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About deidog

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  1. deidog

    Fails to Enter Servers

    Stop you from connecting. Sorry for two posts hit done on this tiny phone keyboard
  2. deidog

    Fails to Enter Servers

    Google and then download dayzCommander. The thing about dayz you must remember is that it is in alpha so its buggy and there are several. Ersion releases active. Dayz commander is capable of managing your client version as well as filtering to only show you compatable servers. Things work best when you and server have same versions. Often a version difference can stop t
  3. deidog

    .50 TWS

    I don't believe they were wiped. Either way I think at this point it is time to give up the ghost on the tws the game is so saturated with them that it is rediculous to assume everyone with one is a hacker. Between raiding tents and kills in the last week (playing an hour or two a night) I have found 7 or 8 of them. I found 1 standard AS50 and so far no other sniper rifles.
  4. deidog

    Counter-Sniping Tips?

    Always scan hills and treelines. Dont stop moving in open areas. If you must move through areas lacking cover do not stop and do not run in a straight line. If you will be operating on or in front of a hill near a town or city try to approuch from the back of the hill. It basically comes down to staying out of view or making your self a diificult target
  5. deidog

    Why is this happening?

    When this happens hit shift minus(num pad)and then type flush. This should clear the artifacts. Seems to work most of the time for me. However sometimes it will not.
  6. Nab it didnt sound like a zombie moving at all it sounded like someone clearing an area And shitty to bail? Really ? Im not afraid of a zombie in a building and if I thought it was a legit player they probally would have died. Considering all the hacking and shit I dont see anything wrongwith bailing when shit just doesnt seem right
  7. Sniper rifles do not give anyone an advantage because even those with can be sniped. You have to assume you are always in a line of fire and move accordingly Removing them would make the game nothing more then another unreal tournament. Quite frankly if you are getting sniped too often then you really arent playing very intelligently. Adjust your methods of movement , risk assessment and situational awareness The worst argument on earth is that it kills immersion. The key to a gunfight is often first contact. If equipped short range you must be stealthy. If equipped long range you want to be slow and observant utilize the ability to establish first contact Furthermore I can not stand the anti one shot kill kills immersion argument. Not only is it realistic but knowledge that I can be taken out suddenly at any moment is also exactly why this game gets your heart pounding. Take these things out of the game and its just another close range first person shooter running around like a mad man and watching your health bar
  8. Lol I know but I cant help it the geek in me screams and dies a little. It everytime I see dilshits refered to as hackers. Hacker was and should be an esteemed title damnit!!
  9. What i find the most interesting is the confusion between hackers and script kiddie assholes The real hackers really for the most part have no interest in screwing players. They are typically just doing shit to see if they can and to be honest they are helpful at an alpha stage because they show the devs the flaws. The problem is the script kiddie assholes that get a hold of the flaws others found and then use them to cheat and screw over hard working players because they cant beat them on their own. These kids are the cancer and they really couldn' t hack their way out of a paper bag for the most part
  10. I was int that very same barn a couple nights ago. I also was the only person on the server. I tucked behind the crates out of view to check my map. Silly when Im the only one on the server yes but its my habit. Anyway while i was behind the crates I heard someone walking slowly in the building. Walk walk pause walk walk pause. I hit p to check and was still the only one on the server. Heard the walking again and just said screw this and aborted out. Never did peek around the boxes to see it. Just bailed in fear of it being a hacker
  11. deidog

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Broken leg cured by S_poon on us450. Can't tell you all how much I appreciate it. I was looking at a long risky crawl. It's really great what you all do here!
  12. deidog

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone is available in the far northeast , I am laying around with a broken leg a bit into the treeline northwest of the dear stand west of Krasnostav and would really appreciate a hit of morphine as it is a long crawl to a hospital. Will of course gladly crawl in you direction as well. Steam name is also Deidog