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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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I have a broken leg and 8.5k blood. Am located just north of krutoy cap (check your map) near the coast. I can trade some food, barbed wire, g17mag, m1911mag, shotgun shells, and a few other things I have. Steamid: The Psycho

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IM in Vysota and on deaths door needing blood and some food :) if anyone can help i would like to stay alive :)

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Wow thanks guys, just like to say that Ben and Sya did great, the first time i've exsperienced human kindness in this game, he even gave me a water cantten even though i'm good for drink.

If there is anything I can do to help just let me know, ultimatly i'd like to join you, maybe when i've got more miles on the clock :P

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Hey guys. New player with broken legs and no morphine, low blood on the east end Balota airstrip by the industrial hangars.

I was really hoping someone could help me out if anyone is available at some point? Steam name: Shadow113113113 Thanks for any replies

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Currently available to help anywhere on the map.

NWAF, Starry, Cherno, Eletrko, Berezino - you name it.

Message me or quote/respond to me here.


/e Not to be rude, but please ensure it's worth me risking coming to save you.

If you have a makarov and czech pack, consider letting yourself die and restarting (It's not a big loss).

Sorry for the inconvenience,


Edited by Medic Austin

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please can someone help in the south west. im at 1300 blood and ive bandaged but keep passing out and the screen is too blurry to see anything

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please can someone help in the south west. im at 1300 blood and ive bandaged but keep passing out and the screen is too blurry to see anything

Private message me your coordinates or general location.

Also include EVERYTHING you will need (medically speaking, including food or drink) and include your current in-game name,

Finally, please also include any notable items you have accumulated (I ask of this to make sure it's worth the risk coming to save you. It's a long trek, and a dangerous one as well).

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Helped one patient, ended up losing my whole inventory to a glitch Q_Q

Now got 1 m9sd mag left that I found at Stary.

Gotta find more ammo :P

PS: I think my bicycle has somethnig to do with my inventory disappearing ;/

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Helped one patient, ended up losing my whole inventory to a glitch Q_Q

Now got 1 m9sd mag left that I found at Stary.

Gotta find more ammo :P

PS: I think my bicycle has somethnig to do with my inventory disappearing ;/

If you're still near Starry I can bring you to a place you can re-supply.

Weapons/Medical supplies/etc.

PM me if you'd like.

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Hey guys. New player with broken legs and no morphine, low blood on the east end Balota airstrip by the industrial hangars.

I was really hoping someone could help me out if anyone is available at some point? Steam name: Shadow113113113 Thanks for any replies

PM me if you still need help. I can be there in a few minutes.

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Broken legs? Bleeding out? Unconscious? I'm looking to make my first rescue to earn my stripes. Please PM me if I can help you out.

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I'm on the hospital roof in Berezino - in dire need of antibiotics... this damned cold is slowly eating me away inside :(

i can help with that eventually

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please can someone help in the south west. im at 1300 blood and ive bandaged but keep passing out and the screen is too blurry to see anything

I'm near Kamenka, PM me with details if you need assistance!

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A big thanks to ketchup504 :) I gave him my location and he then asked me to login to a server and he was there waiting for me 2 minutes later with a nice blood bad and he even bought me a stake dinner!! what a guy! thanks dude, i've been goin on this life now for 7 days or so and dont have a lot of gear but you helped me out so thanks :)

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This is primarily for other medics - but I'm sure other do gooders will be able to help.

I've been stuck on 4850 humanity for the past 4-5 days.

Each time since I hit this point, when I've helped someone (blood etc) and gained humanity I've gained the hero skin.

When I get this skin, my stats reset (which I know is a current bug and they come back eventually) but when they do eventually come back my guy goes back to the standard survivor skin with 4850 humanity. I've administered about 5 blood transfusions since I was at 4850 and the same things happened every time.

Anyone got any tips on making the hero skin stick - cus I kinda like it!

Edited by Kowalski

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Hey wanted to post here to give Medica Austin some props, hiked to Balota airstrip and healed me right up. Thanks so much man and thank you to all medics!

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I'm near Kamenka, PM me with details if you need assistance!

Got it already :) Ty m8

Hey wanted to post here to give Medica Austin some props, hiked to Balota airstrip and healed me right up. Thanks so much man and thank you to all medics!


Have fun adventuring!

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I am in dire need of medical assistance.

I just walked into a building in Gvozdno (far north on the map), this building has a little ramp on one entrance.

I tried jumping over here, but it resulted in breaking bones, bleeding and unconsciousness.

Could anyone come and patch me up. The only thing I really need is someone to bandage me, so I won't bleed out.

My coords: 085 034

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im at the northwest airbase in the barrack have very low blood,i bandaged myself already and took morphine....im going to be dieing of hunger soon though


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Not going to be able to help anyone for the remainder of this week, my house got struck by lightning twice and it fried my computer. I'll hopefully get back up and running sometime this week or next.

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Hello everybody :3 I am in desperate need of FOOD and a transfusion. i'n in kamyshovo. if any medic would like to help me,i'm willing to give some decent gear in return.

I can be over there in a few minutes. Currently in Cherno.

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