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Ander (DayZ)

Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

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Thank you, devs!

For people playing just a few hours at a time (most people, i guess), this is a good thing.

You might just find a vehicle now during your limited playtime, and have some fun with it!

If it's gone the next time you log in, it's no big deal, since they're all inside the map and waiting to be found :)

About the tents and items... well, it's not the safety net it once was. But a place to stash extras, just in case you happen to die. If it's been looted when you come back, then so be it. The space you have on your person and in your 24-slot backpack is enough. It's more fun starting over, looting buildings and fighting other players for the good stuff anyway.

The clans of "hoarders" walking around with full gear all the time was not playing the game everyone else was playing, so this is a very important fix for game balance. Again, thank heavens for our great devs :)

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The back and forth in this thread is almost unreal.

TLDR: Everyone is going to disagree with someone..

The way I see it, this is what the Devs feel should be done.

They run this circus, and are trying to make it a better game mode for EVERYONE.

This is a survival game mode. Hoarding gear so you can sit pretty on a throne, isn't survival.

Hoarding cars, so no one else in the server can enjoy the game, isn't fair.

Putting things out of map, which is called out of map/bounds for a reason, is a bitch move.

Having a base in map, in the forest, puts you on the playing field as everyone else.

True survival.

Raiding and being raided, is expected. The circle of life.

Get over it.

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good move but I say you should limit saving "1" vehicle per player. if a player saves another vehicle, previous one should just get back to its original spawn or spawn somewhere random idk.

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Incase the 21 pages asks for what is plains and what not. The boundary/border is very VERY visible. If you do not pass a LINE on the ground then you are still in the map boundary. If you PASS a line on the ground then you are off the reservation and MUST return back.

The border is very noticeable. You can NOT miss it.

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i didnt know they stacked shite this high but here we are 21 pages of tripe and counting.

hoarding is not hoarding, its called finding loot and putting it somewhere while you live your real life...(it looks like some ppl in this thread might not know what im talking about there)

if you choose to play solo then your gonna have less chance of finding a car, tent site to raid, nvg's and unicorns (mine has rainbow stipes and is the best). just get over it, or even better go and look for someones so called 'hoard' and steal thiers. either way stop crying about organized groups for being organized

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It'll be interesting to see whether the 24hour time limit on usage will be enough to start getting some of the vehicle stashes back in the boundaries. Having somebody hop in a vehicle once a day isn't much of an issue.

But its a good start. Chernarus is feeling a bit small these days, but with a working spawning system for vehicles, their loss will just be like other gear, not an issue. Go out and find a new one. As long as you know there's actual vehicles somewhere in the bounds.

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Heck, I didnt even know there was a space beyond the map...I thought that was the boundary.

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It'll be interesting to see whether the 24hour time limit on usage will be enough to start getting some of the vehicle stashes back in the boundaries. Having somebody hop in a vehicle once a day isn't much of an issue.

This isn't be clear yet.. i guess the he meant: you have 24 hours *now* to move your vehicles, then they will be deleted. But after this they will be cleared cyclic at random "time".. so basically you may be able to place a vehicle off-map, but you can find it disappearing, even if pop into it every 24 hours.

I hope that's the explanation or it wouldn't make sense.. as said: i can just leave my alt at the camp, and use it 1 menute per day, just to enter into any of those "parked" vehicles.

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This is the most pleasant thread I have come across since joining these forums. Thank you!

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i didnt know they stacked shite this high but here we are 21 pages of tripe and counting.

hoarding is not hoarding' date=' its called finding loot and putting it somewhere while you live your real life...(it looks like some ppl in this thread might not know what im talking about there)

if you choose to play solo then your gonna have less chance of finding a car, tent site to raid, nvg's and unicorns (mine has rainbow stipes and is the best). just get over it, or even better go and look for someones so called 'hoard' and steal thiers. either way stop crying about organized groups for being organized


Yes, putting it somewhere that was questionable and has now been dealt with.

Nice insults :) I assume most of us have enoug of a "real life" that its not necessary to argue the point.

Suffice it to say that those who were taking advantage of this oversight will not be happy, and those that always saw it as such and stayed in map in the spirit of the game get to smile about it.

