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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Need medical assistance.

Friend down with broken leg, and 4k blood. Can give exact grid.

Eighter Steam: marcus7575

Or TS3: ts3.instantvchat.com:10918

Just gonna hope one of the Medics reads this, i seem to have a hard time just contacting one, always catches them offline;

Just curious if anyone from the whitelist can pm or message me through Steam ID : Denichuu or Skype: lawl-monster

I am currently stuck at a vurnable location in desperatly need for food and some blood since i can't use the blood packs on myself. And considering the math of 10 Blood/Seconds I'd say i have about 20-40 min to live before i die if i login. But i am ready to move out from it at any time if the help gets close to my location. I will give my location in private chat and what i have worth saving.

Also willing to give some of my bloodpacks just for the time and trouble you would go through to get me. ( Since i need some space in my bag and i really have no use of most of it since i am most of the time alone; )

We are in the process of dividing the map among medics, so that we can better serve players in need. That said, you guys need to help us to help you. Without knowing your location we have no way of knowing if there is a medic who can get to you. There are HUNDREDS of servers out there, posting your location on the forums will not compromise your safety. After a medic contacts you, give them the server.

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We are in the process of dividing the map among medics, so that we can better serve players in need. That said, you guys need to help us to help you. Without knowing your location we have no way of knowing if there is a medic who can get to you. There are HUNDREDS of servers out there, posting your location on the forums will not compromise your safety. After a medic contacts you, give them the server.

Didn't think of that, just trying to be careful about bandits somehow luckily ambush me by posting my location out in the blue, to many happy trigging players like it is some sort of CoD:MW.

Either way my location is at elektro, luckily i am not in middle of it. I am at the northern part at the powerplant section.. More used to the numbers and letters to point out my location of the map.. Y10,X12 would be my cord if i understand that correctly. Industrial area in the tower. I can easily get out of there once the help is near enough for me to travel without me dying of hunger.

I am also from Sweden incase you need to decide medic.


Is it going only to be one of the medics in the whitelist or are there more that aren't listed?

In that case if one "medic" would post me but i don't see him/her on the whitelist, how will i know that "medic" is not a fraud laying a trap out for me?

Sorry if that question came out rude, just being extra careful so i don't jump into Lala-land and face a muzzle. Just need a sure method of confirmation.

Edited by Denichuu

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Need medic west of Myshkino, broken leg. Have plenty of other supplies. Will compensate for trouble. TY

Have plenty of gear to exchange for a Morphine injection and a spare for the road...

Edited by Fishman

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has anyone been tricked into healing someone then gettign killed? id read the thread b ut its 67 pages lol

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Tbh You'll have to get out of elektro most medics will not go there despite how close to death you are or geared up you are.

Edit* this is for denichuu

Edited by Kyle.ver.2.0

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has anyone been tricked into healing someone then gettign killed? id read the thread b ut its 67 pages lol

Has not happened to me yet, there are ways to go about treating patients that minimize threats like controlling what server and what location the treatment happens at.

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Didn't think of that, just trying to be careful about bandits somehow luckily ambush me by posting my location out in the blue, to many happy trigging players like it is some sort of CoD:MW.

Either way my location is at elektro, luckily i am not in middle of it. I am at the northern part at the powerplant section.. More used to the numbers and letters to point out my location of the map.. Y10,X12 would be my cord if i understand that correctly. Industrial area in the tower. I can easily get out of there once the help is near enough for me to travel without me dying of hunger.

I am also from Sweden incase you need to decide medic.


Is it going only to be one of the medics in the whitelist or are there more that aren't listed?

In that case if one "medic" would post me but i don't see him/her on the whitelist, how will i know that "medic" is not a fraud laying a trap out for me?

Sorry if that question came out rude, just being extra careful so i don't jump into Lala-land and face a muzzle. Just need a sure method of confirmation.

Electro is a dangerous place, even for medics. Have you tried farming Zombies yet? I have done so at the power plant many times.

Run outside, and attract the attention of a BUNCH of zombies.

Run back inside and wait for them to walk in after you.

Kill them with a hatchet/gun/angry stare.

Loot the bodies for beans and coke.

I recovered 1,600 blood in about 5 mins doing this. Once you eat something you will be fine to travel North and meet up with a medic who can patch you up.

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Broken leg 1/2 click west of Myshkino... Have a cooked steak and a coke while you patch up my leg..... Need matches? Sub Machine gun for trade?

Steam ID F_M

Edited by Fishman

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Broken leg 1/2 click west of Myshkino... Have a cooked steak and a coke while you patch up my leg..... Need matches? Sub Machine gun for trade?

I wish I could help, but you are WAY out there from my location. If only someone hadn't stolen my ambulance...

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I wish I could help, but you are WAY out there from my location. If only someone hadn't stolen my ambulance...

Thx for the bump! I curse on the fools who stole your ambulance!

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Either way my location is at elektro,[...]

That's too far away for me right now, sorry. But I can answer some of your questions instead.

Is it going only to be one of the medics in the whitelist or are there more that aren't listed?

The whitelist shows players that have already been verified and approved by Wasteland MD. However, there are many others who chose to serve as a medic and are just waiting for an opportunity to make a name for themselves. You might consider giving them a chance too.

