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Ander (DayZ)

Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

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That's all good stuff.

Sounds like your next challenge was how to make camp and stay in bounds as they are now defined... And you're folding. But that's cool. I understand that sometimes things get too hard' date=' even for the advanced players.

I haven't been playing for 2+ months yet, so I can't give you any answers. Maybe start a thread in the general section to solicit opinions?


I've placed tents several times within the map's limits. It's been raided each time and to be quite honest, I'm out of spots on map. So instead of trying a previous spots of mine, I figured just don't make a camp. There's nothing difficult about placing a camp inside the map borders, just FYI. No matter how good you hide it, there's always a chance of it getting raided so it's just a gamble. Nothing skill related at all.

I'll pass on the making a thread about it on General Forums. What has been discussed here has given me some insight and ideas of how to deal with my "dilemma". It'll be far-fetched and basically impossible, but it's something to do.

P.S. Your condescending tone was amusing lol.

You have made an effective argument as to why the devs chose to stop the off map camping. Well done.

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@DEV: need clarifications. The h24 thing is just for the first time (now)' date=' so you have 24h to save your stuff or you'll loose it. But then the stuff off-map will be cleared "immediately" (or randomly) even if used once within 24h right? Otherwise i may just leave an alt account there and use it to move those vehicles once a day.


really? people pay another 30 bucks to keep their ingame items save?

and i bet they cry twice as much when they ragequit.

I have a second copy, it's much less than 30 buks: you only need OA.

PS: clans pays MUCH more than 30 buks.. and each month, look at those renting multiple servers. They surely wouldn't be scared to pay $15 for another OA copy (or even $150 for ten of them... while some are doing already, using alternate accounts as "offline tents"). Do not understimate clans dedication (and money "wasting").

Wow, way to take a non-competitive game that seriously. If I put that much time and money into some game, it'd be an e-sports title like SC II, Tribes: Ascend or something like that. Then it might actually matter if you get really good at the game, as you could take part in tournaments and such.

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You have made an effective argument as to why the devs chose to stop the off map camping. Well done.

So they chose to stop off map camping so that people will be less willing to make camps because they know it'll be raided within days? Hrm, well alright. It being a "Gamble" was still the same as it was when off map, it was just less likely to be found then.

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What i find curious here is that people who have set up a camp feel they have somehow 'earned' their gear.

What the fuck? gear spawns randomly in predetermined areas of the map, strolling into the NW AF with your clan and cleaning it out isnt earning shit, you simply know where the good gear spawns and went in there with overwhelming numbers as to make it literally effortless and stashed what loot you didnt use in tents a few kilometres outside the borders of the map and continued this ad infinitum presumably since you found out you could do it.

Now, precisely how is that earning anything? what exactly is it youre so indignant about? that you might have to do exactly the same thing again only this time you wont have a 100% secure camp you can return to to gear up again?

Im struggling to see what the problem is here.

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So you feel challenged that you have to run back to your off map camp?

I know that you feel superior and like you are an advanced player. Condescension drips from your posts.

We all bow to your advanced skills. But seriously' date=' all that you've done is teamed up with people to gather things. When you die, you must get more stuff from the pool.

I understand your problem. I don't know why you're playing, either. Maybe having your stuff on map will bring back some challenge, even at your level of skill.


The "Challenge" is gathering more loot for my group that way we have something to do. Opposed to "Let's go to NW Airfield to kill some n00bz", I can set an objective for my clan with "We're looking for SD Weapons, boys. Let's get to it".

I'm actually a very humble player, and I don't mean to sound "I R TEH BESTEST U GUIZ R N00BZ". I'm referring to players who have done just about everything they could in Day Z, thus I call them more experienced. I know even less experienced players have valid opinions too, but I'm looking for answers of what other players who have played for 2 months+ use for incentive.

Gathering stuff with people whom I've teamed up with (A clan) is actually fun still. I just want to have purpose to go to those danger zones besides "WE MITE FIND SOME PLAYERZ 2 SH00T AT."

If you're a leader of a clan and you and your guys did countless runs at high danger spots, died here and there and spent HOURS doing that - wouldn't it be hard for you to keep them going when everything we worked for is wiped? I'm looking for something to do for my clan while keeping the spirit of Day Z alive.

Keeping things on map will just accelerate the "Wiping" process of your collections, thus why I decide not to make camps from this point forward. My "level of skill" is just average, but with the mass amount of new players to the ARMA 2 series in general, anyone who has played ARMA 2 before can call themselves experienced, pretty much.

