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About grandclerical

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Adelaide, australia
  1. grandclerical

    Looking for a survivor to group with

    Hey mate, I'm downloading Skype right now and im about to jump in and have a bit of a play if you wanna chill together?
  2. grandclerical

    thinking of buying a gaming pc and need advice

    Celsius or Fahrenheit my friend? Factory OC or your own personal clocking on the card? Maybe that is a good case for airflow, most of my experience/what i've heard about the corsiar full towers like the 800D and such. My Corsiar 600T with i7 2600k standard clock and factory OC 6970 run hot lol. Only a mid tower case but its insanely big for a mid if you've ever seen one you'd back me up on it. 6970 is a hot card in general really so my 85 under battlefield on ultra at 1920x1200 res is normal. The Cpu has a real bad cooler on it and looking back i should have bought a self contained water cooler instead of the high mount noctua cooler i got to clear my ultra handy high heatsinked corsiar ram :P hits 50-52 on cool days but hot aussie days in summer, 60 degrees here we come. Got a mate who works PC's for a living and they just wouldn't have a full tower unless they were water cooling (which he is) Then you have my Mates 600T (same case as mine) better cooler that the CPU never gets above 50 and his Msi 580 lightning edition at battlefield loads never gets hotter than 55 degrees, and his PC is whisper quiet. All of this is Celsius of course. The other thing about it is why do you need a full tower really, my mid is bulky/ heavy enough as it is.
  3. grandclerical

    thinking of buying a gaming pc and need advice

    While I don't doubt you AT all on that being true, the person that you were replying too was mentioning the fact that the OP wants a PC that will last the next couple years games on the highest settings as well. Need to spend more if you want that long term lasting of a gaming rig
  4. grandclerical

    thinking of buying a gaming pc and need advice

    Full tower cases are really only good for if your water cooling the PC. TERRIBLE airflow in full tower cases.
  5. grandclerical

    I keep spawning at the coast?

    They are doing their best to realise patches to make the game better, guess what.... THIS IS AN ALPHA TEST STAGE SO YES! YOU ARE HERE TO TEST SHIT. Why don't some people understand alpha stage and beta stages?
  6. grandclerical

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Stuck near Bor with a broken leg and low blood, can someone please help me?
  7. grandclerical

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am near Bor and i have a broken leg and low blood, could anyone please help me?
  8. grandclerical

    Easy way to switch from main gun to axe ?

    i can confirm this, feel so derp every time i damn do it :(
  9. grandclerical

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999766117 i think thats it
  10. grandclerical

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    steam isnt letting me :(
  11. grandclerical

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    add you where/how? sorry im just unsure
  12. grandclerical

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could really use a blood transfusion as im low and i cant see a thing, not sure where i get my steam info from but if someone could help me ill be grateful, somewhere near kamenka/komarovo
  13. grandclerical

    FLASHLIGHTS - What am I doing wrong?

    His comment was generally too harsh I thought but the only other piece of advice I can give for ANY game for a manual on controls is to just hit ESC and take a look in controls. Its how I figured out how to use the torch. His comment was too harsh but for anything controls related I look in the controls menu, usually gets me what I need. Happy adventuring P.s.- flash lights are dangerous to use at night, says to anyone near by, HEY look over here and this strange light source. :) good luck mate Edit- didn't see that you said you knew about the buttons already so I'm sorry :P I probley come across as a dick but it isn't what I ment. unsure of what the issue is then as I used my torch once on a night server and it lit up fine. sorry I cant be of more help than that :P
  14. grandclerical

    Nooby experiences, one week in...

    I really love your story and the way that you see the game, It's a bleak world out there but if I got to hang out with someone like you then I think id enjoy discovering all these things with you in-game. You've seen more/different things then I have but we have something in common, we love this game. My only thing I don't like about it is that I don't want to just play for 30 minutes even if I have the time. I feel like I need 1+ hours to immerse myself :) Happy adventures and survive well my friend
  15. grandclerical

    Some people are real dicks

    Exactly what I was thinking :P