In that case if one "medic" would post me but i don't see him/her on the whitelist, how will i know that "medic" is not a fraud laying a trap out for me? Sorry if that question came out rude, just being extra careful so i don't jump into Lala-land and face a muzzle. Just need a sure method of confirmation.

In DayZ, as a basic rule, you are absolutely right to question the intention of every single unknown person contacting you. Best way to see if someone is "legit" is to get some background info about that contact. For example, you could check that person's post history on this forum. If he/she helped a lot of other players before, then you are probably in good hands.

has anyone been tricked into healing someone then gettign killed?

Hasn't happened here yet afaik. Reddit Rescue Force has reported a few casualties due to that kind of trick requests recently, though.

I don't know if RMG personnel has been in such situations, as they are usually pretty secretive about their operations. But I can't imagine someone messing with those guys. They are like the Blackwater of DayZ medic services! B)

As Kyle said, to ensure his own safety, a lone medic should always be the one pulling the strings of his rescue attempt. If you, as the patient, won't comply, then we reserve the right to reject your case. Simple as that.

/edit: I accidentally some words there...

Edited by Lynx
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I don't know if RMG personnel has been in such situations, as they are usually pretty secretive about their operations. But I can't imagine someone messing with those guys. They are like the Blackwater of DayZ medic services! B)

You have no clue how Blackwater they are :P

Glad to hear all the Whitelist and non-Whitelist medics are making a difference in this little hell-hole of ours. I'll be back once a stable patch is out, I've resupplied and I've gotten some rest.

Good luck, stay asafe and godspeed.

Edited by kalskirata

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Electro is a dangerous place, even for medics. Have you tried farming Zombies yet? I have done so at the power plant many times.

Run outside, and attract the attention of a BUNCH of zombies.

Run back inside and wait for them to walk in after you.

Kill them with a hatchet/gun/angry stare.

Loot the bodies for beans and coke.

I recovered 1,600 blood in about 5 mins doing this. Once you eat something you will be fine to travel North and meet up with a medic who can patch you up.

I think i can get decent distance away from Elektro with 15 Min that i have to spare before i die by hunger by running north somewhere halfway to Topolka Dam or even past that if i am lucky with no zombies persistance following me, can just take the Server with Least player population to max the odds of no bandits, seems alot logic to me considering how big the map is. I seriously looked for food for 4 hours before i got into this fix, so yes.. You can see why i seek help for my hunger since i don't think i will find food anytime soon.

I am not about to try waste potential valuable time if i happen to be unlucky that food isn't dropped by zombies, time i can use to increase the distance between me and elektro by running or crouching to safety, like you said earlier. Posting here wont compromise my safety so it shouldn't comprimse yours either.

Sorry if i seem persistant but i been stuck there for two whole days trying to find anyone that can meet me up outside at elektro, I'm trying to group up with Jack D. who has a broken leg at Bor that also been stuck there for about two days with 1800 blood.

Just read up instead of 10 it was 20 blood unit per second. So around less then 15-20 min i might have to live. If i am unlucky, 10 min.

So yes, call me desperate in need for help T^T

Edited by Denichuu

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shout out to BoMo who hydrated me and blood bagged me friendly player

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Was a pleasure to help!

btw, you helped me with guiding to great places!

I learned a lot this night ...

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Have yall considered maybe getting a few guys with guns to protect yall?

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Have yall considered maybe getting a few guys with guns to protect yall?

I believe it is in the overall plan, but--and I think I can safely say this on everyone's behalf--we are more than happy to have help at any point.

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Have yall considered maybe getting a few guys with guns to protect yall?

There is big things in the works BUT last time I teamed up with a hired gun he lost his life and I got out with in inches of my life. Not to say that having is a bad thingThe reason why rmg is able to pull high risk rescues is because they are super tactical

Edited by Kyle.ver.2.0

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Medic in training here. Anyone currently require assistance somewhere? I'll hop on to any server (as long as it's daytime atm) and heal you up.

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Ok i logged in at Devils castle and saw someone and he saw me, Said "hey i just spawned in dont shoot" and bam, dead. see Dying is not a problem for me, already got Alice backpack, toolbox compass etc side arm and a camping tent so i know where to look its just the fact that people ONLY seem to shoot now :/

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is there any medic online that can jump on a EU server. i just logged in and went unconcious for some reason :( no epi pen and not many medical supplies. i can pay in ammo or other things :)

if there is someone that can help we can discuss further in PM/Raid chat

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is there any medic online that can jump on a EU server. i just logged in and went unconcious for some reason :( no epi pen and not many medical supplies. i can pay in ammo or other things :)

if there is someone that can help we can discuss further in PM/Raid chat

first of all I/WE need to know where u are generally ...

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first of all I/WE need to know where u are generally ...

near pushtoshka on the road inbetween Vybor but closer to Pushtoshka

sorry about that lol

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well sry ... cant take the case ... were as far apart from each other as it could be ... Im north of berezino atm

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well sry ... cant take the case ... were as far apart from each other as it could be ... Im north of berezino atm

no worries dude thanks for looking though.

hopefully i can find someone to help

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