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Ander (DayZ)

Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

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finally! that shit was always lame as hell. me and my mates never did that shit and glad no one will be able to do it either now.

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Just an idea I had but with the bear trap addition in the coming update players can now use them to place around their tents for safety. Adds another dynamic to the game. Not every tent you see is gonna be a free loot spot.

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great, our server isn't saving half of the tents/vehicles properly, so there's a 50% chance my vehicle will still be where I parked it when I drive it all the way back to my parking place (I never save them outside the map but had to pick up a friend today who does).

Also that time seems a bit off.......... we parked one car outside the map literally ten minutes before the server restarted, and when it restarted, it was gone.

I love that something's finally being done about this though. Maybe this shouldn't be done when half of the servers are losing hive connections every five minutes, causing vehicles/tents to not save at all.

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Is north map boundary out of bounds? I don't use tents for now, but I have hiked up there and there is a lot of forest up there. I wanted to make a camp but figured I'd wait until something like this was implemented. Does that forest become plains at some point, or is it forest forever?

It could be "uncharted territory" that still is fair, there are a few buildings up that way I know. If it becomes plains at some point that is a good cut off that leaves more expansive areas. If it is just forest probably leave it at the map edge. I like the idea of off the grid without being exploitive.

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I'll be honest, how do we know what is out of bounds and what is not? Our group vehicle disappeared earlier today, and the idea of theft seems unlikely. I don't mind the implementation of this, but I would to know where the lines are drawn, so something like this doesn't happen again.

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Nice work..moving forward :)

Dont hoard stuff off map, simple. Dont whine about the hackers, we all have to deal with them. hoarders or not, just because you have a heap of stuff stashed off map dont bring up the hacking as a reason why. Doesnt float. Protect your stash or lose it like the rest of us :)

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Im going to assume the big ass line where there is no flora is the edge of the map.

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That's just great! I also believe that this additon will lesser the PvP. What could be cooler than sniping in Electro? Of course smashing someones camp with all their duped Barrets and NVGs!

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If you have a GPS your map co-ords are there, you can clearly see what's "in bounds / out of bounds" When i ran off grid (went the wrong way from kamenka spawn. Derp) there was a very obvious "end" of the map. Road stopped, trees stopped. I'm guessing the same goes for the northern most point of the map also. I could be wrong, it would make sense that there was a little overspill of forest etc, just so it looks right.

If this is the case, then i see some real tears inc with legit players thinking they were safe.

Perhaps the devs could have a message for vehicles leaving the area. I'm not saying "DEATH IN X-SECONDS!" just a "You're now off grid" or something. Same goes for tent placement.

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To all of those that seemingly have no idea of the map edge..really ? Cmon...


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Ohh amazing. Finally people who want to hoard items have to protect their precious items instead of driving/flying 10 minutes to the chernarus version of al shakir desert.. This will be lots of fun. :>

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To all of those that seemingly have no idea of the map edge..really ? Cmon...

What do you mean "cmon"? Some of us have set up camps pretty deep into the wilderness and have yet to see a map boundary, how would I know that exists out there (besides, perhaps, checking the in-game map, but can't do so right now)?

But I'm glad to know my tents are safe.

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Since obviously most of you don't play the game as much as I do ( did waiting on replacement parts ) you had time to post on the forums.

So lets rant shall we? Since you will ignore my points anyways, why should I resist but spurt random information which isn't pertinent to the point.

Raise your pitch forks all you want, I'm happily loving my good gear and my back-up gear sitting in my tents.

So since I won't need to target anyone because you spend some much time on the forums I won't quote.

Here I go!

Ok so you scream foul at the players who put stuff outside the map.

To you sir I ask, How big is your group?

Because I play with about 20+, we have a hard time trusting each other as a matter a fact.

But you spend to much time on the forums to know that.

To you who say ESP is annoying but stashing vehicles off the map is bad.

Nuke why take all vehicles?

No, I've learned the hard way that vehicles aren't yours, they are assets which you use but eventually someone else will get it. We a group of 20+ have lost all our vehicles so many times, and BTW we play on 1 server which as well BTW isn't run by us. WHILE we're at it, does targeting the admins shame on you.


