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Shard (DayZ)

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About Shard (DayZ)

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  1. Stay away from ZA-10. Administrators are corrupt, selfish, and essentially douchebags. They delete all forms of protest on the gaming forums. You have no idea how many people have complained about e1bot and the others. It's insane. Do yourself a favor and sign off that server. I told them to remove me after they banned me for asking them to ban another player who offended me. (They banned my friends for offending another player). I've had enough of them, you should spare yourself the trouble.
  2. Shard (DayZ)

    Admin epic fail!

    A team mate and I were making our way slowly to the North West Airfield to pick up some weapons, and just as we broke the clearing near one of the barns to the east of the airfield, a chopper flew right above us out of nowhere, I didn't even hear it coming until the last 5 seconds. My friend and I hid, thinking it was hovering as it had seen us, and we were about to get gunned down by some door gunner. As we hid it maneuvered into the open field and then settled down slowly, literally RIGHT in front of us. I scrolled over the chopper and recognized it was the admin. We were sure he had seen us and was there to offer us a ride, or shoot us or something. We didn't know what to do, so we watched. My friend observed him going through the gear and then running to the barn. We wondered what he was doing, then we saw the fuel tank besides it. It occured to us he had no idea we were there, so my friend (He's been dying for a chopper for months now) grabbed my DMR from my bag and shot him dead as he refueled it. The most incredible thing I've ever seen. On an 11 person server, out of all luck. The guy landed in front of us. GlOR-I-OUS! I'm so happy.
  3. Shard (DayZ)

