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Dr Wasteland MD

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if anyone is near the ''airstrip'' west of cherno i would be in need on some blood transfusion thanks!

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if anyone is near the ''airstrip'' west of cherno i would be in need on some blood transfusion thanks!

did you get shot in the airfield by some guy? he killed me :S

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did you get shot in the airfield by some guy? he killed me :S

in one of the hangers right ? Edited by derek

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Are you Derek playing with james?

Edited by JuniorQc

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nope not playing with anyone else, im on my own right now.. i can help you i just spawned at balota airstrip, add me on steam: derek0289

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All good, buddy came and helped me out, first time working with someone over microphone too. 10x funner than going at everything solo. If anyone needs a henchmen to provide overwatch, i'll be happy to help, just send me a pm. SteamID: sniperelite7 :)

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I was wondering around North-East from North-West Airfield when a hacker popped up behind me and broke my legs, luckily enough was able to abort before getting killed - my mates on the server, not so lucky unfortunately.

I'm sitting at 11k blood, I've got broken bones, I'm unconscious and I'm bleeding.

Grid Ref roughly http://dayzdb.com/map#5.056.023 (056, 023).

Bandages, morphine and epi-pen would be most appreciated!

Epi-pen is optional, however.

Contact details

In-Game name: leettari

Steam: leettari

Skype: jopettaja

Still need help? Sent you a PM.

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Medic on station in the greater Cherno/Elecktro coastal area.

A patient gave me anti-boidics too, anyone need those?

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Medics: Dr. Trimethylxanthine & Nurse Fraggle

Current Region: North West

Status: Available

Got a broken bone, need a bandage or a top-off with blood?

Scream loud enough so we can hear you and find you, or just be sensible and find me on steam or send a PM.

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I could use some anti-biotics if anyone has any... got sick in Novy Sobor and am currently B lining it towards Berezino to the hospital in hopes I can fine some.

Stream ID should be: McGuirk

edit: no worries if no one can, I'm certainly not entitled to it, especially with me only having 3 posts. I wish these dang things weren't so hard to find.

Edited by generositus

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I could use some anti-biotics if anyone has any... got sick in Novy Sobor and am currently B lining it towards Berezino to the hospital in hopes I can fine some.

Stream ID should be: McGuirk

edit: no worries if no one can, I'm certainly not entitled to it, especially with me only having 3 posts. I wish these dang things weren't so hard to find.

I have some (assuming my tent hasn't been raided)

Add me on steam : Le'newb

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I was wondering around North-East from North-West Airfield when a hacker popped up behind me and broke my legs, luckily enough was able to abort before getting killed - my mates on the server, not so lucky unfortunately.

I'm sitting at 11k blood, I've got broken bones, I'm unconscious and I'm bleeding.

Grid Ref roughly http://dayzdb.com/map#5.056.023 (056, 023).

Bandages, morphine and epi-pen would be most appreciated!

Epi-pen is optional, however.

Contact details

In-Game name: leettari

Steam: leettari

Skype: jopettaja

Still in dire need of help.

One guy tried helping me but couldn't find my passed out body on ground.

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Lots of McGuirks man.

I could use some anti-biotics if anyone has any... got sick in Novy Sobor and am currently B lining it towards Berezino to the hospital in hopes I can fine some.

Stream ID should be: McGuirk

edit: no worries if no one can, I'm certainly not entitled to it, especially with me only having 3 posts. I wish these dang things weren't so hard to find.

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Would anyone mind helping me? I tabbed out (ironically) to read this forum and when I tabbed back in my legs were broken, I was in shock, bleeding and knocked out. My best guess is I got ran over or something cause I stood right up and bandaged without getting sniped in the face. Now I am sitting at 3k blood clear out in Petrovka and I can barely see 2 ft in front of me :(. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Lots of McGuirks man.

I have the picture of the cartoon dude(McGuirk) drinking beers.

edit: Actually, thanks to a bug and getting "killed" and spawned in the twilight zone and respawning with all my stuff I might be cured. For once the games jankines didn't screw me, lol.

Edited by generositus

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Hey guys if anyone could help me I wouldnt ask if I wasnt very desperate im unconcious and WONT WAKE UP for some reason, I found a heli in the woods take off didnt go too well. Im on the central west end of the map on green mountain. plz and thankyou!