Now you and your clan have a new objective. Protect the assets you hold so dear. This is part and parcel of survival.

Before this was even implemented me and my clan would hide our camps within map borders and actively try to protect and defend said camp. I find this a lot of fun and adds so much to the gaming experience and immersion.

You must have such a boring game hording all your gear in a location where there is absolutely no threat. There might as well be locks on tents and vehicles and players are unable to be looted. I'm yawning just thinking about it.

Oh well, it has been implemented now and IMHO it's for the better. This means players will now have to actively camp within the gaming borders instead of cowardly hiding with all their cookies out in the middle of nowhere.

GJ Dev team, another step in the right direction!

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The last time tents were wiped I was lucky enough to find one the next day. I have set it up, very much in-bounds, and still it hasn't been found :)

Most of the times I've found other peoples tents it has been when travelling from point A to B. Trick is, IMO, to set up in places that are less likely to be travelled. I shall be checking in on that tent later. If it has been found and emptied I'll post back and let you know that I'm not as smart as I thought I was hehe.

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So you feel challenged that you have to run back to your off map camp?

I know that you feel superior and like you are an advanced player. Condescension drips from your posts.

We all bow to your advanced skills. But seriously' date=' all that you've done is teamed up with people to gather things. When you die, you must get more stuff from the pool.

I understand your problem. I don't know why you're playing, either. Maybe having your stuff on map will bring back some challenge, even at your level of skill.


The "Challenge" is gathering more loot for my group that way we have something to do. Opposed to "Let's go to NW Airfield to kill some n00bz", I can set an objective for my clan with "We're looking for SD Weapons, boys. Let's get to it".

I'm actually a very humble player, and I don't mean to sound "I R TEH BESTEST U GUIZ R N00BZ". I'm referring to players who have done just about everything they could in Day Z, thus I call them more experienced. I know even less experienced players have valid opinions too, but I'm looking for answers of what other players who have played for 2 months+ use for incentive.

Gathering stuff with people whom I've teamed up with (A clan) is actually fun still. I just want to have purpose to go to those danger zones besides "WE MITE FIND SOME PLAYERZ 2 SH00T AT."

If you're a leader of a clan and you and your guys did countless runs at high danger spots, died here and there and spent HOURS doing that - wouldn't it be hard for you to keep them going when everything we worked for is wiped? I'm looking for something to do for my clan while keeping the spirit of Day Z alive.

Keeping things on map will just accelerate the "Wiping" process of your collections, thus why I decide not to make camps from this point forward. My "level of skill" is just average, but with the mass amount of new players to the ARMA 2 series in general, anyone who has played ARMA 2 before can call themselves experienced, pretty much.

Now you and your clan have a new objective. Protect the assets you hold so dear. This is part and parcel of survival.

Before this was even implemented me and my clan would hide our camps within map borders and actively try to protect and defend said camp. I find this a lot of fun and adds so much to the gaming experience and immersion.

You must have such a boring game hording all your gear in a location where there is absolutely no threat. There might as well be locks on tents and vehicles and players are unable to be looted. I'm yawning just thinking about it.

Oh well, it has been implemented now and IMHO it's for the better. This means players will now have to actively camp within the gaming borders instead of cowardly hiding with all their cookies out in the middle of nowhere.

GJ Dev team, another step in the right direction!

Look, everyone, an advanced player, right here.

I agree with everything said here.

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You have made an effective argument as to why the devs chose to stop the off map camping. Well done.

So they chose to stop off map camping so that people will be less willing to make camps because they know it'll be raided within days? Hrm' date=' well alright. It being a "Gamble" was still the same as it was when off map, it was just less likely to be found then.


Ace im not into insulting people over a keyboard and i did watch your vids and liked them , but with each added post u make u come off as crybaby . Iv had a small camp in the bounds of the map for maybe week+ now .

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Quick question, I did not glean through all 18 pages.

What constitutes "out of bounds". Like we have some stuff off the loot maps just slightly for example, but not off the in game map. For example coords of 12, 160, would that be off map? That is a example people don't get excited. Is offmap when its like not even reading on a GPS? Never tried this personally, but I heard if you go out far enough all the textures go away and its a flat rolling hills with no trees or something.

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Ace im not into insulting people over a keyboard and i did watch your vids and liked them ' date=' but with each added post u make u come off as crybaby . Iv had a small camp in the bounds of the map for maybe week+ now .


