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About Kovah

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Georgia, USA
  • Interests
    Moba, Action RPG's and Survival Games.
    Friendly for the most part.

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  1. I don't mind dying every now and again it does make the game seem more fun when you restart, Not looking over your shoulder every five seconds, The mini game I will often do is throw cans near prone players to scare them lol.
  2. Liked the "Yo bro you out there" on direct voice chat lol, was wondering if one of them were going to respond.
  3. While it looked great the video made me feel that zombies were no threat what so ever, You could just WALK away from them even if it was made for player interaction it would just be looking for the slow moving hoard of zombies to follow to find players.
  4. Kovah

    World too big for own good?

    Maps not to large, its just hard to navigate for the first few times you play once you get a out of game map/ used to the city's it starts to feel like a smaller map.
  5. Kovah

    you were kicked from game

    Things I can think of that may be the problem are, Server has a ping cap and will auto kick players Your friend is running an out of date ver of the mod or does not have the most up to date ver of battle eye Edit: are you and your friend sharing the game? I know players cant join the same server W/ the same CD key.
  6. Kovah

    you were kicked from game

    Can your friend join other servers on his own W/o you?
  7. I would go for a one time buy around the 10-20$"USD" area and you could have custom skins for the survivors and weapons in a mini shop. - Community developed or studio developed? - Studio to much ideas from fans can derail you from the original concept. - Community or studio servers? or both? - Both - Kickstarter? or not? - Yes, It would only help the game i feel.
  8. Needs more running around him.
  9. When you salute to random people you see on the road.
  10. Kovah

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Looks promising so far like the web site, Is there anywhere i can see what is in stock or a trade value table. Ie: 10 Blood Bags = 1 Tier 2 Rifle?
  11. Kovah

    Camo Removed

    They will probably add it back when suits are fixed, They have always been buggy.
  12. Kovah

    Unable to connect after latest beta patch 94945

    Downgrade the beta to 94876 and see if you can get in. This worked for me and I had the same problem as did a few others.
  13. One problem could be: if they are not cleared/wiped every so often there would be 1000's of little "Holes, trapdoors or hidden grass piles" all over the place. His idea was to have them instanced so an entrance will be required for it.
  14. Or followed you on bikes and took the cars lol
  15. there are script/hack that display people/vehicle info on the map, It can be just bad luck sometimes or a hacker. It also could be that someone followed you up there and took it while you were gone.