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Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

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Zombies are too sensitive in my opinion. I was liking them just fine in, it was tolerable at least. Now they pick up on every single thing possible which is just too much, I've been seeing zombies 100 meters out come running from me crossing a road (like that's not BS). I'm just glad I have yet to see any bear traps, I can only imagine the annoyances in store for us all.

I've been wiped 2 times as of last night on this new patch, and ended up spawning in the debug forest about an hour ago before I just gave up for the night. I'm gonna have to put the game away for a while until you guys can re-fix the game a bit. Damn it all for having such an addictive game and it running like shit right now.

Hit the zombies with the nerf bat for me, please!

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NO it's not safe until the hotfix is out. If you login with camo / ghillie still with 1.7.2 you'll lose inventory and gear, also rare chance of death.

I was really lucky then. I logged in with a Camo suit on and all I lost was the skin, so I'm back to the normal survivor skin. Still have my PP-19 SD and M1911 with all ammo and other survival gear. I got really lucky then.

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I was really lucky then. I logged in with a Camo suit on and all I lost was the skin, so I'm back to the normal survivor skin. Still have my PP-19 SD and M1911 with all ammo and other survival gear. I got really lucky then.

Yeah you're one of the very lucky few. I logged in with my ghillie, lost my ghillie, my inventory and guns. Tried to put another ghillie on and ended up in the ocean with broken bones and bleeding to an almost instant death...was not a pleasant experience in the least.

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Yeah you're one of the very lucky few. I logged in with my ghillie, lost my ghillie, my inventory and guns. Tried to put another ghillie on and ended up in the ocean with broken bones and bleeding to an almost instant death...was not a pleasant experience in the least.

dude, same thing happened to me, but I was expecting something stupid to happen after patch release ^^

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Anyone else notice that visual is the main key to actually aggroing Zeds now? When sprinting in a field the eye-indicator is full and the ear reamains on 1 bar, mabye 2 on roads. Are you sure this is intended?

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i had a similar, but without camo

logged in to server, was in optoins tweaking some control binds, then it just comes up dead

lost all my kit and respawned again in cherno

bye bye gps/m4cco etc

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Yeah you're one of the very lucky few. I logged in with my ghillie, lost my ghillie, my inventory and guns. Tried to put another ghillie on and ended up in the ocean with broken bones and bleeding to an almost instant death...was not a pleasant experience in the least.

Yeah, I was in the same boat. Lost a vehicle though!

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At least u can play somehow.....im still stuck at loading screen...

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First off... New forums are sick! love it.

Now about the new patch.


It is extremely easy to duplicate items in this current patch - Happened to us by mistake. But this is what we've found as a group.

If you do not upgrade, from and play on the 1.7.2 server, you can run around looting, shooting all that nice stuff, without any zombie aggro what so ever. You can also just jump back into a server and have all your gear you had before you died. If a player was to shoot you.

Again, this was discovered by mistake by our group of players, one of the guys didn't update correctly, but was able to play. You can loot, and so long as you jump back onto a server before dying in 1.7.2 it saves all your gear + location. This is obviously extremely easy to exploit rare loot spawns be it by server hopping through the barracks or simply running like a maniac. Then the clincher. once you have found the GPS, L85 etc etc. you go back to your server it saves. you go back to your buddies and then simply respawn. They loot your phat lewts, while you simply abort, go back to any server, you are spawned again with the full kit. rinse and repeat.

We didnt have an L85 etc but we did manage to easily duplicate a boatload of items. I'm seeing a lot of people "xxx was killed" over and over, so i'm assuming that we're not the only group to stumble upon this bug/exploit.

There is also one other HUGE exploit. Ghillie suits. If you stay on version, log into a 1.7.2 server and you're wearing the ghillie you have none of the issues we are facing when wearing it on 1.7.2. I.e no random spawns to the sea, no swimming indoors no warping around or respawns. What you do actually get is one HUGE advantage. because people in 1.7.2 can not see you. You are completely invisible They sometime can hear your footsteps, but not 100% of the time. and you can kill them. This has been tried and tested by ourselves to see what we can still actually do whilst not upgrading (after seeing the duplicating thing happen) This to me is almost more game breaking than the duping of the items, because there's nothing stopping some invisible ghillie guy following you back to your ents, vehicles. and raiding you, right while you stand there.

Please fix it, as it's a game killer.


The FPS / Performance is fantastic, i never really had FPS issues save a few hacked games with tons of satchels going off ring in front of me. But the game just feels so much more responsive. The zombies probability thingy, is great. Taking us out the comfort zone once again, and it's something you won't ever be able to get used to. great idea, and it's working (so far) very very well.

It is stuff like this that makes me want to have a wipe of all characters on major patches and force servers to use the newest betas. We are all testing the game, this isn't a pleasure cruise! Expect to die to bugs, wipes, and more bugs.

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What are we suppose to do then just sit around and do nothing?

You're supposed to be testing and adding to the game not duping and killing off players because of your fat loot. I have lots of great stuff in my stash but I think a database wipe would bring some sanity back to the over duplicated nonsense that I see going on. It will also allow everyone to really test the zombie mechanics again and give us a new thrill.

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In my 2 hours of play earlier I actually had an easier time avoiding zombies than before. I could also lose zombies pretty easily going into a forest.

So I honestly have no idea why you are having so much trouble.

Zombies are incredibly unpredictable. While they work significantly better when they DO work, they do not always work as they are supposed to. I caught aggro in a field with no zombies around after shooting my mp5sd at a goat. Zombie teleported, got disappeared. I also got a zombie that saw me from a long way away. When they work, however, they are much more manageable!