Stalk the server admin all you want he WON'T tip in our favor because that is LAME. When I realized how little the admins could do I stopped thinking about the things they can do to MINGE. If thats all your worried about then you are miss guided. Hackers can roam and do as they please, but admins need to spend time analyzing numbers to make 1 small ban that any tool can get past.

Admins are your friends, because really they spend so much time cleaning up DayZ. ( Ok mabe not all of them are nice but the admins I know spend more time cleaning their servers then playing. )


I'm actually against the idea of keys, cars are fine as is and I do not mind the out of map reset. Round of applause, now if someone steal our off-road we know a search party will be able to find it. Unlike before.

Everyone who is PRO keys are the minges you seek to destroy. All my gear is legit.

So why do you hate us big groups so much?

My group WAS planning to go to the coast and give out Aks and M16 in exchange for food just as a community thing. But no us big group, we BAD

because we are walking barracks. We're on 24/7, hardly on the forums because YEAH WE PLAY THE GAME, we do not forum monger.

Come kill us we do not care, we have good loot. Its to your advantage to find and attack big group as we can get good loot making it better for you to want to attack us.

Oh but heads up we aren't in cherno.

Oh but yeah F the big groups, they have so much fun not messing around in cherno, shame on them.

We have some much inter-group relations, we love having firefights with a new group, it excites us to see other groups basing here because it mean we got to watch our backs.BUT guess what!!!!!

You've never felt that because...


All day long you post on the forums, when ever I read posts to people in-game they lol at the stupid complaints made here. Its seriously where the hardcore DayZ players avoid.

Just because we spend a lot of time playing this game doesn't mean some hacker or random kids should be able to ruin our game because they are stuck in cherno and cry all day on the forums because they don't understand the fact that the game lie in groups, raids and stock piling.

Funny its like you all don't understand why I'm so upset?

Oh it because there is so much a hacker can do and so little an admin can do to stop them.

Battle eye sucks. And you know what?

I don't care. I'm going to play the game, but I won't cry like you kids about other people being better or having an advantage over you.

You still think this is about tents and out side the map? ha, your funny.

Hackers be damned.


NOTE: The onslaught to follow will be well worth the essay above

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To all of those that seemingly have no idea of the map edge..really ? Cmon...

What do you mean "cmon"? Some of us have set up camps pretty deep into the wilderness and have yet to see a map boundary' date=' how would I know that exists out there (besides, perhaps, checking the in-game map, but can't do so right now)?

But I'm glad to know my tents are safe.


Well i would say most people who have vehicles and tent stashes and have been playing the game for longer than a week have looked at quite a few maps and know where the edges are. You would know yourself how easy it is to pinpoint where you are by roads, ponds towns etc. Thus you would know when you are off map.

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All day long you post on the forums,

You know, there's that boring thing IRL that is called 'a job'. So while some of us at it, we're making posts on the forum and read others ones.

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WOW thanks!!! But it will be still hard to find the vehicles that are near the boundaries. But still better then nothing!

Could you please tell us if you are looking into fixing the disappearing bodies and the dead body sound ? Those are the most annoying and game breaking things. Especially the disappearing bodies with all their loot within seconds after the player dies. I dont want the ETA etc' date=' just say if you are consider it a problem and whether you thinking to fixing it some day ?


The bodies that disappear after you think you kill them are just people that managed to alt+f4 before they died. That, in my opinion, is the most game breaking issue. I don't really care if I hear some flies or whatever, but the alt+f4 thing is so obnoxious.

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WOW thanks!!! But it will be still hard to find the vehicles that are near the boundaries. But still better then nothing!

Could you please tell us if you are looking into fixing the disappearing bodies and the dead body sound ? Those are the most annoying and game breaking things. Especially the disappearing bodies with all their loot within seconds after the player dies. I dont want the ETA etc' date=' just say if you are consider it a problem and whether you thinking to fixing it some day ?


The bodies that disappear after you think you kill them are just people that managed to alt+f4 before they died. That, in my opinion, is the most game breaking issue. I don't really care if I hear some flies or whatever, but the alt+f4 thing is so obnoxious.

Not entirely accurate, I was killed by a bandit a few days ago and my body dissapeared instantly with no alt f4. I was waiting on the you are dead screen talking to my friends and they told me they couldn't see my body or loot it (they killed the bandit)

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