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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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I forgot to mention that now it's a lot harder to find stuff. Especially weapons, backpacks and compass.

so...thats better, right?

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With I could not join any servers, I would just get stuck on "Wait for Host".

Downgraded to 94876 works fine - Loading screens are faster FPS is up abit, Patch is looking good so far.

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I can't get passed "waiting for host"

I am also having trouble with

Seems to be a problem with the ArmA beta patch, so I'll downgrade like the others.

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I can't get passed "waiting for host"

Make sure you Arma 2 Beta patch matches the version of the server you are trying to enter. Earlier I updated the beta patch to the latest and got the same error. I reverted and was able to connect.

In the future the troubleshooting section would be a more helpful area in my opinion to receive help.

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Patch is looking good so far. I am now wearing a ghillie suit with ZERO issues and the teeny L85A2 AWS that was in my backpack grew to full size and is now usable!!! VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!

The zombies are a bit broken now though. We had a situation where there were 10-20 zombies around balota that were not moving. We could run right by them and they wouldnt chase us. We even drove a car right by them. They were all just stuck in place.

Edited by Cal627

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using build 94876 and everything is gone EXCEPT for my alice pack and its contents. Still have my zombie kills and headshots.

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I am stuck in loading screen. All I see is waiting for host... :S

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nobody can't connect to server with 94945 beta-patch

with 94876 work

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Just posting my thanks to rocket and the team for the continuing work. Of course there are bugs of course I get sh**ty when I lose stuff cos a bug. But like 10 secs later I dive back in. Thanks for making a veteren gamer (in terms of age not ability!) happy in finding a game I have been looking for for a decade. is working smooth for me. keep on throwing out fixes - i am happy to alpha test and lose things - because this is great as it is (i know others might have connection probs etc) and can only get better.

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Just noticed something weird. I've seen two incidents of me and a friend getting randomly spawned at ocean with all our gear, spawned at wilderness without gear, and then get this... SERVER SPECIFIC LOOT!!

If I join one favorited server all my weapons and stuff are there. If I join ANY other server my loot changes to my previous synced save point from like 3 hours prior, before I got teleported to the beach with nothing.

What in the world is going on? These are desyncing issues right? Been posting before but to remind, I'm running and the 94786 beta build. Please advise.

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Wow within the time it took me to do my last post I just spawned with all my degree from a previous bug during earlier today where a zombie literally rubber banded through a chair at the log cabin at prov, he instantly did 8k dmg to me, broke my bone, which made me go prone then get killed by the wall.

Anyways I just spawned with this guy (this was 2-3 character creations ago) with all my gear. Seems like every server I enter I have a different save synced. This scares me to wonder which save will eventually be synced and which would be lost. Crazy hahaha.

<3 rocket and dayz, keep doing what you guys do. (no sarcasm) loving this game and the 94786 beta build currently being used

Edited by taradox

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Still lost camo upone login. Cows/Chicken yeald no meat. (all I tested) backpack emptyed. loging out stil refules clips and delets it if its not full in the gun. m1911/.45 acp still works. AKM wont 1 shot zombies anymore (unstated re-balance?) I may have forgoten something... cant remember...

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I would love to see L85A2 AWS removed.

The best option would be to replace it with an L85 without thermal scope.


Should be taken out the game imo, id prefer the L85A2 SUSAT.

This is not a suggestions thread.

It boggles my mind when I read one of you babygamers whining about OP this and OP that. Can you actually provide any reasonable justification as to why the gun should be removed? And I'm not talking about "balance" and it being OP, because if you want finely balanced guns to the point where they're all virtually interchangeable and give no real reward or feeling of weapon superiority - resulting in the same mediocre and boring weapon rollout of every other shooter - go play BF3 or MW3.

I hope you idiots are in the minority. It'd be a massive shame if such a boss weapon was removed.

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This is not a suggestions thread.

then why ramble on creating a dialogue with people about the issues you told them not to talk about here. talk about irony O.o

>i hope you idiots

totally unnescesarry

Edited by taradox

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Completely necessary. They're making silly remarks.

Can someone confirm a patch + DayZ version in which you don't lose gear?

It'd be helpful if people posting here saying "Yay Rocket it's all working ok lol! i have all my gear and stuffs lol!" would actually post the versions they're using.

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Beta patch and all good from my first play.

One thing though but it seems a little easy to skoot around Zeds at night - even on a relatively bright night. Just spawned and raided Cherno in a couch walk/run and came away with an AKM, revolver and loads of medical supplies and not one aggroed Zed, even though there were loads about.

The Zeds seem almost blind and deaf at night - is this on purpose? I was keeping to shadows and cover so i am not saying it is totally unrealistic but just wondering.

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So I logged into a server and i have no gear and i'm spawned at the beach with starting equipment... Why does this happen anyone know? I had really good gear, AS50 NVG GPS Rangefinder FN Fal.... I just don't get it.

Anyone know if it's posible to get my character back or did he just poof?

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Freaking awesome patch. Some minor zombie bugs, zeds being stuck and not moving outside the store in Elektro. Had all my gear on login and spawned where I had logged in 1.7.2. Was able to get meat off cow, sheep and pig. Didn't try any other animal.

Really fun and intense tonight.



(1.7.3 - 94876)

Edited by Alphie(SN)

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Zombie view detection reduced by 20%, that means they can still as us from 160 & 80 metres away lol

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Hi Rocket

Just thought i would add my input again, Running this hotfix with the 94876 beta, Upon login i was pleased to see i logged in where i had left on 1.7.2 even with the severe desync. I killed a cow and got all eight meat off however it disappeared straight after, not sure if that was intended, also while in the store at pushtovka i was not able to pick up an m1911 clip and bandage after repeatedly clicking for 5 minutes so i carried on looting and after 10 minutes i noticed it appear in my inventory, Zombies are more handleable at the moment seem to be working as intended however i did get spotted while crouch walking from "abit" far i suppose but then in real life i suppose some would and some wouldnt so its not bad, i got a general constant run of 35-45 fps, however this would still sometimes spike down to between 19-25 fps but would pick up again not long after, This was done on a two hour test and believe it is far more playable than the 1.7.2. Thanks Rocket and please keep it up

Edit 1. Lol i also forgot to mention on one or two servers i noticed that zombies were frozen in place although they would still make all the noises they normally would when aggroed or not. Great way to loot electro and cherno atm :D lol

Edited by Ballard

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Updated from to

Beta Patch build: 94876

I only logged in to see if my stuff is lost or not!

All looks very good, kept my as50 <3

All things are there, thanks for this update :)

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posted earlyer i had 2 sec hiccup frame lag. got rid of it by reinstalling arma2. smooth now

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