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Dr Wasteland MD

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Need help! I need morphine, I have blood bags. Located at the south barrack at the NW airfield. Please, help.

steam: saspcioll29

Edited by Saspcioll

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Well, I was headding down to goodcat! for anti-bios and I spawned in to his server with perfect health and no infection.

I'm going to put it down to his amazing medic abilities.

First time asking a medic for help. Never actualy got to meet the guy, but overall a great experience.

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Requesting blood transfusion or matches

Location: In woods between Northwest Airfield and Devils Castle (will move to more desirable location)

Contact: Steam name is Drunz, message me there or send me a pm here on the forums.

Will provide over-watch/bodyguard for anyone who can help, if needed, also wouldn't mind looking for various supplies.

Thanks guys!

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The big blue ambulance is on its way to berezino/NE airfield. So hit us up on steam (Sya, me, ben, terror)

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Requesting blood transfusion or matches

Location: In woods between Northwest Airfield and Devils Castle (will move to more desirable location)

Contact: Steam name is Drunz, message me there or send me a pm here on the forums.

Will provide over-watch/bodyguard for anyone who can help, if needed, also wouldn't mind looking for various supplies.

Thanks guys!

I can give you a transfusion, but I don't have a spare match box.

Add me on steam, since there are too many Drunz to know which one is you :).

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After Action Report:

So, stationed in Chernogorsk, I wait around to see if anyone needs help. Seems like there's a pattern. When you're absolutely free, all the medical emergencies happen elsewhere. When you're knee deep in something, the floodgates open up and everyone somehow needs saving. This was one of those former days.

So, what does a bored combat medic do? Well, seeing as I've decided against carrying a gun I decided it was time to go all American Psycho on whomever I find. Well, that was the plan until I lost the session. And that, ladies and gentlemen, teleported me all the way to Kamenka. Well, my character hasn't been broken in to the 'Run 3-10km' programme found here in Chenaurus. Figured it was a good time too.

And as I'm running from Kamenka, I pick up a call from a fellow medic, calicheSCOT. An Alpha Bug aka The Never Decreasing Timer of Doom had gotten hold of him. Seeing as he was at the southern base of Vysota, it would be a walk in the park. It wasn't.

I arrived at the base and asked for a rough location. He could only tell that he was along the tree line and near some rocks. Now, I spotted some rocks and told him I think I know where you are and give him the go ahead to login. He gets in (after we both screw up on servers and load times. Typical eh? :P) and turns out he's to the left, slightly behind.

Now, I said this was a walk in the park cause he supposedly had an Epi-Pen in his bag. He didn't. So, I take it upon myself (after giving him painkillers and a transfusion) to go into town, pop into the military medical tents and grab one or two Epi-Pens. I get there unharmed and grab what I needed. I bugger out of Chernogorsk as fast as my character's legs could go. Then, gunshots.

Did I mention the server we were on was half filled? Did I mention that we had heard gunshots? No to both? Well, now you know. So, as my fellow medic turned patient tells me that he can hear alot of gunshots, I was busy bobbing and weaving, turning left and right, running helter skelter like the Devil and Death were at my heel. I will tell you this, whoever was shooting was one piss poor shot cause they wasted probably a good clip or two or even three just to nick me in the leg. By now, calicheSCOT had to DC as his food indicator started to flash.

So, there I am. Bleeding, leg broken and Infected trying to run up to me and have a good meal. I thought I was good as dead when my legs broke. But the thought that someone's life was at stake (okay, fine.His life wasn't at that much of a risk but as a medic, I take lives seriously.) and how close I was to the safety of the tree line, I continued to crawl forward, hoping that the thick bushes I had fallen in between would mess my unseen assassin's aim and line of sight, rolling left and right to dodge the bullets whizzing past me. And finally, after being a stubborn bastard that I was, I eat a bullet and die.

Do you think the story ends there? No. It doesn't. I spawn right outside Elektrozavodsk, on the West. Heck, its a small distance back. Hell, I bet I could get back to my body! Which is what I precisely do. I find a Hatchet in a nearby Petrol Station before setting off. I again arrive at the base of Vysota hill. I crawl my way to the bushes where I knew the cold, hard and bullet ridden body of my previous life was. Amongst the tall grass and thicket, I was almost invisible to those who weren't paying attention.

I grab my gear, every last piece of it save for the Hatchet and then, as an act of defiance, run back into the tree line. I tell calicheSCOT to change servers (as per my RoE ie. if shot at from a distance and unable to return fire, get to cover and change server. Yes, its sort of exploiting/cheating but this is only when I cannot see my shooter and I cannot return fire properly). We get onto another server, more or less half filled as well. I find him once more and stab him with the Epi-Pen. And lo behold, good as new!

We exchange a few more words before I decide to call it a night and bid my fellow medic/former patient farewell.

Now this is why I never go into Cherno. But yet, THIS is why I play the game. DayZ is your own story. You make your own and boy, my latest story is one I am not forgetting anytime soon.

Well, that's it for now. Some R&R is called for. To calicheSCOT, glad I could be of service! :)

Stay safe, good luck and godspeed.

Edited by kalskirata
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I'm in pretty desperate need of a blood transfusion in the Cherno military/medical tents. A bandit sniper took a (succesfull) shot at me, broke a bone, and put me to 3k health and bleeding. I got to hard cover, bandaged myself, and managed to slip away from the area.

So i'm stable but i'm at 2.3k blood, low enough to pass out. I think the zombies will have a good meal of me if i try to run for it.

I know Cherno is a dangerous area, i was only here to look for a car wheel (which i found!). If anyone can help me i'll give you the spare toolbox i found, so you can add "removal of barbed wire" to your medical skill list :).

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I'm in pretty desperate need of a blood transfusion in the Cherno military/medical tents. A bandit sniper took a (succesfull) shot at me, broke a bone, and put me to 3k health and bleeding. I got to hard cover, bandaged myself, and managed to slip away from the area.

So i'm stable but i'm at 2.3k blood, low enough to pass out. I think the zombies will have a good meal of me if i try to run for it.

I know Cherno is a dangerous area, i was only here to look for a car wheel (which i found!). If anyone can help me i'll give you the spare toolbox i found, so you can add "removal of barbed wire" to your medical skill list :).

shab..sorry mate but im off for the night now >< its 3.30am for those curious (GMT+8 here) hopefully someone *cough*Merino*cough* might come and help :)

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Lol crap totally not near Berezino. I'm a little south of Nadezhdino. If anyone needs meds let me know.

Hey Bear jew, can you give me a transfusion in Cherno?

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shab..sorry mate but im off for the night now >< its 3.30am for those curious (GMT+8 here) hopefully someone *cough*Merino*cough* might come and help :)

Yeayea I'm on it, after my current patient :D

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Yeayea I'm on it, after my current patient :D

you sir are like a demigod amongst us simple Southwester medics ;)

Can i add you on steam?

move to PM please!

g'nite everyone! :D

Edited by kalskirata

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Can i add you on steam?

Yes, I already sent you am PM with my Steam ID link - or use the link in my signature.

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Yes, I already sent you am PM with my Steam ID link - or use the link in my signature.

Careful with that hatchet Merino, it would look bad if your patient ended up with a big gash on their forehead :D

{Patients, JUST KIDDING, Merino is in perfect control of his hatchet at all times}


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Stuck inside of the Firestation top tower in Electro next to the church. Was waiting on help last night but I had to leave for work. Anyone that's trusted up and around the area that is willing to give me a hand? I have 2 blood packs, and I'm under 1k life, so yea. New to the game, been only playing for a day or so, so no clue on how the fusion works. Thanks in advance! msg me on skype or here!

Skype: senseiyaj

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I'm in need of a blood transfusion if anyone is available. I have a bag but am flying solo. Also kind of starving but I think heading into electro would be a terrible idea.

Basically I am toast currently.

Anyone available?

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Merino is a pro medic, i had to go to work before he could get to me but he was very polite to me so i dig him :D

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alright, i'm down to 177 blood (gotta be a record for how close to death you can get) and need a transfusion. i have like 5 blood bags and 5 morphine on me, i'm willing to give 3 of each to the medic who can help me.

location: zelenogorsk, just west of the supermarket behind the concrete wall in the field there.

steam name: jesta030

please someone contact me!

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double post

Edited by greg030

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alright, i'm down to 177 blood (gotta be a record for how close to death you can get) and need a transfusion. i have like 5 blood bags and 5 morphine on me, i'm willing to give 3 of each to the medic who can help me.

location: zelenogorsk, just west of the supermarket behind the concrete wall in the field there.

steam name: jesta030

please someone contact me!

i am merely a delivery man for the docs, but i happen to be close, so i try to get to you

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Alright damnit. I had to ask for help last night, few hours later got hurt again, logged off and said fuck it. Today I logged in and I was about >.< this close to being able to help myself since I happened to come into a server with a car right next to me? Of course, battleye decides to hate me and I get kicked and the car is gone, so once again I'm stuck.

So now I'm stuck with a broken leg and low blood (though the leg is mostly my concern) in Pogorevka. Anyone available?


Edited by Zomiaen

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I'm in need of a morphine injection just south of Pavlovo due to broken legs, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Please PM, thanks.

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