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Stable Update 1.23

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  On 11/7/2023 at 6:33 PM, Scoo1 said:

Devs decided to drop Windows 7 support without giving us a warning bevor - not very nice, but that's how it is.

Just bad luck. No change here.

They could have at least waited until patch1.24, Steam support for Windows 7 ends at the end of the year.

Who cares about all this unsolicited "news"!!
I had blocked STEAM updates. I had to go through a few steps just to get DayZ to work, but I definitely would have done everything to stay with Windows 7. It works great, no updates needed, like W2K, I've used it for years without any updates and it's always worked perfectly... Who claims that "it's a PC at risk", which means that he doesn't understand a thing about IT. Long discussion that I don't intend to give here and now.
And the B.I. it shouldn't help big companies to sell their new products, because this is the result... only forced and USELESS consumerism!
The PC is NOT a "toy"... it's a "tool", and as long as it works well, there is the rule: "the winning team DOES NOT change"!
Thanks B.I. always excellent products!!! (I hope the irony was understood!)

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  On 11/7/2023 at 9:31 PM, Infernales said:

If age is irrelevant, then why aren't you running Windows 3.11 in 2023 on your PC?

What a stupid... and ignorant joke. Have you ever heard of DOS, kernel, etc... Win 3.11 was not real S.O. Windows, but just a DOS GUI. I used it with DOS6. And if you really want to say it, DOS 3 worked the same, for the programs I needed that time. This is the point!
The S.O. they are just the "table" where you work, but what is needed for the work are the tools... they do the work... and as long as the tools work, any table is fine (if done well, obviously).
Same goes for DayZ.
What you need is working DayZ, NOT the O.S. where it turns or, much less, STEAM (which as far as I'm concerned could fail).
Valid speech for everything.
The update of the S.O. it has always been a fundamentally useless thing. The only real "progress" was made with Windows 2000 (compared to its predecessors), everything else (except for some things that could have been added with a patch, if it weren't for the fact that they always have to SELL something new), I haven't seen nothing sensational... but I lost a lot of excellently functioning software just because it was no longer supported by the new OS. I have an installation of WXP only to be able to use a series of Audio/Video software that does not work on W7 and that I cannot find alternatives, some of which no longer exist... but ALL of which work perfectly on WXP.
What matters most for those who "use" the PC and not just "waste time"?
The "new operating system" or the software you use that works well and does what you need?
Think about it carefully and give yourself an answer.
"News" are NOT "always good" just because they are new...

Edited by Riddick_2K

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  On 11/8/2023 at 10:39 AM, Riddick_2K said:

WHAT ???
Windows 7 is no longer supported???
Why ???
Should I change the operating system just for DayZ???
It's a joke ?!?

😡  😡  😡  😡  😡  😡

You know my sh**'s f***ed up

And I don't see how

It said my sh** is used to work,

Won't work now...

(Warren Zevon - My Sh**'s F***ed Up)

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  On 11/8/2023 at 11:32 AM, Sid Debian said:

You know my sh**'s f***ed up

And I don't see how

It said my sh** is used to work,

Won't work now...

(Warren Zevon - My Sh**'s F***ed Up)

I'm not a native English speaker, I have to use Google, and I didn't understand the quote.
If you want to explain yourself in your own words it would be better...



Edited by Riddick_2K

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  On 11/7/2023 at 3:37 PM, Scoo1 said:

Looks like Windows 7 isn't supported anymore ... Server is running, but client doesn't. No error message. Lunchpad closes after clicking play and opens again after a few seconds, that's it.

Just the vanilla launcher or DZSA too?
No "alternative" way to start DayZ from W7x64?

@ everyone...

The B.I. will be given a percentage of the sales of the S.O. from Microsoft... at least?!?
(ironic, of course... )

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  On 11/7/2023 at 9:31 PM, Infernales said:

If age is irrelevant, then why aren't you running Windows 3.11 in 2023 on your PC?😁

DayZ was officially sold for Windows 7. I bought it four years ago for Windows 7. Now they break the product I payed for and tell me they won't fix it. I wonder if this is legal?

  On 11/7/2023 at 9:31 PM, Infernales said:

Suddenly, you need Steam to run the game, Steam stops supporting Windows 7. Why should developers continue to support the old OS, on which it will not be possible to run the game anyway?

It was a stupid move at least. And completely unnecessary. Now they get the shitstorm, which otherwise would be directed to Steam.