A price I pay for voicing my opinion, I suppose. A good 1+ months ago, we made a camp within the map and it lasted a good month too, but yeah.. Wouldn't recommend keeping good loot there is all. I made that same camp on a different server in the same spot and it took 2 days to get looted lol. So IDK if it was luck on someone strolling by or if the player base figured out the common camp spots.

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Ace im not into insulting people over a keyboard and i did watch your vids and liked them ' date=' but with each added post u make u come off as crybaby . Iv had a small camp in the bounds of the map for maybe week+ now .


A price I pay for voicing my opinion, I suppose. A good 1+ months ago, we made a camp within the map and it lasted a good month too, but yeah.. Wouldn't recommend keeping good loot there is all. I made that same camp on a different server in the same spot and it took 2 days to get looted lol. So IDK if it was luck on someone strolling by or if the player base figured out the common camp spots.

Thats the whole point bro . I think your are missing the point of this mod .You should never feel safe , your camp isnt supposed to be a safe-heaven its just a couple of tents + cars at best its not a fort

and u should expect it to be raided at any given time just as death in this game will come at any given time . Iv played this mod for a long time as well and agree the camps are no longer safe as script kids run rampant almost on every server ( and thos are the obvious ones) and

can see every car on the map with a click . Just adapt dont be butthurt

try again maybe park the cars at one location and hold the tents in another , I dont know . My point is you are effectively ruining other peoples experience by hoarding stuff off map and if u cant see the wrong in that maybe stop playing??

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Well, just checked and my tent's still there so that's been a couple of weeks and not been found. My oppinion is don't leave anything in a tent that you're too attached to, accept that the chances are it'll get found some time.

Either way, tents seem to be so rare that I don't get how people are finding setting up entire camps so easy.

Also, gameplay wise, the opportunity to find camps with good loot in is a reason for exploring the map. It is especially attractive for lone wolf players as to be frank going any where near NW airfield, Stary mil.camp etc is an easy way to get killed.

Use your team, get your loot and set up your camps. Be happy that it now adds to the gameplay of other people rather than detracts from it. Personally I'm looking forward to maybe actually once, you know, just once finding a vehicle rather than 'knowing' in my heart that they are out of bounds where you would need a vehicle to find them. The vehicle side of the 'game' just hasn't been an option for so many players which isn't right IMO.

Now, about that effing barbed wire..... lol

and remember 'these happy Dayz are yours and mine, share them with me these happy dayz' :p

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Many argumets have been mad in this thread, but most of them are just stupid.

The most important point to adresse would be the definition of "off map". What is that suppose to mean? The edge of the map which will not allow u to enter or kill u. but that is not the case with the "border" of the map right now. So how is it off map then?! When i noticed one can easily move there, log in and off i thought that sucks, but when u finaly realise how small 255m² are, especially if ur in a group with 10+ ppl "off map" is exactly the space we needed to make sense of the tents at all!

What is the haters problem with ppl stashing gear "off map"? If u r looking for gear use the loot spots, thats where ppl get it from in the first place. Its not the "horders" (retarded term in that regard) who tae away somthing from the game, its the ppl who rather look for the fruits of other ppls work with the minimum danger. U want my guns, go for the on in my hands, but prolly u stashed ur balls "off game" in safe place near ur momies bedroom!

2nd issue would be the cars, but both arguments are not related. its one thing to restrict the parking ofvehicles "off map" and allowing tents to be placed there.

In this post ppl claimd to destroy lots of tets off map because there are not legit and therefore deserve to be destroyed, but then it is obviously possible to find them. Looking for camps off map is a differentkind of task, u cant hide, u need a lot of food, water and maybe fuel. it is rater an expedition then an impossible task.

it made ur day that many ppl losse the results of weeks of coordinated work and effort?! u must live a sad life then, my condolences.

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it made ur day that many ppl losse the results of weeks of coordinated work and effort?! u must live a sad life then' date=' my condolences.


Like i said before. Getting a group of people together and raiding Airfields isnt work or effort and it should not be commended as such or held in such high regard as you hold it. You know where the loot is going to be and in what quantities. If you were doing it all alone, then yeah, thats some dedication, a little pointless for one person, but dedication nonetheless. But doing it in a clan? with the assistance of vehicles? how can that possibly be interpreted as work or effort of any kind?

The creators of this mod have spoken, putting stuff outside the boundries of the map is not intended and they are acting to fix it now, there shouldnt be any argument/discussion at all here.

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Great news! I have no problem with people setting up tents off map if they can be bothered, but vehicles are very limited and it's no fun for smaller groups if they never get to see them or play with them. So it's a good thing that you can no longer stash vehicles off map (of course, resetting off-map vehicles kinda solves the off-map tent problem as well anyway).