    Free weapons for the wrongly murdered

    I get the same sort of garbage on my thread as well. The community here loves to attack people over the stupidest most ridiculous things here.
  4. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    No, it does. A week ago, I had been in chat with one guy from their clan via the lobby, and we agreed to meet in Myshkino. I didn;t make it though, as I had to leave before they got there. For the next week I tried to catch them in the lobby to chat but never could, until Friday I managed to get ahold of another clan member in the lobby, we got skype info extanged, and then we arranged a meet point above Pusta a couple hours prior to when it happened. I don't know what the f*ck is wrong with the community here. All I did was post a f*cking thread about how I hate people that backstab me. And I get more people b*tching about a hacked weapon that despite me explaining the circumstances for having one I get IGNORED, and the same accusations thrown at me again. As if everybody just wanted to spew hate, and purposefully throw out what I've been saying to keep it justified to themselves. And then there are people like you, trying to find every means to undermine me in my thread. What is your problem? It's like the time I kept asking for help in the medic thread, and people ignored me, and when I did get help the medics never came, they always got 'killed'. I was later accused of setting up their medics to be killed for cheap bandit kills. Branded a liar. And told to leave the thread. (It's around page 58 of the thread if you want to find it I think) I really am sick of people like you.
  5. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    Let's clear some stuff up here. 1: I'd contacted these people a couple hours before meeting them , it wasn't a random meet up. This was an AGREED MEET POINT. 2: Because of the length of time I had been PMing them back and forth I had judged them not to be hostile to that extent. The rocket launcher had nothing to do with me showing off, as people loved to believe. They had asked me what weapons I had earlier through chat. (I asked them too) And we had extanged that stuff. (Yes, it made me a little suspicious) I wanted to join a group as I was sick of playing solo, and I picked the wrong one.
  6. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    They wanted to see my Rocket, not my M4. They already had an M4 of the same type in the video. And when I take the gun, the odds it will be duped do not necessarily increase at all. I find them in tents, and those tents usually automatically dupe the gun regardless if I have removed it. Yes, someone could take my gun and duplicate it if they tried, but the rate at which tents glitch out and delete all the contents. (4 of mine in the last 2 weeks have wiped all my gear clean) counters that to a certain extent as well.
  7. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    He was saying that the M4A1 Holo is a legit gun, the silenced version is not though. It's essentially got the same effectiveness as an M4A3 CCO SD, which is a legit gun. Just with a different sight. The hacked gun has NO more value than the other M4's in dayz. Had I found an As50AWS that day, I would have dropped it for the next weapon I found. But the M4 Holo is not overpowered. My actions do not validate the hackers ones whatsoever. They couldn't care less who gets their hands on their weapons, in fact, they try and keep them away from other people by hiding them. It has nothing to do with validation. Your not being effective in fighting hackers in the least. Like I said earlier, your insults make me feel less inclined to listen to you, and therefore I don't want anything to do with burying my guns. This is no way to fight hacking.
  8. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    @wr1633 Why do you spew hatred at us then? How are you helping the hacking problem in any way? I'm more inclined to keep my M4A1 Holo now that you've been such a d*ck about it. Makes it look like the so called "legit" players are all bigots themselves. Why don't you go to the forums where they discuss and sell these hacks, instead of taking it out on us, who just happen to find the gear and use it.
  9. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    Your correct, it was indeed to make people angry at them, as I felt. And I put it out there as it happened. It was an unedited video. However, I don't see why people have to flame at me for being the wrong one there for having a hacked gun that I found. While the people that killed me were sporting the same guns and MORE. It's not turning out the way I expected, your correct there. I thought people would focus more on the issue of trust that appears in dayz like you see in my video, rather than bashing me for happening to own a hacked gun at the time, then being accused of being a hacker, and a scripter.
  10. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    That would be wrong. I don't dupe hacked guns, I don't hack them in. I found one, and kept it as I had nothing else to use. I'm not a tobacco company executive therefore, in reference to your biased metaphor. What on Earth is your problem? I shot shot in the back. And yet you never mentioned a word about the other players, clearly sporting As50 AWS's, and the same M4 I had. And yet they were the ones that used them in the way that makes people complain about hacked weapons.Instead you bash me for having the gun. What was I supposed to do? Drop the M4 and walk weaponless all the way to the NW airfield? No. I don't know a single person, and I mean that, that wouldn't pick up the hacked gun if they had no other choices around. I bet you lie through your teeth when you tell me you wouldn't have taken it were you in my position. The only reason your going to brazenly exclaim you wouldn't, is because there's no evidence to prove you did. I've had enough of your undeserved unprovoked attack. Please cease answering the thread.
  11. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    Someone scripted in the guns, and people duplicate them. I don't. But when I found it there on Balota, having no weapon at the time. I picked it up straight away. Since I needed a gun. It's not overpowered either. Unlike the AS50 AWS. I don't hack, Please do not accuse me of hacking. I posted a video showing how people so easily betray you. It had NOTHING to do with the weapons I was carrying. Telling me I deserve no sympathy for being betrayed just because I had found a hacked gun is like telling someone your glad their mother died because she was an alcoholic. She happened to pick up the habit, but that doesn't mean she deserved to die. It's a downright stupid assessment. I was expected educated answers here, from real men. A pity I got you instead. <_<
  12. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    I had a hacked rifle I found in a tent, I have every right to use it and I really don't give two f*cks what you think, since everyone else I've met on the server has no issue using them either. It was the FIRST rifle I found after spawning, in a tent above balota. And I wasn't about to trade it for anything. That's such a stupid point your making. Secondly, they knew I had the Rocket for a WEEK. We told each other what we had earlier, so I wasn't boasting, just confirming. "You retarded example of a gamer" I think you can really relate to this.
  13. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    I found the M4 I found the M4A1 Holo. And they had them too. I didn't show off my hacked rifle you thick headed c*nt. It was my rifle, and I had nowhere else to hide it. I'd arranged the meeting for a week prior to it. They had guarenteed they wouldn't shoot me, that was my lesson learned. I don't care what they think. I got their motorbike. And I had been searching for one for weeks.
  14. Shard (DayZ)

    Betrayed. On tape.

    I suppose I've learned my lesson. I think it's just sad. The joke's on them now, I've got their motorcycle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8y37SobBro
  15. Shard (DayZ)

    Vehicle hoarding off map: Where should I look?

    Thanks for the advice people.