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  On 11/7/2023 at 4:42 PM, Metasequoia said:

Why delete the content I posted? Do they have official support for doing so? I have no effect at all through email or other feedback channels

Hi, because I already answered you in a different thread and this is not really related to 1.23 update.

  On 11/7/2023 at 9:28 PM, clickptg said:

Tested and both crafted baseball bat cant kill a zombie with a strong hit. I notice this since update 1.22 after the melee changes, so i dont know if this itens are included or not. 

Anyway, i wanna congratulate the DEV team, cuz this update for now its pretty smooth on gameplay and the changes on loot make it better.

So what exactly is your question? If it's possible to one-hit kill with these?

  On 11/8/2023 at 5:02 AM, UnicornioSuicida said:

Kyara, the "cfggameplay.json" isn't working.

I already set "enableCfgGameplayFile = 1;" on "serverDZ.cfg" file and isn't working.

Is it bugged?

Hi, we would need more info - what are ayou trying to change? It is possible you might be doing something incorrectly, e.g. not running the mission that has the .json file.

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@Riddick_2K Unlike you, I understand the difference between the kernel and the OS. Of course, you wrote a lot of nonsense, I’m even too lazy to describe something here point by point. I don’t even want to go into detail, that the use and support of any old thing slows down progress, especially since it is useless to explain this to sectarians who worship all old things. As for work, if I used this approach at work, the companies that hired me would have gone bankrupt a long time ago. You can sit in a tin foil hat as much as you want and believe in the necessity of outdated things, but these are exclusively your problems and they do not concern others in any way.

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  On 11/8/2023 at 12:53 PM, hfphx said:

DayZ was officially sold for Windows 7. I bought it four years ago for Windows 7. Now they break the product I payed for and tell me they won't fix it. I wonder if this is legal?

The game is getting an update and developing, why is this illegal?

  On 11/8/2023 at 12:53 PM, hfphx said:

It was a stupid move at least. And completely unnecessary. Now they get the shitstorm, which otherwise would be directed to Steam.

Steam uses components that do not support older operating systems such as Windows 7 or Windows XP. This is called progress, especially since Microsoft offered to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free, the fact that you didn’t do this is your problem. Moreover, carrying support for a product that has even run out of official support is a bad idea.

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  On 11/8/2023 at 12:55 PM, Kyiara said:

Hi, because I already answered you in a different thread and this is not really related to 1.23 update.

So what exactly is your question? If it's possible to one-hit kill with these?

Hi, we would need more info - what are ayou trying to change? It is possible you might be doing something incorrectly, e.g. not running the mission that has the .json file.

I believe I'm doing nothing wrong, the chernarus mission already have the file, I got a fresh dayz server files, only activated a few stuff like more stamina, allowing building in forbidden places, etc.

I enabled as I said in serverDZ.cfg file and it's not working at all.



    "version": 122,
        "disableBaseDamage": false,
        "disableContainerDamage": true,
        "disableRespawnDialog": false,
        "disableRespawnInUnconsciousness": true
        "disablePersonalLight": true,
            "sprintStaminaModifierErc": 1.0,
            "sprintStaminaModifierCro": 1.0,
            "staminaWeightLimitThreshold": 15000.0,
            "staminaMax": 200.0,
            "staminaKgToStaminaPercentPenalty": 1.0,
            "staminaMinCap": 5.0,
            "sprintSwimmingStaminaModifier": 1.0,
            "sprintLadderStaminaModifier": 1.0,
            "meleeStaminaModifier": 1.0,
            "obstacleTraversalStaminaModifier": 1.0,
            "holdBreathStaminaModifier": 1.0
            "shockRefillSpeedConscious": 5.0,
            "shockRefillSpeedUnconscious": 1.0,
            "allowRefillSpeedModifier": true
            "timeToStrafeJog": 0.1,
            "rotationSpeedJog": 0.3,
            "timeToSprint": 0.45,
            "timeToStrafeSprint": 0.3,
            "rotationSpeedSprint": 0.15,
            "allowStaminaAffectInertia": true
            "staminaDepletionSpeed": 10.0,
            "healthDepletionSpeed": 10.0,
            "shockDepletionSpeed": 10.0
        "lightingConfig": 3,
        "objectSpawnersArr": [],
        "environmentMinTemps": [-3.0, -2.0, 0.0, 4.0, 9.0, 14.0, 18.0, 17.0, 12.0, 7.0, 4.0, 0.0],
        "environmentMaxTemps": [3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 14.0, 19.0, 24.0, 26.0, 25.0, 21.0, 16.0, 10.0, 5.0],
        "wetnessWeightModifiers": [1.0, 1.0, 1.33, 1.66, 2.0]
            "disableIsCollidingBBoxCheck": true,
            "disableIsCollidingPlayerCheck": true,
            "disableIsClippingRoofCheck": true,
            "disableIsBaseViableCheck": true,
            "disableIsCollidingGPlotCheck": false,
            "disableIsCollidingAngleCheck": true,
            "disableIsPlacementPermittedCheck": true,
            "disableHeightPlacementCheck": true,
            "disableIsUnderwaterCheck": true,
            "disableIsInTerrainCheck": true,
            "disallowedTypesInUnderground": ["FenceKit","TerritoryFlagKit","WatchtowerKit"]
            "disablePerformRoofCheck": true,
            "disableIsCollidingCheck": true,
            "disableDistanceCheck": true
        "use3DMap": false,
            "hitDirectionOverrideEnabled": false,
            "hitDirectionBehaviour": 1,
            "hitDirectionStyle": 0,
            "hitDirectionIndicatorColorStr": "0xffbb0a1e",
            "hitDirectionMaxDuration": 2.0,
            "hitDirectionBreakPointRelative": 0.2,
            "hitDirectionScatter": 10.0,
            "hitIndicationPostProcessEnabled": true
        "ignoreMapOwnership": false,
        "ignoreNavItemsOwnership": false,
        "displayPlayerPosition": false,
        "displayNavInfo": true

