Snortan 11 Posted August 6, 2012 If anyone needs help, let me know. Don't have any antibiotics but can get almost anywhere on the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ransom_FM 28 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) After Action Report - NestaI was hanging out on top of Mt. Kopyto after refilling my canteens, listening to the sounds of automatic weapon fire from Prigorodky when Sya put out the call. A survivor named Nesta had gone down in one of the tents in Stary Sobor. He was bleeding, low on blood, had broken bones and unsure of what tent he was in he had logged. Sya wanted a full complement of medics, and how could I resist a chance to ride in his recently reaquired ambulance. We agreed to rendezvous on the road leading into Mogilevka, so I immediately began heading north. I got comfortable next to the tree, listening to the radio chatter as Sya discussed meeting with his personal bodyguard, as well as a team from the Green Wookies. Sya took a bit of sporadic gunfire but neither he nor the ambulance was any worse for the wear. A few minutes later I heard a horn honking and there was Sya and the ambulance. I hopped in and off we drove.On the road there was much chatter from Sya's guard and the Green Wookies as they began heading towards Stary. Having a vehicle we arrived there first and began circling the town, eyes wary for possible bandits. It was only my second time in Stary and from what I had heard about it I was defnitely on edge. We circled the town and didn't see anyone, found a nice copse of trees to park in, and waited for our escorts. The Green Wookies were pretty far off so we decided to go pick them up. While we were en route to the Green Wookies Sya's bodyguard made it to the outskirts of Stary and kept an eye on things. The Green Wookies were travelling past a deer stand and agro'd a couple zeds, but they lost them easily. We made our way to the rendezvous point and picked up our three escorts.We made our way back towards Stary, our steely eyed captain Sya calling out all the sights, and assuring us a stewardess would be by soon with drinks and snacks. We dropped off the first Green Wookie outside of town to help out Sya's bodyguard on overwatch. After a quick recap on how to use smoke grenades (I've never used one), Sya drove the ambulance down to the tents and we began clearing the area. Sya and I had agreed that he would take the tent on the left while I checked right. We popped out of the ambulance, I went right with the female Green Wookie. There was one zed in our tent that met with gunfire and a well placed axe, but I was hit and began bleeding. I quickly bandaged myself while the rest of the team made quick work of any remaining zeds and began clearing out the rest of the tents. When the tents were cleared we signaled Nesta to appear. Sya and I checked our sides respectively, but the first tents were empty. We immediately lept into action and began checking tents. On the third tent I looked at the ground at what appeared to be a dead surviror. I called out I had found a body but the odd thing was there were no flies buzzing. A second later the possible corpse was replaced by a live survivor and I lept into action. I called out that I had found Nesta and instantly started bandaging. For some reason after applying the first it appeared I needed to bandage again and so I did. When all the bandaging was done Nesta was down to 200ish blood. I then applied a transfusion and a very grateful Nesta rose to his feet. We all headed towards the ambulance and drove away.On the way out of town we picked up the Green Wookie and Sya's guard and found a nice section of woods near <REDACTED>. We posed for a few pictures in front of the ambulance and then called it a day.This was the most fun rescue I've been on, but then I hadn't really been on any that weren't just me. Thanks to Sya and his guard for letting me tag along and the Green Wookies for meeting up with us. And of course a thank you to Nesta for trusting us and letting us help. I <heart> being a medic. I took a bunch of screenshots and I'll sort through them when I can to see if anything good came out, but mostly they're of us travelling in the ambulance. I was far too panicked/excited during the actual medical treatment part to actually take pictures. Edited August 6, 2012 by tamshan 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sya 55 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) Stary Sobor mission report addendum:Thank you everybody involved for quickly getting this spontaneous crew together for a high stakes mission against the clock!The Green Wookies have been applauded before, but let's not stop doing that anytime soon, given how they have decided to go above and beyond the call of duty and neighbourhood generosity. Long may they reign over their square of the leafy wilderness! :)Excellent work by Tamshan, bandaging the seemingly lifeless body while we were still checking the other tents to make sure, and then it was just a quick two-man patchup with blood and morphine and painkillers. Well done, happy to share a field surgery tent with you anytime!Many thanks equally go out to "the bodyguard" Zaebos, whom Soulshaper2 had lent us for the mission. I understand he is eagerly looking for employment in similar situations, so if anybody needs a professional bodyguard/overwatch/anti-sniper, give him a call.2 more souls have since been retrieved from Komarovo, while one more, a repeat customer, failed to make rendezvous, and the ambulance took some serious damage trying to get her out of Cherno, which she'd just left, and then gotten away from, and then gotten back to and lost in again.After that, a race against the clock again to pick up my usual bodyguard, known throughout these lands as The Terror, and now it's back to base, until the next shift, when duty shall call again!This is Sya, signing off.Stay safe out the.........