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Hey all. Im Aaron and im really new to the mod. (No suprise there :D ) I really cant wait to play but my oa has a bug in it that im unsure of how to fix it, I really hope this mod growns alot. and if anyone knows what i should do about my oa please pm me!!

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Hey! My name is Brack. (In-game name [DBSE] Brack) I try to negotiate if possible until shooting, but sometimes i panic and just spray, because im too afraid to lose my gear. If you're playing with me, and i use a mic, you can hear me panicking xD My heart starts pumping and adrenaline gets running whenever in firefight. Hehe. That's me :) BTW, im a bandit due to self defence, i was an hero few weeks ago, but i had to shoot a hero with hatchet who swang hes hatchet at me..

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evening all, im lee. or fallon, in-game.

im from london, UK. i play on fogeyz server with the old farts :)

still very new to the game, but having a wicked time so far!

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Hey, I'm Matt but Jizzmaster 0 is my name (that's pronounced zero) in the game. Not really an FPS guy like the bulk of you all. but I got hooked watching Frankie and Sidestrafe. I really just try to survive, live and let live you know. Too bad all these sexually frustrated bieber fans can't grasp that concept!

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My in-game nick is Anssi, and I mostly play on DE, FR and UK servers with pub hive.

You'll find me from the southern parts of chernarus, pretty much always below Pustoshka-Stary Sobor-Nizhnoye-line, from the woods or looting small villages.

I'm friendly, I shoot nobody except animals, people who try to kill me, and bandits who are killing survivors.

Feel free to ask for morphine, blood transfusion or food & drink. I always have medical stuff in my backpack and I like helping bambies and people in need of help.

Edited by Ansssi

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Hey everyone,

I'm Nitro. I'm from the UK and generally stay on UK servers and one or 2 hive's every now and then. I'm a friendly player and after a few months of playing can say I've never shot anyone for no reason. If you ever want to play together and you're around the UK or western europe then don't hesitate to PM me!

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I'm MikeJCaboose or Michael J Caboose in game. I haven't actually played any DayZ, but I intend to start as soon as I can (as I am currently suffering from issues with my steam install of Arma 2 CO). I was always interested by the concept and execution of DayZ and I am looking forward to finally getting to play it.

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Hi, I'm HoboWithAShotgun - I mainly roll on Lingor or Namalsk. Hell, I witnessed my first EVR last night - wasn't pretty.. BUT I GOT A VIDEO OF IT.

Ahh, cherished memories.

Either way, see ya's in game!

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Hi everyone Retsa here, pretty sure my IGN will be Retsa too =D

22 male and live in the USA ^_^

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Hi. Im Talibambi. I play on EU servers (zombie world) and I pretty much just survive in the wilderness. Hunting boars in the forests and occasionally heading to town to restock on water/ammo. I dont shoot unless someone else shoots first. But if you sneak up on me or something then yea... sorry. Im a good guy really. Id rather not have to kill anyone if possible, and I refuse to resort to any kind of banditry.

Edited by Talibambi

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Falafox here reporting,reading some scary green mountan and shitting my pants!

If you are looking for me in servers ,I have many names:Falafox,falabox,mostacho man and Doctor Whooves.


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Hey peoples!! My name is Gabrielle or Gabbie for shot. I am new to this game but I am a fast learner. I am a tad bit paranoid about other players, I played a lot of EVE so I consider everyone hostile until they prove to me otherwise but I will not kill another player for no reason not that I have killed a player anyways. I go by Gabbs in game so if you see me say hello... but don't jump out at me. I am overly hyper, not sure why it just started one day and I couldn't shake it.

Edited by Gabbs

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Hey everyone! My name is Chocolate_Milk1 (Chocolate, choco, or milky for short :D) and I just got DayZ! I have learned mainly the controls but I am still quite noobish when it comes to playing (longest life is close to an hour and a half). Unfortunately none of my friends have the game........ I learn fast! I also don't shoot unprovoked and I don't kill unarmed players! I am currently looking for someone (or a group) to play with! :) I am 16 years old and live in Canada (not a squeaker) My in game name is Chocolatemilk1 (or something like that) My skype name is chocolate_milk1337.

Edited by Chocolate_Milk1

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Skype : XChrisUnknownX

Steam: XChrisUnknownX

Day Z: Chris

o_o If you see me, I will do everything in my power not to kill on sight.

I have been playing on and off since Sandy rocked my house like a hurricane, and I have not yet killed a person.

I did once attack someone who was unarmed with a hatchet, but have since decided that this is a more challenging game if you try to add value to the lives of others.

o_o If you too are a person who would prefer not to shoot his fellow man, join the BLaDE Society under a new topic I started.

o_o Unfortunately, I fear the day when the extreme paranoia this game gives me causes me to kill another player.

Edited by XChrisUnknownX

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Leander from the Netherlands here, playing under the alias : Korben Dallas on NL servers.

So far (been playing for 2 weeks now) this is a neat game ;)

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Hello, i'm Wyatt (in game: Friendly Nick)

I can't wait until standalone!!!

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Names Burns, I first got ARMA 2 because of DayZ, then realized that ARMA is a kickass game without the mod.

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