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Would anyone mind helping me? I tabbed out (ironically) to read this forum and when I tabbed back in my legs were broken, I was in shock, bleeding and knocked out. My best guess is I got ran over or something cause I stood right up and bandaged without getting sniped in the face. Now I am sitting at 3k blood clear out in Petrovka and I can barely see 2 ft in front of me :(. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Sendt you a PM.

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Just met up with trimethylxanthine and another doc (forgot his name already sorry) and they were plenty helpful. Got myself in a pickle last night over at Stary S. and these gents came to my aid within minutes of requesting help. Thank you guys again, and I'll be sure to recommend you guys if my friends ever need help.

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Just met up with trimethylxanthine and another doc (forgot his name already sorry) and they were plenty helpful. Got myself in a pickle last night over at Stary S. and these gents came to my aid within minutes of requesting help. Thank you guys again, and I'll be sure to recommend you guys if my friends ever need help.

Your welcome.

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Will anyone be in the Msta area and able to satiate my morphine habit this evening? I'm at work right now, looking for someone that will be on when I'm back home later.

I was taking a leisurely crawl to the deer stand to the south of town, for the 1% chance of a medical loot drop (assuming I can even make it up the ladder in my condition, lol.) last night when my PC crashed so I just gave up. If anyone can help me tonight it'd be much appreciated and I'm headed to Berezino to re-up my meds (and maybe finally find a box of matches after 6 days... LOL) and you're welcome to join me.

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Will anyone be in the Msta area and able to satiate my morphine habit this evening? I'm at work right now, looking for someone that will be on when I'm back home later.

I was taking a leisurely crawl to the deer stand to the south of town, for the 1% chance of a medical loot drop (assuming I can even make it up the ladder in my condition, lol.) last night when my PC crashed so I just gave up. If anyone can help me tonight it'd be much appreciated and I'm headed to Berezino to re-up my meds (and maybe finally find a box of matches after 6 days... LOL) and you're welcome to join me.

Sent you a PM.

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I was wondering around North-East from North-West Airfield when a hacker popped up behind me and broke my legs, luckily enough was able to abort before getting killed - my mates on the server, not so lucky unfortunately.

I'm sitting at 11k blood, I've got broken bones, I'm unconscious and I'm bleeding.

Grid Ref roughly http://dayzdb.com/map#5.056.023 (056, 023).

Bandages, morphine and epi-pen would be most appreciated!

Epi-pen is optional, however.

Contact details

In-Game name: leettari

Steam: leettari

Skype: jopettaja

I am saved!

A humble thank you for S_poon"]http://dayzmod.com/f...-s-poon/ (S_poon) and his crew.

It felt so surreal when I was laying on the ground, passed out and bleeding, suddenly I hear a chopper sound getting closer, they land, patches me up, gives a blood transfusion, morphine for broken bones and epi-pen to get me back up.

Had 1550 blood when they patched me up, it was so surreal!

Your helicopter and thermal sights saved my life.

Keep up the awesome work fellas.

Thank you, obliged!

Edited by leettari

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Cought an infection in the NW airfield currently in the fireplace. I got no antibiotics and would also need a blood tranfusion.

IGN: Cactus

Skype: twopennycactus

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I am saved!

A humble thank you for http://dayzmod.com/f...-s-poon/ (S_poon) and his crew.

It felt so surreal when I was laying on the ground, passed out and bleeding, suddenly I hear a chopper sound getting closer, they land, patches me up, gives a blood transfusion, morphine for broken bones and epi-pen to get me back up.

Had 1550 blood when they patched me up, it was so surreal!

Your helicopter and thermal sights saved my life.

Keep up the awesome work fellas.

Thank you, obliged!

Well I am signing off for tonight. Consider tonight's work my official whitelist application.

6 Saves tonight for the CGU Medical Team. Was a little touch and go after patching up Dutch, but as stated earlier Snortan got me back on my feet.

I believe we took care of:

Dutch miller, Cowboy82, leetari, ProjectSeoul, deidog, and Kristo112

I honestly had my doubts about Leetari, I though for sure I was going to get my first loss. A ghillie guy in the bush? Break out the AWS I said to my backup. It paid off.

Thanks for the trust guys, looking forward to helping more of you out in the future.

Edited by S_poon

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