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Why Day-Z Fails

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*flame suit on*

I have been playing Day Z for some time now and after my most recent run I have come to the fair conclusion that this mod FAILS as a zombie survival simulator.

I understand that this game was not built under with the thought of "Oh hey, this would be really fun!"

About me:

I am not a sorry ass noob who is crying because he keeps dying, or can't find any gear. I had it all. The only thing I failed to find is vehicles(well ive been killed by them enough). I have played the game many ways including but not limited to: a friendly survivor, a terrorizing bandit, a two faced survivor who will gain your trust just to shoot you when you dont expect it(sadistic, i know), batman, an honest abe player who doesnt exploit the system, an asshole whole will d/c when fired upon only to return a few minutes later to shoot you when you think the coast is clear. I have played this game nearly every way possible. Now the only thing fun to do is troll people in Cherno/Elektro on direct chat blaring some sort of awful music or some other weird ass way to play the game.

Enough about me...

Why Day-z Fails as a zombie survival simulation:

  1. Okay, #1, This game is far from a simulation -Aside from zombies not being real and me not being able to hop to different dimensions(servers)- IRL you do not have unlimited stamina. I'm pretty sure if a zombie made you bleed you were going to be a zombie. More cars would be available, but gas would be priceless. Your person would suffer from depression due to the forced style of lone wolf game play (dont even say p2p interaction occurs, sniper bullets in your brain is not what i mean) There are a million things people could pick out if they wanted.
  2. Zombies suck in general, while their AI has been improving, they still are pretty broken. Zombies run at the same exact pace as every character in the game. Shouldn't zombies(and players?) run at different speeds? Zombies are hardly a threat (except when your blood level is critical). Wouldn't there be randomly roaming zombies ALL over the world and not just loot locations? In a true zombie apocalypse, the zombies would be enemy #1, not other humans. Yeah, you will have evil people in the world but not nearly as many as there are on any day z server. Day-z = Anarchy Simulator?
  3. Other players ruin the game. I feel that surviving is just too easy in this game which is way many players resort to banditry. I think zombies need to much more of a threat.
  4. Im pretty sure there are more bugs than zombies, Yeah Alpha my ass, this has been in alpha for waaay to long and with the huge increase on players you would think BIS would help on the bug squashing end. Also- Rocket- This message is for you= Stop doing interviews saying the SAME THING in all of them and get back to work before someone steps in and takes your idea and makes it better.
  5. Welcome to Day-Z the walking simulator. The map is way too big to have any fun on when it takes 4 hours to get to the northern border just to get shot by a random sniper. Put more vehicles in the game and make gas a rare commodity that could even be used as a currency.
  6. This game is not fun- No one wants to play a boring ass walking simulator. Rocket do you want sales? People dont buy it unless they know its fun. The only reason so many people bought crappy Arma 2 was because of all the hype. This game appeared to be the most fun thing in the world. I even forced myself to believe that for some time. But after about 24 hours of game play, I cant say that its very fun. I think with some major tweaks you will create a game filled with fun while maintaining a walking zombie simulator genre.

Okay you savage people, I expect a lot of tl:dr's and other forms of internet doucheness.

Edited by Barnheezy
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Okay you savage people, I expect a lot of tl:dr's and other forms of internet doucheness.



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Alpha, that is all.

And wasn't this only 1 guy making the mod? I'm not sure how fast somoene expects this to become a top notch game with one person working on it. (perhaps I'm wrong though, I'm basing this off of information I've heard/read elsewhere.)

Edited by kentk94
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Can't be so harsh on a mod that is in Alpha. Although I agree with a lot of the things you say, I think you're being a little too critical of what is available at this point. I know absolutely nothing about coding but I'm sure it isn't an easy thing to do, and it is probably something that takes quite a long time to truly perfect it flawlessly.

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we should just not even flame him and let this post quickly fall out of sight

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But it doesn't actually 'fail', does it?

It's incredibly successful. 664,895 players and it's still only in alpha.

So there's that.

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Let me fix that for you:

I am bored with this game and want you all to know.

Seriously, you're allowed to not like it or be bored and have your complaints... I'm sure that they will be absorbed with the other feedback of the team... but your inflammatory post title just makes me shrug and think that you assumed that this would be a regular game release, and it's not. It's a very young work in progress.

So now what?

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Stop playing and go play another game, and meanwhile realize you made a point which is worth completely nothing :)

And that game is an ONRAIL piece of SP crap ;)

Edited by KarbineR

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Definitely do not want more vehicles..sometimes it is like peak hour traffic as it is :D I watched a three car chase the other night, nearly got run over by a truck then was chased ny a motorbike with some crazy dude laughing at me over direct. No more vehicles.

Map size is too small once you know it, i am too paranoid to place a tent anywhere. Give us another 500 miles to play with please.

I am fine with the distances, i just miss my cryo invisibilty stealth mode ;)

Getting shot by a random sniper after doing the run up north is what makes you keep on edge.

Zeds are too easy, that i agree with.

I dont wanna see your ass.

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So now what?

Now he'll uninstall and we'll never hear from him again.

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I understand that this is a work in progress but the I have seen very little progress. Instead of improving the game Rocket is doing interviews and putting in more ways to grief people in the game (barbed wire, bear traps). I feel that while he may be a very skilled code monkey, he doesn't know very much about developing a game to sell. If you don't think other companies are scrambling to blow this out of the water then you are crazy.

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Im not going to uninstall. I will simply try again next month and see if rocket made progress or is just doing more interviews.

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I understand that this is a work in progress but the I have seen very little progress. Instead of improving the game Rocket is doing interviews and putting in more ways to grief people in the game (barbed wire, bear traps). I feel that while he may be a very skilled code monkey, he doesn't know very much about developing a game to sell. If you don't think other companies are scrambling to blow this out of the water then you are crazy.

This is an experiment, not a game.

Definitely not a game

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I understand that this is a work in progress but the I have seen very little progress. Instead of improving the game Rocket is doing interviews and putting in more ways to grief people in the game (barbed wire, bear traps). I feel that while he may be a very skilled code monkey, he doesn't know very much about developing a game to sell. If you don't think other companies are scrambling to blow this out of the water then you are crazy.

If it's EA or Blizzard, they'll destroy it and make a disaster of a game...just like anything else they touch.

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This is an experiment, not a game.

Definitely not a game

Okay, here is the conclusion to that experiment= Humans will murder each other ruthlessly in a lawless environment, or die from opening doors.

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But after about 24 hours of game play

Lol, that it? how can you play that many playstyles in that short period of time? I'm still on like, the second one and I'm at 150 hr's.

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Im not going to uninstall. I will simply try again next month and see if rocket made progress or is just doing more interviews.

By 'made progress' you really mean 'made the game the way I want it' don't you?

Have you not noticed the updates that has been coming out the last few days? He's not just making interviews, he also finds time to introduce new bugs.

Edited by Max Planck

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Lol, that it? how can you play that many playstyles in that short period of time? I'm still on like, the second one and I'm at 150 hr's.

I have more than that.. That just the point where I was like "why the hell am I still playing this" . I return every few patches and give it a shot.

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