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damn it, so it's pointless for me to even log in at this point. I went away last thursday, came back yesterday, wanted to play so downloaded new patch but couldn't get in anywhere. Love to play now but my char has a ghillie suit from the other patch. Don't give a shit about the suit itself or the decent gear but i would hate to spawn in the ocean and having to swim to shore. Is that what often happens?Where are you guys playing with the Which servers have it on?

Edited by Fabrix

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Going to experience the update in 30 minutes, pretty siked about it. It sounds great!

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Aha, that's how the fps should be! Finally smooth gameplay. +1

Edited by EnermaX
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Hi WTF with teleporatation and time wraping?

Yesterday been driving truck with squad for an hour, looting stuff and putting inside it, runing in forests for 2h, hunting ... and then boom - teleported to server joining position i was 5H before! And it was day now, not night, out truck was left in place where we were teleported from.

So we start running for saving privat ural mission. Runign for and hour... and the boom again back to same place same stuff and night again. We try it again, 1,5h boom we ar back... god help us we are stuck in this fucking void...

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Humanity has been taken out long time ago, you've been watching old vids

Aaaah I see. I presumed the vid's WITHOUT the counter where the old ones. Thanks for the info mate and thanks to anyone else who replied to my question. :)

So launching through the 6 Launcher are official and the host can't just put thing's they want in? I want to play pure DAYZ not some bulls**t servers that people have messed about with

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Anyone else notice that visual is the main key to actually aggroing Zeds now? When sprinting in a field the eye-indicator is full and the ear reamains on 1 bar, mabye 2 on roads. Are you sure this is intended?

I'm assuming it's intended. I still think that if you're 50 meters out from a zombie, he should only be aggro'd to you if you fire a loud weapon, so mainly sound. Sight should be a huge limitation no matter what because the zeds were almost an afterthought from the feel, I rarely had a problem with them if I was careful enough, so it felt like I needed to get gear to not be underhanded against players rather than the zeds themselves, oh, and the environment. Increasing the probability of zeds attacking you via sight is a good thing for the mod.

Then again, I haven't had a chance to play since the update, thus, I can't comment on personal experience, only what a couple of my lucky friends have been able to tell me.

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How are some of you guys playing the patch? ... Where can i get this?

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How are some of you guys playing the patch? ... Where can i get this?

I saw that too but the real interesting question is:

- when will patch will available to public?


- if we update to will we be able to play in 1.7.2 servers without problems? And what about disappearing things bug?

Edited by punisher.ita

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I'm assuming it's intended. I still think that if you're 50 meters out from a zombie, he should only be aggro'd to you if you fire a loud weapon, so mainly sound. Sight should be a huge limitation no matter what because the zeds were almost an afterthought from the feel, I rarely had a problem with them if I was careful enough, so it felt like I needed to get gear to not be underhanded against players rather than the zeds themselves, oh, and the environment. Increasing the probability of zeds attacking you via sight is a good thing for the mod.

I never used to have problems with not aggroing zombies pre-patch, it seems now though that some zombies can detect you over 100meters away purely on sight, and even while you are prone!

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Well after not being able to get on all day yesterday, all I could do was watch youtube videos of DayZ players for some Intel all day long to the point of trying to press "M" when i didn't know where I was. (the gameplay from early days is rather a contrast from todays PVP arena I noticed)

I dont care about any update issues. It's early days and I can say I was there when things got interesting.

I'm just glad I can PLAY it again, In fact all day today to test it.


I warn you now If you so much as go down again, I'm willing to pay for the soviet Spetsnaz to code all the zeds to be door to door Jehovas Witness's, (and put em in Ghillie suits to wind up the whiners)


1, I thought sommat serious had happened like EA had offered Rocket a job and he cut loose,

2. the social experiment (that is DayZ) was wrapped up for assesment.

3. Coke and Pepsi had done a cease and dessist.

4. Rocket had had enough and thought "fuck it, I work like a bitch and the community moans like a welsh sheep"


keep up the good work.

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How are some of you guys playing the patch? ... Where can i get this?

It was at this address, but may have changed, and dedicated to the happy few on irc beta channel:


Do a backup of your current 1.7.2 files!

I think it is only one part of the patch, since they gave nothing to patch on the server side.

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Don't think I'll log in until the equipment issue is sorted. A player DB wipe would also suck, but thems the breaks, and I appreciate the work the devs are putting in, and the direction the game has headed thus far.

Looking forward to some more unpredictability with the bear traps as well. Could be lulzy.

To the people saying crap like "the L85 is OP and doesn't belong in the game" - when I first got killed by a dude with an L85 (a friend killed the guy straight after), my first thought wasn't "Omg, that makes me mad, they should get rid of that gun". My first thought was "Damn. Wait, that shit has thermal?! Oh I gotta get me one of those". That should be the attitude adopted by anybody who really gets this game. If you want finely balanced mediocrity, go play BF3.

One of the most rewarding things in the game for us is finding ridiculous weapons after countless hours searching fields or hunting high value targets, then living off the land and occasionally straying into dangerous territory with our boss kits. The day that weapons like the L85 are removed to appease whiny and inept players, will be a sad day for Chernarus.

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Seems something has happened with the Editor aswell. I updated to newest beta patch at the same time as I updated DayZ. When I place a player unit I have no weapon, when I place an air unit (player) I spawn on the ground not able to move. Related to the bugs? Has never happened before and I've been playing Arma2 for years.

I had many custom maps that used some weapons and items in dayz like the winchester and coyote 24 slot pack and none of the maps work anymore. We spawn as birds or spawn in the ground looking at a lake. I think it maybe some kind of anti-cheat prevention to stop people from playing any kind of dayz content without being in a server connected to hive? Really freaking annoying at any rate not being able to use the editor with dayz installed and play custom maps. Edited by Stryker

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