I've been playing almost every day for a month and have literally never seen a repairable vehicle. I hope to see one soon.

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it made ur day that many ppl losse the results of weeks of coordinated work and effort?! u must live a sad life then' date=' my condolences.


Like i said before. Getting a group of people together and raiding Airfields isnt work or effort and it should not be commended as such or held in such high regard as you hold it. You know where the loot is going to be and in what quantities. If you were doing it all alone, then yeah, thats some dedication, a little pointless for one person, but dedication nonetheless. But doing it in a clan? with the assistance of vehicles? how can that possibly be interpreted as work or effort of any kind?

The creators of this mod have spoken, putting stuff outside the boundries of the map is not intended and they are acting to fix it now, there shouldnt be any argument/discussion at all here.

From ur statment i conclude u never played ina group and went to NWA. U think the loot is waiting there under a big christmastree for clanmembers?! All i hear is an jealous little child with no one to play with.

But the best part is actually "The creators of this mod have spoken,..., there shouldnt be any argument/discussion at all here." U sir, are a utter and complete moron! I dont like offensive language, but u r either grown up in north korea or plain stupid for so many reason that i cant be bothered to explain them all.

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Now you need to fix the spawns so the clans that are stacking can't just lock their servers to "TEST" until they recover all their precious vehicles...

Make them cry.

Really important. Been kicked by a server "restart" only to find the server locked with several guys from the same clan In it several times. after their hour or so "test" it's back to normal.

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it made ur day that many ppl losse the results of weeks of coordinated work and effort?! u must live a sad life then' date=' my condolences.


Like i said before. Getting a group of people together and raiding Airfields isnt work or effort and it should not be commended as such or held in such high regard as you hold it. You know where the loot is going to be and in what quantities. If you were doing it all alone, then yeah, thats some dedication, a little pointless for one person, but dedication nonetheless. But doing it in a clan? with the assistance of vehicles? how can that possibly be interpreted as work or effort of any kind?

The creators of this mod have spoken, putting stuff outside the boundries of the map is not intended and they are acting to fix it now, there shouldnt be any argument/discussion at all here.

From ur statment i conclude u never played ina group and went to NWA. U think the loot is waiting there under a big christmastree for clanmembers?! All i hear is an jealous little child with no one to play with.

But the best part is actually "The creators of this mod have spoken,..., there shouldnt be any argument/discussion at all here." U sir, are a utter and complete moron! I dont like offensive language, but u r either grown up in north korea or plain stupid for so many reason that i cant be bothered to explain them all.

I used to. Used to have all my gear stashed away in a tent in the middle of a forest. If i ever needed to a dangerous run id just drop all my valuable stuff into the tent and do it on foot with a makarov.

Got to the point where the game was devoid of any challenge at all, the threat of death had been completely removed, why should i care if i die? i can just run back to tent city and re arm. It wasnt too much effort to get everyone else online and do another run on the NWA to get back some more stuff.

The mod CREATORS have spoken, whether you like it or not they are creating the game, if they feel that putting gear outside of the boundaries has a negative effect on the game, then so be it. You really dont have a leg to stand on.

Also, your arguments would have more credibility if you would refrain from childish name calling and remain civil, right now it sounds like youre just getting irate because you might have to start getting gear the hard way again.


EDIT: saying 'sir' sounds silly when you preface it with text speak.

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I fully support this ellimination of out-of-bounds vehicle saving. Just one question though, to all those complaining about not being able to find a vehicle within the map boundaries: How hard are you looking?

Yesterday I went for a drive along the edge of the map, and found no less than three fully repaired vehicles in the forests WITHIN the map boundaries. Not every vehicle on the server is going to be saved out of bounds (unless you're on a server with helicopters enabled, in that case odds are one person controls every vehicle on the server)

Anyone complaining about not being able to find a vehicle is not looking in teh right places. Though I'd suggest anticipating a lot of vehicles to reappear in their default spawn points once everything outside the map is reset.

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Ace im not into insulting people over a keyboard and i did watch your vids and liked them ' date=' but with each added post u make u come off as crybaby . Iv had a small camp in the bounds of the map for maybe week+ now .


A price I pay for voicing my opinion, I suppose. A good 1+ months ago, we made a camp within the map and it lasted a good month too, but yeah.. Wouldn't recommend keeping good loot there is all. I made that same camp on a different server in the same spot and it took 2 days to get looted lol. So IDK if it was luck on someone strolling by or if the player base figured out the common camp spots.

