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Suicide is a serious issue, both in game and out of it.

But it is not something I'm prepared to gamble the project on, it's just not that important. Same with some other controversial things, such as drug's and cannibalism. They are all things I think, would become particularly relevant and prominent in any survival situation (I know first hand). But they also need to be carefully considered. I'd rather the standalone wasn't delayed simply because a newspaper or tv show want's a controversy so does an expose on how the game is causing/promoting x, y, and z.

sometimes this kind of midia helps on the popularity of the game haha(not that i think dayz needs any more popularity, but those kind of repercussions is what make history)

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This news about the 'Alt+F4' fix is really disappointing. Effectively Rocket is saying that nothing will be put in place to prevent Alt+F4 to avoid death, only that if someone does it a lot that they will get perma-banned. So we will have to live with Alt+F4, because let's face it, people will push it as much as possible.

This is probably the worst thing I could have read in this thread. It is the main thing harming Day Z at the moment. It must be stopped, not punished.

I completely agree. Getting banned is a little overboard, it's a minor exploit, albeit an annoying one, but it doesn't ruin someone's day like hacking. The only thing it does is prevent you from being killed for your loot, which people use as a "survival mechanism" unjustly. But that's what it is another way to survive, and you got to do what you got to do to survive. I don't do it myself, it's too anti-immersive and it's against the rules but it shouldn't be a bannable offense.

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Rocket your a baller bro! The new login/out system is genious. Although i would have been inclined to NOT announce it so you catch more grubs in the act :) im looking forward to the obvious performance improvements that disabling thevrespawn function will bring as well. Awesome choice of fixs! I'd give you my beans but tapatalk won't let me!

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So now people will just aggro zombies and die on purpose to get a better spawn. Doesn't really solve a problem, just slows it down. Nevertheless I expect to see a dip in the average life expectancy.

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Sounds good.

Bout time the L85A2 was removed though, my server is overrun with this crap and hacking is out of control.

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You can just jump off a building, if you really want to die..

It's not hard to find something taller than a foot or two. ;)

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I completely agree. Getting banned is a little overboard, it's a minor exploit, albeit an annoying one, but it doesn't ruin someone's day like hacking. The only thing it does is prevent you from being killed for your loot, which people use as a "survival mechanism" unjustly. But that's what it is another way to survive, and you got to do what you got to do to survive. I don't do it myself, it's too anti-immersive and it's against the rules but it shouldn't be a bannable offense.

Like I have been at pains to point out... nobody is getting banned. I am gathering data to see if we can get identify what is happening, and cater the solution to that. The next step from that would be to issue warnings, IF we could identify an effective algorithm. Then, maybe, we could look at bans. You guys can be as bad as the media sometimes... you latch on to one or two words and ignore the rest. Someone see's the word "ban" and you go batshit crazy :)

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Now we need a potential "FIX" on the infecteds vision rate. It's absurb high. Pulls infected from 100-200 meter in crouch = gg. I've seen a lot of old footage from the game, from previous patches, where vision was all great. Now it's at constant full (((( *eye* even in crouch. Hard to even get into a city without pulling a broken infected from miles away.

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Like I have been at pains to point out... nobody is getting banned. I am gathering data to see if we can get identify what is happening, and cater the solution to that. The next step from that would be to issue warnings, IF we could identify an effective algorithm. Then, maybe, we could look at bans. You guys can be as bad as the media sometimes... you latch on to one or two words and ignore the rest. Someone see's the word "ban" and you go batshit crazy :)

Goddamit, plz look at the hack issue at page 25(My post). D=

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Thanks Rocket! :)

Looking forward to some good anti ALT-F4 implementations. (Oh God how I mispelled that)

EDIT: Oh and Rocket, did you already look into the higher resolution, better looking zombies (with the oil,blood and dirt etc) from Reddit?

Edited by PTFOholland

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Please tents please :( Fix tents please! Have them save when the server is told to shut down, have them save when stuff is put in or taken out, have them actually save! Actually remove them when they are removed (this would also fix the stupid respawning wire/bear-traps thing as well).

Freeside can go on for this long: _ without working tents.

Edited by Publik

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Good job on the mod so far Rocket and keep it up!

But there is a serious issue that is affecting the game enjoyability by a lot: Duped weapons/equipment/consumables (I don't want to describe the bug here on the forums, you most likely know what I'm talking about).

The gear loses it's value; also everyone and their mother runs around in top end gear, it's bad for the game and it's bad for those kind of players who likes explore and provide new gear/consumables for his clan; since his role is totally lost.

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So now people will just aggro zombies and die on purpose to get a better spawn. Doesn't really solve a problem, just slows it down. Nevertheless I expect to see a dip in the average life expectancy.

Listen I don't exactly understand how this is an issue in the slightest. You have nothing when you spawn, you are absolutely no threat. Suicide is the only way to meet up with friends who spawn 100 km away without wasting hours and hours of time. If you are going to get rid of suicide then please, PLEASE implement a way to meet up with friends easier. Friends often live in close proximity, so they should spawn in close proximity, friends would group up. And playing with friends, is the only kind of cooperation you will get in this game.

It's lore friendly, people would kill themselves under such a stressful situation as a zombie apocalypse. There really should be no issue with this at all.

