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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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If you are still in need of medical assistance, please submit an RMA at http://www.RatedMGaming.com under the Triage Center link and we will take care of you.

Thank you!

Edited by Brian @ RMG

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After Action Report

Started today with taking a patient near Chernogorsk. I reasoned that I might as well hit the two hospitals and the medical tents to see if I could pick up some Antibiotics. Turns out where I was was a good 4km off from where my patient was. He agreed for medical assistance at a later time. Though, I'm hoping some one else will take this request as I'm no longer inclined head into Chernogorsk as I am no longer on a good path towards it.

I then moved to Lopatino to treat a survivor who was looking for parts. I will tell you this, the infected seem to be more aggressive. Had to go around a thick underbrush after aggroing an infected from a good 80 metres. Time to relearn sneaking around. Anyways, a quick treatment for low blood and broken bones. Gave him some spare morphine for future use.

I then hiked back to my usual camping spot. I found some useful gear and then got my legs broken by a infected soldier on the way back. Good thing I'm a combat medic.

Thanks to liammanator for giving me a thumbs up. Thinking about picking a server as a home server but most of the servers I join just literally bomb everything from vehicles to tents back into oblivion when they restart. Anyone has suggestions?

Then why cant I send you PMs!?

didn't realise new capacity for PM was 50 messages...had 108..all clean now :)

Not going to accept anymore medical requests unless they are nearby to my camping spot. Which if I do, people will know and try to hunt me down but meh.

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Anyone near Zub castle( south of Vyshnoye and west of Mogilevka ) that can help out ? got 3k blood and need help ( have a blood bag with me )

Edited by Chris23

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Anyone near Zub castle( south of Vyshnoye and west of Mogilevka ) that can help out ? got 3k blood and need help ( have a blood bag with me )

Im actually pretty near you, add me on steam: Soulshaper2

if you dont trust me since im not on the whitelist i can get a medic to variefy im safe

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Im actually pretty near you, add me on steam: Soulshaper2

if you dont trust me since im not on the whitelist i can get a medic to variefy im safe

Safe as a rubber duck..the only way a rubber duck will kill you is a freak accident...nuff said...tht and he has someone who has posted here approve him..shld get on the whitelist soon imo :)

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Hey got a Patient running 1.7.2, if anyone can make it to him please PM:


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Safe as a rubber duck..the only way a rubber duck will kill you is a freak accident...nuff said...tht and he has someone who has posted here approve him..shld get on the whitelist soon imo :)

We having a problem getting on the same server since hes running and am on 1.7.2 :(

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Hey guys in really bad shape...blood at 7700 broken leg...i'm in a seattle server been crawling toward NW air field hoping to find morphine but just incase putting out this help request.

Friend me on STEAM for all info



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^ I'm the same as this guy, I am in US 150 in Pushtoka church. Broken leg and low blood. If any kind soul could help me I would love to pay you back one day/join your group.

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Situation: Need blood transfusion

Members in grp: Solo survivor

Current location: Stary sobor tents.Can move to your location

In game Name:XRYSH AUGH GR

Steam: GangreeLz

Skype: PorniTouDasouS

Edited by GangreeL

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Situation: Need morphine, bandage, and blood.

Members in group: Solo survivor

Current location: Pushtoka Church.

Steam: fsujoseph

Skype: joecaswellrules

Edited by fsujoseph

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Situation: Need blood trans and morphine

Members in group: Solo

Current Location: Just south of NW airfield

Steam: agd4life

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Situation: Need blood trans and morphine

Members in group: Solo Survivor

Current Location: NW Airfield

Steam: Bigvalco

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Situation: Need blood transfusion

Members in grp: Solo survivor

Current location: Stary sobor tents.Can move to your location

I'm there at the moment. Will contact you on steam right away.

Situation: Need blood trans and morphine

Members in group: Solo

Current Location: Just south of NW airfield

If you could reach the treeline north of Kabanino, I can treat you too after I took care of GangreeL. I'm not going to the airfield itself though.

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I'm there at the moment. Will contact you on steam right away.

If you could reach the treeline north of Kabanino, I can treat you too after I took care of GangreeL. I'm not going to the airfield itself though.

copy on my way...found morphine just need blood transfusion if possible...

cancel...found a pig on my way to tree line...cooking food as we speak but thanks for the help

crawled (broken leg) from Pustoshka to barracks found morphine in last room checked!!

Edited by agd4life

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No, does the hospital count? Even in an empty server?

RMG does 'High Risk' rescues all the time.

We just went from NWA to Kamyshovo with a successful medical assist in under 20 minutes.


Edited by Brian @ RMG

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I am in dire need of help...2500 blood and passing out a lot...stumbling about half blind in a forest...

I'm just outside Mogilevka if anyone can help. My steam id is SOAPMAK3R

Heading online now. I have bloodbags, and some other gear I can donate to the cause fi someone can help me out. :D

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Looking for help, im at pusta and I need someone to do a blood transfuse, its night and i've got 451 blood, so you can imagine I cant see a thing! - I've got the blood. Thanks :D

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