*cough* Hello? Anyone ... still.. . hearing this?I'm not sure what happened. After weeks of doing all my own driving, of being near savaged by the marauding hordes of the undead, after coming under fire countless times, after losing my precious AmBlueLance™ and having it restored to me just today, I finally let my regular bodyguard do the driving while I sat in the back, hunched over my notepad, transmitting my after action report. The next thing I knew, the world turned upside down, then bright and hot, then black. My watch tells me I have been unconscious for a full 5 minutes if not more. The ground underneath me is covered in blood, which, if the faintness and blurry monochrome vision are any indicators, is mostly my own. Where my bodyguard is who was driving me back to base, I do not know. I try to call, but all that comes out is a croak. There is a jagged metal shard of some kind stuck in my leg, which I cannot feel at all. There is only numbness, while the taste of iron on my tongue gets supplanted by the smell of gasoline, and the rest of my body's nervous system screams for attention as it gets hotter, and brighter. I pull with desperation and tear loose my leg, and now I finally came to and barely managed to crawl out of mangled wreck that, all things considered, cannot really be other than my beloved AmBlueLance™. This... this is goodbye then, my precious! Oh the tales we have racked up to tell in these last weeks! No time to reminisce, I crawl away, desperately croaking for my bodyguard, but he isn't responding, and the flames start enveloping all that's left of the car. I drag myself clear, and away. The world shrinks down to just the grass in my face and the next handful of dirt I claw at to drag myself forward. I do not know how long this goes on. Though every instinct screams at me to try to save my friend, I know it is hopeless, and all I want to do is collapse, and give up, but something deep within me refuses to give in. Forward I drag myself, ever forward. Until at last, a world away and an eternity later, my groping hand grabs canvas. Confused, I grope around some more, and find a small heap of animal bones, the testament to the barbecue our small group shared before setting out on that last mission. Their faces flash in front of me, memories burning bright, moments from earlier, grim resolution, adversity and triumphs, moments of laughter, small reliefs shared, the comradeship that some days is all that keeps one going in this world gone to ashes... ashes.....It is now an unspecifiable amount of time later. I sit propped up against a fir tree, the contents of my emergency med kit lying spread out all over and around me. Bandages cover half of what I can see of my body, my leg is in a splint, empty syringes lying in my lap. I blink at them in failed recognition. I am at my camp, propped up against a fir tree, next to the cold fireplace in front of my tent. What am I doing here? What happened to mess this place up that much? Why is there an unrecognisable, charred, mangled metal husk about 150m down from our camp site?Recognition and recollection finally sink in. I am alive. And I bow my head, and weep. Edited August 6, 2012 by sya 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dcbird92 0 Posted August 6, 2012 Friend and I need medical assistance on the powerplant in elektro, I have a broken leg and low on blood and he is low on blood. Any help would be nice Steam is Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EvilSWAT 14 Posted August 6, 2012 It's stories like the one above that makes me enjoy being a medic in this game so much. Well done to Sya and the Wookies, may bandits ever fear the sight of your Whambulance! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snortan 11 Posted August 6, 2012 Friend and I need medical assistance on the powerplant in elektro, I have a broken leg and low on blood and he is low on blood. Any help would be niceSteam is http://steamcommunit...561198058827261Steam community is down. Check your PM. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbird9412 14 Posted August 6, 2012 At the Elektro Hospital in the grass next to the ladder, low on blood and broken leg. Any help please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deidog 2 Posted August 6, 2012 If anyone is available in the far northeast , I am laying around with a broken leg a bit into the treeline northwest of the dear stand west of Krasnostav and would really appreciate a hit of morphine as it is a long crawl to a hospital. Will of course gladly crawl in you direction as well. Steam name is also Deidog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) At the Elektro Hospital in the grass next to the ladder, low on blood and broken leg. Any help please?I am close, got morphine on me but need to fetch some blood from the hospital. contact me through steam for rendezvous detailsUpdate: since no contact has been attempted, i am leaving for the remainder of the night. stay safe everyone. Edited August 6, 2012 by e47 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlphaStalker2 43 Posted August 6, 2012 Well me and all my guards were Instantly killed at the same time somehow while we were running North out of Pustoska heading to Vybor. Hackers? Most likely. I'm getting really sick of these damn hackers just doing what they want. We all have to re-stock on supplies and weapons all over again. Gonna be ahwile until we can take medical requests again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sya 55 Posted August 6, 2012 Post updated, story concluded for today.Now finally turning in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skids (DayZ) 2 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) need antibiotics and some foodsteam is SkidmarksParksSkype is SkidmarksParks Edited August 6, 2012 by Skids Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
