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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Hey guys... can someone please come help me? I have blood bags on me but no-one to apply them. I am scared to leave where I am because I keep passing out!! I only have 2,300 health.

I am in Cherno in an apartment building at 068, 129 (I believe).

EDIT: My name is Nathan if you want to find me on DayZ Commander..

In desperate need, food icon starting to turn red. My steam name is stingiestboar (or riposoeterno).

Edited by nmford

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Mr. Zed broke my bone! I need morphine in elektro. Can crawl out of the city towards the barn at the edge of the forest, west of power plant, nw of firestation.

I'd apreciate some medical assistance, please contact me on steam (jesta030).

thanks in advance.

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at nwaf need blood....at 6k have epi pens and some smoke nades to trade

steam is...... IIA7XII

smack took good care of me thanks guys keep it up

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I am low on blood and sick any medic near me may add me on steam.

NE side

Edited by strazyplus

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I am low on blood and sick any medic near me may add me on steam.

im not a medic, but i think you'd help them alot if you could a) specify ur location on the map and B) give ur steamname. good luck!

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Mr. Zed broke my bone! I need morphine in elektro. Can crawl out of the city towards the barn at the edge of the forest, west of power plant, nw of firestation.

update: being a good patient, i crawled to the next hospital, broke in and got myself some morphine. now to get out of there with 5k blood left and go hunt some meat!

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I need food water painkillers blood pack and antibiotics at the deer stand by kamyshovo. please help, this is my 3rd post!

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Mah sig... As for loc I dont want a bandit sneak up on me...

"Let's go to Cherno they said, it will be fun they said"

Steam Skype

Strazyplus Strazytski

Edited by strazyplus

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I am low on blood. I am in zelenogorsk. I need a transfustion because i keep on passing out. My steam is Raptorattack. If some one could help me that would be great.

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If anyone is in Cherno and need help, i could meet you, i'm in cherno scavenging, so if your there and need help. Let me know!

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Blah got myself in a jam when my mouse batteries died while i lost track of time ... could use morphine > can of food > blood transfusion. Im at about 5k blood so the transfusion isnt as important as a can of food, as my hunger is now red from crawling 400m to safety.

I'm at the NW airfield, exact location will be given after i see strazyplus intentions or in pm >.> i noticed his name and realized we're in the same server lol

*edit* whoops, steam is mindspin83

Edited by NiXHeX

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In need of blood at kamyshovo. Desperate need. Less than 1000 blood but already bandaged, add me on skype: Xiapher

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In elektro, K.O'd in the apartment building next to the grocery store.

I've got the supplies, just need the helping hand.

Message me for server.

Edited by DontAlwaysShootFirst

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I'm unconscious in Elektro and I also need a blood transfusion. I've got all the equipment (Epi-Pen, Blood Bag) in my backpack, all I need is someone to give them to me. Steam User: Anight

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Medic on station. If you are in the area of Chernogorsk, say hello to you axe wielding medic! :D PM me if you need help within the borders of Cherno! :D

EDIT: Magically teleported to Kamenka. En route to Chernogorsk! :D

Edited by kalskirata
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Medic on station. If you are in the area of Chernogorsk, say hello to you axe wielding medic! :D PM me if you need help within the borders of Cherno! :D

Axes and medics, they just go together don't they :D ... our motto ... One Swat, One Kill.


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So I'm a noob in this DayZ world, learning to become a medic with my friends Trout and Joe. I was trying to hook up with Trout he was up around Zelenogorsk and I was on the outskirts of Cherno, having just raided the hospital, but I needed a backpack (the hospital ate it - bloody glitch!)...so Trout was going to get me to the store...

Anyway, I head off in the right direction, but I ended up woefully lost - instead of getting to Zelenogorsk, I end up in the hills north of Balota (I know...shut up, there's more!). I still think I'm around Bor. I'm thirsty, and hungry - but I can last and I have a canteen...

Trout is on comms with me and we're describing the landscape around us trying to hook up. We are not even close to seeing the same landscape, maybe 'cuz we're not even in the same county. Then my Thirst-o-meter starts flashing - time for a drink. I go for my canteen and it's empty..WTF?!? I go for my backup in my pack...my pack is gone - lost back at the hospital...F%#*!

Finally, I figure out I'm at Balota and spot a bike. Trout is running his ass off trying to get to me as my blood is dropping due to not drinking 9117...9050...8999... I get to the bike and it's not ready to go, it needs repair, but that Zombie that just saw me doesn't need repair at all, he's good-to-go and I look good to him! I back up, go for my axe and...nothing. I go for my axe...nothing. Zombie rips into me. I scream like a little girl. I go for my Makarov - I don't care that there are 20 more Zombies nearby...my blood is spewing out of me. I go for my makarov...nothing. I go for my axe again...nothing. Reload. Nothing. WTF! I'm screaming in my mike: I'm dead, I'm so screwed. Trout is on comms: man! I'm almost there! Come down the road! Run! Can you run?!

Finally, somehow I lost that damned zombie zig-zagging in trees on the south side of the road and manage to bandage myself and lay down in the road just as Trout gets on scene. Water, blood transfusion and I'm back in business.

Trout points to the right as we high tail it out of there: see those green huts over there? That's Balota. Very dangerous. I'm reminded of Sallah from Raiders of the Lost Ark: "Asps. Very dangerous."

Thank-you Trout for saving my sorry butt! And thanks for the adventure to the store where I got a compass. Won't get lost again!

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Axes and medics, they just go together don't they :D ... our motto ... One Swat, One Kill.


More like, 'I haz Az. No shoot!' :P but yea...still risk getting shot at XD

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Fellow medics,

While on a mission to retireve some more medical supplies from Cherno, I got sniped while moving through the woods. Stupidly, I disconnected as soon as my character went down, but now when I try to log in I get stuck at the hour glass. Long after five minutes my character is still unconscious.

Would anyone be around to administer an epi-pen to see if it wakes my character up? I think its a bug but this might do it. Failing that I would be grateful if a fellow medic would put me out of my misery (i cannot respawn as controls are disabled) and look after my loot until I can come back and pick it up.

Hey sorry guys I seemed to be having trouble with my Battleeye last night but its since been resolved. Anyone on hand to help out?

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