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Like I have been at pains to point out... nobody is getting banned. I am gathering data to see if we can get identify what is happening, and cater the solution to that. The next step from that would be to issue warnings, IF we could identify an effective algorithm. Then, maybe, we could look at bans. You guys can be as bad as the media sometimes... you latch on to one or two words and ignore the rest. Someone see's the word "ban" and you go batshit crazy :)


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Good job on the mod so far Rocket and keep it up!

But there is a serious issue that is affecting the game enjoyability by a lot: Duped weapons/equipment/consumables (I don't want to describe the bug here on the forums, you most likely know what I'm talking about).

The gear loses it's value; also everyone and their mother runs around in top end gear, it's bad for the game and it's bad for those kind of players who likes explore and provide new gear/consumables for his clan; since his role is totally lost.

This is certainly a serious issue, however, I promise you the gear doesn't lose it's value. People who can't find this stuff, won't find this stuff. Duping makes it no less common for everyone else. It just makes it so those who have it have no fear of losing it, since they have duped copies at a camp somewhere.

Essentially, the only people the gear becomes common for is dupers, so you might want to ask your clan to stop ruining the game for you.

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Like I have been at pains to point out... nobody is getting banned. I am gathering data to see if we can get identify what is happening, and cater the solution to that. The next step from that would be to issue warnings, IF we could identify an effective algorithm. Then, maybe, we could look at bans. You guys can be as bad as the media sometimes... you latch on to one or two words and ignore the rest. Someone see's the word "ban" and you go batshit crazy :)

Ah, indeed. It seems I am as bad as the media, I misunderstood what you were trying to say. So good. Awesome, I'm glad no drastic measures are being taken.

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I just say extend the log out timer to 1 minute. You shouldn't be logging out in an unsafe place anyways. I often dc from shitty Internet but I'd man up if I died from my char standing there because of the timer. This would give someone good time to make sure they finish a kill.

Use the data logging to catch server hopers that want loot or a ghost kill.

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* [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play


aaaand this helps you exactly how ?

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* [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play

So if we get a bad spawn can we still die and get a new one?

if not this is so bad for co-op play i don;t really want to run across the map just to get killed trying find my friend

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My initial thoughts:

Great to hear you're finally logging data on how to fix the disconnect during combat exploit.

However, I think that the bad reputation -> warnings -> bans are severely flawed. Unfortunately, the mod just isn't stable enough for this type of system to work. There are many combinations of server settings, some aren't even listed on the server name in the browser (or sometimes, they are just wrong, like when using DayZ Commander) - and sometimes I log in to a server I think will be good, but turns out it is actually 100% blackout dark. Or, crosshairs will be off when they say they are on, etc etc. Sometimes I will connect to a server after a very long time period, only to find that the server is lagged beyond belief and I'm getting 5 fps. Punishing people who are trying to play on a specific type of server doesn't seem right. Also, I'm sure people who are willing to disconnect during a fight would do it every single time they need to, and just take a break while the cooldown expires.

A better solution, as discussed would be just the logout delay (I know you have mentioned this is being implemented). I also realize that no bans will be given from disconnecting at this point, I just don't think you should move forward with that solution until there is a way to reduce the amount of false positives it will generate. Suggesting a review ticket system would just be swarmed with thousands of appeals, anywhere within a large spectrum of innocent to guilty.

As far as the suicide controversy goes - I'm pretty sure if players want to respawn somewhere near a group/town they're just going to run into the water until they die (you can drown in this game right?), or just aggro some zombies until they kill themselves... Don't see how removing the respawn button prevents constant respawning tbh

Glad to hear helicopters and clothing will be returning. Moar vehicles and different skins/paperdolls add a great touch to the mod.

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The creator is back O_O

* [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play

* [NEW] Optimized authentication process on login

* [NEW] Singleplayer mode disabled when DayZ is loaded

* [NEW] DayZ Logo and Version Number appear in game when DayZ is loaded

* [NEW] Hive now tracks login/logout (for use with preventing ALT+F4)

* [FIXED] Infected cannot hear weapon firing (now they actually hear again)

* [FIXED] Clothing no longer spawning (now it spawns as it used too)

Reads all very good. To disable the respawn button is something I agree with. You can of course still suicide but I think it's smarter to disable it and think about groupplay mechanics in the future. Some might say "yes but we like to respawn close" while I think once you're together and there is the threat of one dying and that he could potentially spawn far away gives just a bit more edge to the whole group play.

I'm always cool with the DayZ logo. Is there a possibility for modder to include custom fonts / background image in the menu? Or has BI never implemented such a feature? I just think these are the small details that tighten the box a bit more so to speak.

Hive tracking. Looking forward to the next steps with this process and I like that, since you have so many players, look in to collecting data first then take necessary steps. Good move and right choice to make use of the massiv playerpool.

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[NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play

So the only way to respawn again is to die?

What if I get stuck somewhere... or I respawn to somewhere outside of the map?

How can I get out... if I can't kill myself?

Sorry if I understood that new feature! :[

EDIT: Rocket said... that he will feature SPAWN SELECTION.

Edited by Juhkis
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I just say extend the log out timer to 1 minute. You shouldn't be logging out in an unsafe place anyways. I often dc from shitty Internet but I'd man up if I died from my char standing there because of the timer. This would give someone good time to make sure they finish a kill.

Use the data logging to catch server hopers that want loot or a ghost kill.

This doesn't work from a gaming point of view. People have things to do, work to work, things to eat, bowels to evacuate and we can't always take the extra time needed to log out in a "safe place." Besides safe is a relative term in DayZ. One I really don't see used that often.

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