Hilarious, just hilarious, seriously. You're SERIOUSLY talking about being an "experienced" player and then post a video showing you and your uber clanmates loot cycling. Wow, you really got me there. I'm truly thinking you and your clan are the best DayZ players out there. You really deserve all your stuff, since you really had the "luck" to find it. As shown in the vid.

And you're talking about your camp inside the map borders being able to stay untouched for about a month, but you're now hoarding (yes, hoarding, I don't care if you like this or not) your loot cycled shititems in the middle of debug nowhere. Wow, everyone in here should be impressed.

You know, the world in DayZ is not a safe one, try to deal with it.

experienced... pff. You're loot cycling and hiding your stuff off the map. Awesome skills detected.

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I fully support this ellimination of out-of-bounds vehicle saving. Just one question though' date=' to all those complaining about not being able to find a vehicle within the map boundaries: How hard are you looking?

Yesterday I went for a drive along the edge of the map, and found no less than three fully repaired vehicles in the forests WITHIN the map boundaries. Not every vehicle on the server is going to be saved out of bounds (unless you're on a server with helicopters enabled, in that case odds are one person controls every vehicle on the server)

Anyone complaining about not being able to find a vehicle is not looking in teh right places. Though I'd suggest anticipating a lot of vehicles to reappear in their default spawn points once everything outside the map is reset.


When you already have a vehicle, it's easy to find more vehicles. This is how clans are able to stash them. If you're on foot and on your own, it's much harder.

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All these crybabies can go suck their moms left tit.

Thank you dev team. Now just fix the disconnecters, who are probably the same people.

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First off, I've read every response so far and just have to say You guys that are PRO the off-map changes (I'm all for this change) need to ease up on Ace a little.

He's the only off-grid person that has had any credible input thus far. He's explained the reasoning behind it (For himself and his group) but at the same time is willing to lose it all and adapt.

To you Sir, the new challenge is just beginning. On grid camps are a real pain in the arse to maintain. But with a force that is 20+ strong, you rarely need a great deal in storage to be effective at what you do. Have your camps on grid, and store spare gear, such as ammo etc. Anything you don't want to lose, have on your person. With a 20 strong team, that's a lot of storage space that can be logged on / off. I also believe you're on the right lines with the whole camp/fortress thing when it comes to end game. I'm sure we'll see some end game base system come into play. Eventually.

Then we have the flip side of the coin, which in this case looks to be Juba and others.

You guys are just incredible to listen to. The responses are just so far and beyond insane, I hunger for the next replies. Don't try argue semantics about what's on map/off map. It is clearly visible.

Be more constructive. The barren wasteland would be a good addition to this incredibly small map as you see it. IF everyone had the opportunity to reach the same locations as you guys. Which, they don't. No matter what spin you put on it.

Hoarding is the perfect term too - you are stockpiling needless shite for NO reason. you don't actually NEED that 40th pair of NGV's. But you have them. (perhaps a little exaggerated ;) )

I don't care about the tents off map - they make absolutely no difference to me, as a DayZ player. The loot will respawn. However, when the same groups of people are taking the LIMITED amount of vehicles out in to the middle of nowhere, you are directly impacting on other peoples DayZ gaming experience. And no one should have that ability to remove an aspect of the game. I know shooting someone in the face and taking their bandage and flash light off them, is also directly impacting their game. But I'm not removing an element of the game which the literally may never have the chance to experience.

I'm in no way saying you didn't "work" for the vehicles you have stashed away. But it became exponentially easier after the first vehicle. Due to ease of getting around the map, as well as hauling the required parts.

I'm also not bashing the more "legit" off map camps. That don't dupe items. (if there are any at all) These are the people, which will just shut up whining, accept the change and adapt.

Yes is sucks HUGE BALLS that there are ESP hacks, and many scripts to find stuff throughout the map, so nothing is truly safe. But it was never truly safe out there anyway, as Ace said. It just reduced the gamble. the average Joe has to deal with these hacks on a daily basis, so must you.

My conclusion is, this will result in less death match style gameplay from the "unlimited kit's" out there. Now gear is actually going to mean a little more. Simply because the fact it is not nearly as safe to stockpile gear.

Of course you'll still get the deathmatch mentalists with nothing to lose in Cherno and Elektro. But once you've amassed your nice gear, do you really just want to run and gun towns down. Knowing that your tent may already be raped and pillaged and what you have on you, really is ALL you have?

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