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About peebeds

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Lincs - UK
  1. peebeds

    Broken leg glitch still working?

    Judging by the amount of broken legs Ive fixed from the http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce Id say not....
  2. peebeds

    Favorite DayZ map and why?

    Im currently really liking Lingor. I love that there are so many more enterable (sp) buildings and that the servers (in general) seems to more friendly and less hacked than the Chenaurus servers. Tried Takistan and it may be just due to my spawn point, but it was sooooo boring....just seemed the same everywhere I looked!! And Utes is just shit tbh.
  3. peebeds

    DayZ DB map oddness

    You sir, are a God amongst men. Thanks for the help. :D
  4. peebeds

    DayZ DB map oddness

    Currently running Chrome at home, but I did try it briefly in IE8 (or whatever comes with win7), and it did the same. Updated Java, but I'll try the 'delete log files' do-hickey as well. Failing that, I'll delete chrome and re-install. Thanks for the help chaps.
  5. peebeds

    DayZ DB map oddness

    Didnt work. Anymore ideas?
  6. I know this isnt strictly speaking the right place to put this, but hey.... When I open one of the maps on DayzDB (either Chenaurus or Lingor) I dont seem to be able to drag it around anymore. I can zoom, and if I go in the sidebar it moves around, but not if I click and drag. Anyone got any ideas??
  7. peebeds

    Help in Lingor.....now anyone?

    Got sorted. A nice man in a Gillie Suit offered to give me a transfusion at the firestation in Maruko. So if your reading this, thanks UG/Akross, you got my beans man!!
  8. Could do with a blood bag transfusion if anyone happens to be near Maruko in the next 1/2 hr or so? Skype is PeeBeds
  9. Not entirely true....you can still run Steam in the background even if you didnt buy ARMA through Steam......
  10. peebeds

    Players 30+ years old

    Already posted in 'tuther thread, but anyways....# 41 - UK - play evenings (after kids in bed) and early mornings (before Mrs gets up) Skype is Peebeds.
  11. peebeds

    Players 30+ years old

    I used to be in a CS clan called ZhG - Zimmerframe Honour Guard, you had to be over 30 to join as we were all so fed up of the teenagers kicking our arses!! Sounds like 'Fogeys' could be a similar deal! :D
  12. peebeds

    Players 30+ years old

    41 here and would be more than happy to team up with anyone (preferable UK/EU based as my connection is a bit steady!!) peebeds is the skype. Sula, tried to PM you but I guess your inbox is full?
  13. peebeds

    First sniping experiences

    Ive only ever killed one person, and that was a mistake really... I was at the NW airfield at night, it was raining and I was in the se barracks. Found my first ever pair of NVG's in the last room. I put them on and me and my 10yr old daughter (she was watching me play) were so excited when I tried them on!! Walked out the room to head down the corridor just as another player walked out of the next room. I jumped so much I clicked the left mouse button and killed the poor fella!! My daughter wasnt impressed. "Dad, your a murderer!!!" :'(
  14. So I got my 28 day old character killed and inevitably respawned 500 miles from my decaying body. Hey-ho, I go on a Cherno shopping spree collecting everything I need to continue my life of "player avoidance" in the woods. everything that is, except a box of matches. No point in having raw meat if I cant light the fire to cook it! So I decide to hit as many Tesco Express supermarkets as I can, and head off North through Zelengorsk, Putoshka and finally Vybor. Still no matches. While Im up here, I figure I may as well take a quick razz through the NW airfield and see whats lying around. Sadly, it was so glitchy I couldnt see the wood for the trees, so I head East hoping that Grishino might help in the match department, but again, no joy. Whilst making my way to the deer stand East of Grishino, I spy something Ive never seen in DayZ.....a Heli crash!! Im getting all excited now, Ive seen the video's of all the nice loot and read storys of all the best gear at heli sites, but never actually seen one. Sneaking over, theres not a lot of stuff there, but I do get a silenced Bizon (never heard of it, but it looked good so I grabbed it. Sadly, Ive subsequently discovered its shit!!) But no matches. Im down to 4000 blood now and beggining to get a bit worried! Legging it away to the deerstand for a quick looksee, I see something in the distance.....can it be....have I run round in a circle?? Another heli crash WTF!! No messing with infected this time.....I run straight in, scan the area, no matches but bugger me if I dont go and find an M107!! Man alive, this is mad.......JUST GIMME SOME FRIKKIN MATCHES!!!! Is there any other way of starting a fire (Im thinking flares or something??) or am I doomed to a life of unedible red meat??