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Fixed and drove some vehicles today.

Was glorious, haven't been able to do it for ages.

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Thank the heavens this has finally happened!

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So basically, if you're just tuning in, they made it so that the guys who hide stuff in no-man's-land can't do that. They'll be cleaned out like a gutter with some sweaty guy scooping it out every so often. That's the good news.

The bad news is the severe lack of schooling around the world...and the people who can't spell even though they have access to public education, the internet, and...y'know...those strange things called books. If you're making the argument that you "can type so much faster" while using the shortened text. Perhaps you should attempt to learn to type better. Just sayin'. The other bit of bad news is that some people who play the game are taking it a bit harshly...for instance, they are rather pissed that their stuff isn't 100% safe...and that helicopters and things like that should be hidden.

Here's a tip for you, things aren't meant to be safe. Nothing is meant to be foolproof. It's a game, quit whining, grow up, and if you don't like it, go play something else. If you want to set up camp, go play Minecraft. The point of playing the damn game isn't so you can be the bad#$$ you aren't in real life...it's to have fun with a group of people, to experience things you won't have the opportunity to. That is why you play a videogame. If you have any issue with what I say, PM me and we can have a conversation, all the while not making a simple post about a patch 22 freakin' pages long.

TL;DR You cats whine too much and need to learn how to spell.

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Vehicles that remain unused for a short period of time (<=24h) outside map boundary now respawns inside map boundary at their original chance based spawn points.

Also a quick 24h notice. If you have tents hidden outside of map in the green acres- be sure to pickup your gear now as those tents will now be swept away by the strong winds of those wide plains.

(NON RP reason: no you shouldnt be building bases hidden outside of map boundaries' date=' tents and items outside of map boundary will now be removed on regular basis.)


Is there a map that sais what is out of bounds and what isn't? Our group has one car and 3 tents near the west side of the map but I don't think it's technically out of bounds because there's a shed like 300m away from our camp.

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I might decrease the 24h unused to say 6h. This should allow people to not risk getting their vehicle "reset" while they are still actively using it. But prevents daily refreshing of your "stuff" ala facebook mini games which require you to login every day to retain your bonuses *cringe*.

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6 hours sound great, if they want to continue to maintain their vehicle fleet in the dead zone, make them work for it. :D

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Did we get a indication of the map coordinates that are considered out of bounds?

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Did we get a indication of the map coordinates that are considered out of bounds?

I assume its the line where vegitation ends around all borders' date=' i hope i am correct though because most people just moved their vehicle stash just past the grass border to what they believe is "in map".


All the clans are butthurt because they can't hide their stashes offmap now and all the lone wolfs/noobs/others are happy because they can just patrol the outer borders raiding camps while clans are away.

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Thank you' date=' devs!

For people playing just a few hours at a time (most people, i guess), this is a good thing.

You might just find a vehicle now during your limited playtime, and have some fun with it!

If it's gone the next time you log in, it's no big deal, since they're all inside the map and waiting to be found :)

About the tents and items... well, it's not the safety net it once was. But a place to stash extras, just in case you happen to die. If it's been looted when you come back, then so be it. The space you have on your person and in your 24-slot backpack is enough. It's more fun starting over, looting buildings and fighting other players for the good stuff anyway.

The clans of "hoarders" walking around with full gear all the time was not playing the game everyone else was playing, so this is a very important fix for game balance. Again, thank heavens for our great devs :)


My thoughts exactly. The thrill of knowing I WILL lose everything when I die is a real driving force behind wanting to play DayZ. It takes all the excitement and tension away knowing you have a camp to go back to.

Sure, I have a tent or two that I keep things in WHILE I'm playing. I also log out expecting the tents to be looted, or squashed by the time I log back in. I only play 2 nights out of the week, alot can happen between Monday and Friday...

Side Note: Clans should NEVER be allowed to lock their servers so they can 'safely' move their stuff, loot, make camp, gather parts, vehichles, etc. and be allowed connect back to the hive. A "Test" hive needs to be implemented that is seperate from the "Live" hive. I'm not saying every clan is guilty of using this to their advantage, but it would be foolish and naive to think otherwise.

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