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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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You are waited! I can give you ammo in return, I have no weapon so no use for me! I will PM you the almost exact position.

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In need of a blood trans... only have roughly 500 left after some guy trailed 20 zombies right to me :(

Currently located north part of elektro

Steam Name is MikoKeller will give more info if someone wants to help.

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Sorry guys im out of the fight, while typing to a patient i got shot

Sorry to hear this, it is a sad day when someone guns down a medic.

Keep up the good work guys, I know how nerve racking it can be find and meet a patient as I helped my first patient a few days ago. It sure was exhilarating and heart pounding though (especially when I hear a sniper round go off and my patient has declared having a sniper rifle)

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WOW, you really play like medic! :cool: "there is hope"

everyone who got cured by one of the medics should bring them some food and medical supplies in return.

In which servers medics "works"?

how you deal with PvP??

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Well I can't speak for all medics as I am a noob medic, but when I went for my first (only so far) patient I had a partner give me over watch.

Also, I think they try to avoid the major hotzones when possible.

edit: taking only the supplies you need for the patient, so they are less like to kill you for your stuff as you dont have any.

Edited by ChiefMasterKush

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Can a medic come meet me in Gvozdno? I have low blood (around 2k,) bleeding, and unconscious. I'd do my best to show my gratitude, but I don't have much.

Steam and Skype are Ujinty.

Edit: I know I have a spare morphine, and I believe I have a blood bag. No epi-pen... but I don't mind waiting out my unconscious timer.

Edited by Ujinty

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Is any medic available right now, near Zelenogorsk? If so, add me on Steam: alex722

I need a blood transfusion. I have blood packs on me I just can't do it myself.

EDIT: To show my gratitude I will protect the medic that helps me if he asks me to.

Edited by freakinpao
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Sorry to hear this, it is a sad day when someone guns down a medic.

Keep up the good work guys, I know how nerve racking it can be find and meet a patient as I helped my first patient a few days ago. It sure was exhilarating and heart pounding though (especially when I hear a sniper round go off and my patient has declared having a sniper rifle)

i know i tried to shout friendly im a medic ya da ya da but he gunned me down :/ im rearmed and making my way to the paitent tho!

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WOW, you really play like medic! :cool: "there is hope"

everyone who got cured by one of the medics should bring them some food and medical supplies in return.

In which servers medics "works"?

how you deal with PvP??

Were spread out accors different servers and it works by requesting help, we come, we heal you we leave. And basically we get shot at we return fire but we dont shoot first unless we suspect something but like my previous post, not everyone cares for us

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anyone able to help me out please?Im currently in Elektro on top of the hospital with only 3k Blood.Would be much arpeciated.

Steam, suthy47

Skype superstarrat

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Anyone around balota?

Im by the deer stands, When i loot sometimes zombies spawn when you climb the ladder.

They slap your legs and you start to bleed, I have no more bandages

I'll give you either some ammo, a morphine or a grenade

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Hey I'd like to thanks


for his help , I had a broken legs and even if he get killed on his way to me he made it thanks a lot it's really helpful to have medic !


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A HUGE thanks to kalskirata

cordinating and suppling the man, calicheSCOT for helping me out in the darkest hour. I was coughing and fainted every minute and in a very bad shape!

I will now try to save atleast one man from the painful death in DayZ!

Edited by Flame81
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Were spread out accors different servers and it works by requesting help, we come, we heal you we leave. And basically we get shot at we return fire but we dont shoot first unless we suspect something but like my previous post, not everyone cares for us

i have some extra supplies and a akm if you need them?

cogtheundead on steam

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i have some extra supplies and a akm if you need them?

cogtheundead on steam

where abouts is your location? im actually runing real low on AKM ammo (half a clip)

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SoulShaper2, I have one clip of AKM ammo, if you are not to far away I can get em to you. I have no weapon so no use for it, but wont meet up in a big populated area ofc.

Edited by Flame81

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Bumping my

Anyone around balota?

Im by the deer stands, When i loot sometimes zombies spawn when you climb the ladder.

They slap your legs and you start to bleed, I have no more bandages

I'll give you either some ammo, a morphine or a grenade

Bumping this

I guess i can roll to somewere away from balota, But i won't survive long without a bloodbag or a bandage

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Glad to see all these people receiving medical help from you guys!

I've had no luck so far though :(

I'll bump my older post and hopefuly someone will see this! I will reward the medic with anything he asks me (and ofc I have it on me).

Is any medic available right now, near Zelenogorsk? If so, add me on Steam: alex722

I need a blood transfusion. I have blood packs on me I just can't do it myself.

EDIT: To show my gratitude I will protect the medic that helps me if he asks me to.

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@ MrBread - I wont be on until after 12am EDT (might have a few minutes right around 8-8:30pm), but am somewhat close. I'm running still (since i have a ghille), but have blood/bandages. I need transfusion as well and can provide. I'm currently just NE of Balota up a hilltop where the powerlines converge. Can meet somewhere between there and the air field. Steam me @

Edited by Boneboys

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After Action Report:

I decided to take a very big risk with a patient today. Flappybob had been injured earlier in Elektrozavodsk but had managed to eat some canned food to bring him up to a respectable blood level. However, a bug had caused him to fall from a fair height at the Northern Firehouse. This resulted in him having lost enough blood that he would go in and out of consciousness. The worse part? He was still on the roof of the Firehouse.