Here is the file.


The comma at the end of "disableIsInTerrainCheck": true," doesn't come as default, so... 50/50 fail.

Now it's working ❤️ 

Edited by UnicornioSuicida
...it's working. Forget everything I said...

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This is absurd. Please provide us with a way to continue playing on Windows 7. I don't care about videos supported only by Win 10. There is no technical reason for blocking Windows 7. I will not change my OS and you will lose a customer. This is extremely rude and unwarranted.

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  On 11/8/2023 at 11:47 PM, Kanzero said:

This is absurd. Please provide us with a way to continue playing on Windows 7. I don't care about videos supported only by Win 10. There is no technical reason for blocking Windows 7. I will not change my OS and you will lose a customer. This is extremely rude and unwarranted.

Oh relax, win10 will end support in nov 2025 year.

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  On 11/8/2023 at 11:47 PM, Kanzero said:

This is absurd. Please provide us with a way to continue playing on Windows 7. I don't care about videos supported only by Win 10. There is no technical reason for blocking Windows 7. I will not change my OS and you will lose a customer. This is extremely rude and unwarranted.


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  On 11/7/2023 at 8:41 PM, hfphx said:

Exactly. There is absolutely no reason DayZ couldn't run on Windows 7 for the rest of its life!

And yes, it would have been nice to announce the termination of Windows 7 support in DayZ before. I knew that Steam drops support at the end of the year, but I really hoped I could play for some more weeks... 😒

As Microsoft's plans with Windows are obviously going into the direction of SaaS and Windows365 crap I really hope that game publishers will finally wake up and switch to a friendlier gaming platform (like an open source OS).

They day that MS switches to any kind of 365 bollocks for Windows is the day I stop using it.

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  On 11/11/2023 at 11:40 AM, Tonyeh said:

They day that MS switches to any kind of 365 bollocks for Windows is the day I stop using it.

Switch to GNU Linux xD P.S. Sorry I'm kidding a bit.

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How hard is it to click the permission and give us Win 7 usage back? Come on guys, a lot of us can't play. Anyone reading this?

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I doubt win7 is coming back. Steam is ending support in a little over a month and a half so it makes little sense to reintegrate even if they desired to do so. I feel for you guys still running it, but i think radical acceptance or finding a solution that fits your specific needs is going to get you further. it sucks to be the minority and to feel like you are left behind, but at some point all good things come to an end...

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  On 11/8/2023 at 6:21 PM, Infernales said:

The game is getting an update and developing, why is this illegal?

Steam uses components that do not support older operating systems such as Windows 7 or Windows XP. This is called progress, especially since Microsoft offered to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free, the fact that you didn’t do this is your problem. Moreover, carrying support for a product that has even run out of official support is a bad idea.

I would gladly update if the free update wouldn't come with compulsory "telemetry" which just a nice term for we want your data and as well as forced updates. Win 10 still has problems connecting to a free wifi which requires to open a website to connect but hey at least they added a weather widget. Also dropping a OS is one thing even if doubt it was dropped for some major increase in functionality or graphics quality, but dropping it without warning just perfectly sums up 10 years of dayz development. 

