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Dr Wasteland MD

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On standby and ready to help. Any patient in the South-west (excluding the locations in my signature) will receive priority before any others in the West

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It's awfully quiet in here. Anyway, I'm available for assistance needed in the center of chernarus for a few hours now.

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Is anyone available to help me out? 4k blood and broken legs in Lopatino (028 056) I was careless and agro'd a large group of zeds.


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Is anyone available to help me out? 4k blood and broken legs in Lopatino (028 056) I was careless and agro'd a large group of zeds.


I can help, I'm in the west right now. Mind if it takes me awhile?

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I can help, I'm in the west right now. Mind if it takes me awhile?

Hi thanks for getting back to me, any help is appreciated.

I'm around for about two hours, does that work for you?


Edited by liammanator

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A friend and I both broke our legs and we're currently holed up on top of the school in vybor. Is anyone available now/will anyone be available in 8-10 hours when I wake up to morphine us?

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A friend and I both broke our legs and we're currently holed up on top of the school in vybor. Is anyone available now/will anyone be available in 8-10 hours when I wake up to morphine us?

Pretty sure someone will be available :)

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Ok im here and ready to assist anyone in need, did a raid on hospital last night so fully stocked!

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Big thumbs up to kalskirata for helping me out. No fuss and very trustworthy.

Great Work!



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Hi i'm currently on the outskirts of cherno on the top of the apartment, i have medical supplies to give to yall but i'm at 2300 blood, if we could meet up and work something out, i'd appreciate it

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Hey shoutout to all meidics, we got someone near zelenogorks willing to heal a paitent at a barn?

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Hey I need some morphine, willing to trade for bandages (3 per morphine?) I'm inbetween cherno and electro on the train track. I won't be able to make it to cities for the hospital so I could really do with assistance.

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Just a heads up to everyone, i doubt any medic is willing to go to such high PvP hotspots unless you got some kick ass gear on you thats worth saving

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Just a heads up to everyone, i doubt any medic is willing to go to such high PvP hotspots unless you got some kick ass gear on you thats worth saving

Is that in regards to me? Because I'll crawl into the north jungle if im at a hotspot inbetween the cities.

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anyway near the coast is a hotspot and most of us are up north, what gear do you currently have?

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Hey shoutout to all meidics, we got someone near zelenogorks willing to heal a paitent at a barn?

right here baby, send me a pm on steam, kyle.ver.2.0

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Well I have food, drink and a weapon (I did have a M16 but had to drop it) - backpack is full of car parts at the moment, as me and my friends are getting a car going, so it's kind of annoying if i die now, as finding them pieces will be a bitch... I am willing to go far north (Maybe pusta?)

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right here baby, send me a pm on steam, kyle.ver.2.0

thanks ill get him to add you now!

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Well I have food, drink and a weapon (I did have a M16 but had to drop it) - backpack is full of car parts at the moment, as me and my friends are getting a car going, so it's kind of annoying if i die now, as finding them pieces will be a bitch... I am willing to go far north (Maybe pusta?)

Your a good 11'000 metres away from me, hang around and see if any other medic's are closer however keep crawling north if none arrive i'll do the job

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Lost a lot of blood (around 3k left), need a blood transfusion (I will provide the blood bag ofc )

Im in cherno at the moment, if you are willing to help me just PM me, I can try and move outside the city if you dont want to come in.

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i'm lying on the outskirts of cherno and i need a transfusion however i have multiple supplies to give, if anyone could respond with a server and where to meet i'd appreciate it

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i'm lying on the outskirts of cherno and i need a transfusion however i have multiple supplies to give, if anyone could respond with a server and where to meet i'd appreciate it

Lost a lot of blood (around 3k left), need a blood transfusion (I will provide the blood bag ofc )

Im in cherno at the moment, if you are willing to help me just PM me, I can try and move outside the city if you dont want to come in.

Why dont you two team up and heal each other?

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i sent him a message already :)

Thats the spirit lad!

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