Now, typical protocol for me is to stay far away from hotzones. But I decided, 'You only live once' or YOLO. In the darkness of the night, I took the 3.5km hike to the treeline bordering the open fields where the firehouse was placed. I spent a good time observing the area, looking for the signs of any snipers in the town and the hills. I spotted a running infected but a few minutes later there was close to no activity in the town other than the shambling denizens of Chernaurus. I then tell Flappybob to login. I confirm visual on him from my spot before telling him that I was going dash across the field and clear the firehouse before treating him.

The firehouse was empty save for some empty cans and bottles. I proceeded to give him the much needed blood transfusion. We both then got off the roof and into the hills where we exchanged well wishes and I watched him vanish into the rising sun.

I then switched over to one of my usual travelling servers with intentions to get to another patient, cod4noobs, in Msta. When I login, I could see the firehouse in the distance from where I was. I was thinking to myself, 'Patient's alive and kicking. And we weren't shot at. Good day to be alive.'. Then, I movement in the distance. I hit the ground and observed. Two barely armed survivors (one had nothing, one had a AK of some sorts), running towards the firehouse where I had not too recently treated a patient. I was planning on just watching them and see what they would do. I was moving to a better spot to observe when I heard something most survivors wish not to hear so far South.

A M107 firing, multiple times. The distinct boom of the .50 BMG rounds flying sent shivers down my back, memories of how before I became a medic, I had my head almost shot off by the same weapon when I was scrounging for medical supplies in Chernogorsk. From my new post, I could see the mangled remains of one of the survivors on the roof. His friend I could see, was trying to make himself as small of a target. At this point, I contacted my patient that I was going to be delayed extremely and he should contact another medic. He asked why. My answer? I was hunting a bandit.

And now a game of cat and mouse began. The shooter continued firing rounds sporadically. All I had to do was follow the sound. As I drew closer to the source, I could hear some AK gunshots. As I got even closer, I spotted ammunition crates, sandbags, fallen trees and I could hear flies. As I got closer to the source of the flies, to my horror it was the survivor with the AK. I decided it was time to bugger out cause the whole situation felt fishy.

I was now putting as much distance as I could between myself, the last possible location of the shooter and Elektrovadosk itself. On my way to Msta, I found out a volunteer medic, calicheSCOT, had picked up cod4noobs request for medical assistance. I decided to let him help the patient out. Looking at the requests, I notice Flame81 was stuck in Tulga with broken bones and low blood. I was ready to call it a day so I asked calicheSCOT if he could cover for me. He was totally okay with it, seeing as it was nearby. The only problem was that he had no medical supplies left. I told him to meet up and I'll supply him as best as I could with what I had at the time.

He then hiked to Flame81's position. After some slight delays caused by servers, Flame81 was back on his feet. I remained on station in case there were complications and to ensure both calicheSCOT and Flame81 were okay. Now, for some R&R.

Thanks Flappybob and Flame81 for the thumbs up. Terribly sorry to cod4noobs for not being able to come ASAP and treat you even though I was in the neighbourhood. Big props to calicheSCOT for what he did for both patient and fellow medic. Here's to you my fellow brother-in-arms! *raises glass*

WOW, you really play like medic! :cool: "there is hope"

everyone who got cured by one of the medics should bring them some food and medical supplies in return.

In which servers medics "works"?

how you deal with PvP??

I can't speak for all of us since this was started by Dr Wasteland. I guess I can give a general answer?

We usually don't accept any form of payment unless it's gear we are in much need of or surplus supplies. We don't operate on any server in particular though some of us may have a preferred or even a home server. PvP is the tricky part. We do our best to accommodate those in hotzones. Those who work in groups tend to be more willing whereas those who are operating by themselves are more reluctant to enter them. And then there is the headache of being shot at. So far, the incidents where medics are shot at are whenever we go into a hotzone. Other places are not a problem cause there are no other players to shoot at us.

Well, that's it. Calling it a day. Stay safe and good luck out there.

Edited by kalskirata

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Glad to see all these people receiving medical help from you guys!

I've had no luck so far though :(

I'll bump my older post and hopefuly someone will see this! I will reward the medic with anything he asks me (and ofc I have it on me).

having a backup would be nice, however im no where near zel im near NE af helping someone so you can wait for me to get down there (tomorrow by the earliest) or keep bumping

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where abouts is your location? im actually runing real low on AKM ammo (half a clip)

outside cherno ish

not giving to much away but headed to zelen to do some work up there

i have a akm and maybe 2-3 cips

i can see if i can find some more and dump the akm?

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SoulShaper2, I have one clip of AKM ammo, if you are not to far away I can get em to you. I have no weapon so no use for it, but wont meet up in a big populated area ofc.

im leaving beri as we speak

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outside cherno ish

not giving to much away but headed to zelen to do some work up there

i have a akm and maybe 2-3 cips

i can see if i can find some more and dump the akm?

were to far, thanks for trying tho :)

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im leaving beri as we speak

Go south and I will go north, I am between Three Valleys and Solnichny and add me on steam: xerxez_swe

EDIT: I do have to go to bed soon, I have my last day at work tomorrow, then vacation! + I got two clips for the AKM now.

Edited by Flame81

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