greg030 5 Posted August 6, 2012 226 health left.. [...] Has it been closer to death for anyone else?i was down to 177 the other day and i only lived due to a bug because i was bandaging that red fountain that was gushing out of my neck but died while doing so. when i respawned i wasnt dead at all but still alive with all my stuff at the same place. maybe i was out of sync or maybe i for once had a bug in my favour.anyway, gets the old pump running like a rabbit from a hound dog... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted August 6, 2012 I accidentally killed a patient by bumping into him. He had 30 blood. I saw someone else mention getting to 23 blood. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbird9412 14 Posted August 6, 2012 I was down in the dumps... 3k blood and a broken leg from a doorframe glitch, I honestly thought I was a goner. However, I had seen this thread awhile back and decided to give it a shot, and alas, I was not let down. As I lay helplessly in the grass outside the Elektro Hospital, I made contact with the badass medic Snortan (His name on the Forums). Long story short, he busted into Elektro in the middle of the night, killed about a dozen zeds and managed to heal me completely without me seeing him for more than 2 seconds. It honestly looked and felt like a scene from a movie. This really is an amazing community and I hope these medics continue their adventure! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deidog 2 Posted August 6, 2012 Broken leg cured by S_poon on us450. Can't tell you all how much I appreciate it. I was looking at a long risky crawl. It's really great what you all do here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S_poon 69 Posted August 6, 2012 In the North helping people out tonight.Steam: Spoonor PM me here. I am checking frequently.Broken leg cured by S_poon on us450. Can't tell you all how much I appreciate it. I was looking at a long risky crawl. It's really great what you all do here!You are most welcome my friend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlphaStalker2 43 Posted August 6, 2012 Well this medic is getting offline for the night. Spent a lot of time trying to restock everything since its Hacker weekend but I'll be on tomorrow to continue patching people up. Stay safe out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M1llenium 11 Posted August 6, 2012 Me and friend in Cherno, i need blood, epi, morphine, bandages, the whole package :-o anyone close by? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S_poon 69 Posted August 6, 2012 Me and friend in Cherno, i need blood, epi, morphine, bandages, the whole package :-o anyone close by?Im not going anywhere near this one. You and a friend should be able to make one of the 2 hospitals or the med tents and patch each other up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snortan 11 Posted August 6, 2012 Me and friend in Cherno, i need blood, epi, morphine, bandages, the whole package :-o anyone close by?I can help you. Add me on steam. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trout (DayZ) 67 Posted August 6, 2012 I'm online and western side of map. Add me on Steam if anyone needs a MASH unit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zess 3 Posted August 6, 2012 Hey all,I'm new to the game only been playing for about a day now. I'm finally getting the hang of things in Dayz but I'm down to about 1200hp. I cant really move, and dont want to die yet again. If anyone would be willing to help out, I'm from Western Canada IRL, so anyone in the NW area that can help i would greatly appreicate. I have a blood bag, just need someone to team up with to administer it.Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twztedbeast 6 Posted August 6, 2012 Im posting on here about a medic i encountered named Operator. This particular medic acted with great professionalism, told me he would come and help me with my broken legs even though he had absolutely no navigation equipment. Although i managed to get myself killed while moving positions trying to make it easier for him to locate me, he still did his best. That was last night. This morning i read in my inbox that this medic found my body and is going to give me back my gear! Forget dying, it doesn't even matter now, because he went out of his way to get me back the utilities and the weapons i lost. Again, thank you Operator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snortan 11 Posted August 6, 2012 Hey all,I'm new to the game only been playing for about a day now. I'm finally getting the hang of things in Dayz but I'm down to about 1200hp. I cant really move, and dont want to die yet again. If anyone would be willing to help out, I'm from Western Canada IRL, so anyone in the NW area that can help i would greatly appreicate. I have a blood bag, just need someone to team up with to administer it.ThanksIf noone contacted you yet, add me on steam and I can help you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites