 is fine with me). I also noted from previous replies on these forums that there were a few posts about others having the same issue I do.. I have a newborn, when he cries and wants to be fed I HAVE to abort. Hell hath no fury like an angry wife. Just curious are you planning on addressing this real life issue?

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Okay, just listened to that interview... That rocket seems like one level headed and logical thinking guy. I have complete faith in the changes he wants to make now :)

Rek out o/

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What if you get bugged out and can't move, are you stuck forever then? Or if you spawn in the debug plain/forest, you're stuck there forever as well then?

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Good lord people need to READ and ABSORB.

At this stage you are not going to get banned for:

Finding a decent server.

Logging out to eat.

Logging out to use the phone.


Worshipping false deities.

The idea of looking into the trends is to ensure patterns can be found - punishments can be applied.

Realise that someone who can't login to 95% of the servers or someone who has to abort to answer the phone is NOT going to be a serial offender as opposed to someone who logs in and out of combat to avoid death or 'ghost' people or people who just log into 60 servers every 10 minutes looking for loot.

Although it seems a lot of the DayZ community reads the notes - however doesn't read any of the replies from people who can string a coherant sentence together.

If I see another:


I'm going to flip a desk..

Not my own mind you.

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You can no longer respawn, as it says in the changelog.

Suicide may be possible with a firearm, I am just checking to see if it will cause me to end up on CNN or some random politician somewhere will end up blaming me for a string of suicides. I'd rather not be sued, be on CNN, or responsible for people killing themselves.

But how great would it be to see people complaining about how they had to search for "hours" to find a gun just so they could kill themselves and spawn somewhere else. Hopefully the exact same spot. Even suicide would be challenging in DayZ!

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I also wrote this on your facebook page rocket. I am a little concerned about this abort log/reputation(alt+f4 is fine with me). I also noted from previous replies on these forums that there were a few posts about others having the same issue I do.. I have a newborn, when he cries and wants to be fed I HAVE to abort. Hell hath no fury like an angry wife. Just curious are you planning on addressing this real life issue?

Since when do game developers make provision for childcare !

Geez wake up dude, do your gaming around your family not the other way round.

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Okay, i can understand that point of view but i think we just need to look at what's important here. Is server hoping that big of an issue to risk losing a fraction of the player base by penalizing them for not wanting to put up with the games quirks?

I guess people are thinking of this game like an MMO. They want it to cater to their play styles otherwise they simply won't play. On the other hand, Rocket can't be too accommodating the the wishes of the player because we could loose the spark that makes this game special... It's a tough balancing act.

I think so much of it is just people getting used to something and then not wanting to change. it's bizarre to me because I've never respawned to get a better spawn. but some people do it so regularly that it becomes part of the game for them

pretty much every major change has been met with this kind of reaction. when I first started playing this game, it was the day they took away the spawn weapon. everyone was crying, saying the game is impossible, etc. then the tweaks to the zeds. they can see us far away? the game is "broken". they can run up hills? DayZ is dead. they even made a big deal about the rumor that the zeds can run inside. nothing worse then people with a straight face saying the game is ruined because of something that's not even true. that's pretty much where we're at with this issue. it hasn't even happened yet, and everyone's going crazy. rocket talks about collecting data and issuing warnings, and it's all "OMG I don't wanna get perma-banned for getting stuck at the loading screen"

people need to relax and give shit time to see what it's really all about. if it's really that much of a disaster, it'll have to go

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what does the server see alt+F4 as?? currently my internet is unstable trying to get it fixed but every now and then internet connection will drop off would the server see this as alt+F4? also what if you just disconnect from the server? i go afk alot and dont want to be raped by some random person thinking they are cool getting the jump on me while im afk

The difference between hitting the disconnect button in-game and Alt+F4 is that pressing the disconnect button will cause a disconnect packet to be sent, whereas Alt+F4 will simply close the program. The next time that the server sends any sort of packet (after Alt+F4), it will get a response from your computer saying "I'm no longer using that port," and then disconnect you itself (this is typically within a second or two of Alt+F4'ing).

This could further be compared to disconnecting your ethernet cable, where your computer simply no longer exists on the internet, therefore there is absolutely no response whatsoever. This is when you will timeout in-game, after the server attempts to re-send the packet X amount of times and waits Y milliseconds for a response.

There are other situations as well, such as firewalls stealthing ports, packets actually getting lost or returning a bad checksum (rare), but that's sort of a tangent off your question. =P

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Can you explain the disabling singleplayer, is it because you don't want people with DayZ SP playing it?

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