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  On 11/16/2023 at 5:58 PM, General Zod said:

I would gladly update if the free update wouldn't come with compulsory "telemetry" which just a nice term for we want your data and as well as forced updates. Win 10 still has problems connecting to a free wifi which requires to open a website to connect but hey at least they added a weather widget. Also dropping a OS is one thing even if doubt it was dropped for some major increase in functionality or graphics quality, but dropping it without warning just perfectly sums up 10 years of dayz development. 

You can disable telemetry, it's the first thing i did. Connecting to public wifi is a more user specific issue but I'm sure you could find a reasonable solution to that as well. Windows in general is a necessary evil and one which will constantly test your ability to compromise, adapt, or work around. That said i don't feel dropping support is out of nowhere and if you made the assumption you would be able to play on win7 forever then i don't feel like that was realistic either. Steam spoke about dropping support for win7 and 8 back in April and gave you an exact date of when that would happen. DayZ is 10yrs old and as you said that is a long time, is it really unrealistic for the game to evolve in that time? You can't have it both ways.

We don't know what the future holds, but it's not too difficult a prediction to assume they will add more DLC or possible engine upgrades/transitions that require framework. DayZ just had it's biggest concurrent player count with this update, i would say it's headed in a good direction that the majority is supportive of. If anyone drops it over win7 support then really that's on them at this point.

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  On 11/16/2023 at 5:58 PM, General Zod said:

I would gladly update if the free update wouldn't come with compulsory "telemetry" which just a nice term for we want your data and as well as forced updates. Win 10 still has problems connecting to a free wifi which requires to open a website to connect but hey at least they added a weather widget. Also dropping a OS is one thing even if doubt it was dropped for some major increase in functionality or graphics quality, but dropping it without warning just perfectly sums up 10 years of dayz development. 

Who would have thought that corporations collect the data of their users... This has never happened before and here it is again. Now let’s take off your tin foil hat and welcome to the modern world. Most public Wi-Fi points require authorization through the website, regardless of the OS used. As mentioned above, the warning about abandoning Windows 7 came from Steam itself. DayZ on PC is distributed through Steam and the refusal to support Windows 7 was logical.

Edited by Infernales
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Im curious about other opinions on worn/new weapons and bullets seems to get stuck too often.. I understand the mechanic with damage or worse conditions on weapons, but I would enjoy that worn or new weapons dont have that issues as frequently as worse damage state.

Edited by Nebulae3

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The loot table is not good on vanilla at the moment, the official Dayz servers. You seldom find any weapons in normal civil buildings tier 1-4 it does not matter.. The loot is really restricted overall, and I think the main issue is loot piles on most distant locations on the map.

I`ve dicovered loot piles in hunting lodges, and NW Carrier plane with little value loot like night vission googles as Wobo said in his troll Youtube video...

The whole concept and policy to hide all the best items behind wall of gas is not recommended in a game that 1 bullet could actually finish you in all yellow gas equipment. At least change the gas equipment to be better cammo colour like brown, green, hell black! 

DayZ is fine to keep some sort of protection against gas grenades, but hide items behind permanent gas locations - I`ve never bother with it in the 5k+ Dayz hours, and I really dislike the decision behind it, because it take hours in-game to hunt down a silly buged heli crash site loot which too seldom drop items like DMR, Lar as in the DayZ 1.23 game files.

Edited by Nebulae3

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This 1.23 patch was rushed and not good enough to stable. It is not good sign to wait on "Day Before" a new zombie/walker game after spend so many Dayz hours since 2014. Hopefully the item policy change in near future or in next patch update, and try a different method how to implement top tier items and distribute it on an official vanilla server. I also would consider a Dayz 2 or II game with improved stealth animations, and less clunky zombie glitch behaviour, it still glitch hit you which go back to Arma 2 days mod in 2012. And that is simply not good enough in 2024 concerning zombie attacks and clunky movements.  

Maybe the zombie run too fast and with server lag delay/lag issues dont help about glitching. Perhaps add a zombie jump instead, and a bit different zombie behaviour with less top speed when a player sprint, because a zombie is not suppose to be the "main threat" in a multiplayer game like Dayz. 

Edited by Nebulae3

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PC Stable 1.23 Update 2 - Version 1.23.157045 (Release on 30.11.2023)





  • Fixed: Sever details in the server browser claimed a missing Livonia DLC for servers not running Livonia
  • Fixed: Closing the server details in the server browser unfocused the launcher
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